A Few Points that Show the Navy Yard Shooting was a False Flag

I was sitting drinking a cold one last night and started thinking about how this all went down. It makes no sense at all. These are some things that I think prove it is all a lie. There is a lot more to it, I could write down things that don’t make sense about this all day long. This one is definitely a false flag event.

1.      This guy spent four years in the navy reserves as a computer programmer. There is no way he was knowledgeable enough with an AR to shoot that many people from a distance. The Navy reserves don’t train that much with ARs. The Navy Reserves do some familiarization training and qualify in Basic Training. They are not by any means qualified at the level that this guy would have had to be to do the damage that he did. They say he shot down from high ground at a pretty good distance. If he actually did the shooting, he was trained by someone. It is very possible that some of the folks deployed from the Park Police Choppers did most of the shooting and this guy was already dead.  

2.      SWAT doesn’t deploy from a rescue basket one at a time like in the videos. There is no way they would deploy like that. The “Park Police” deployed men dressed in all black with full body armor to a roof top in a rescue basket, one at a time, then flew around and dropped another one. That does not happen ever. They either deploy as a unit or not at all. Are you telling me that SWAT in Washington DC has no helicopters to deploy SWAT Units by repelling? They have to hitch a ride on a park police rescue chopper? BS!

3.      Some of the shooters family was interviewed and they said that “they think he was “overseas” “they hadn’t seen him in a couple of years” The truth is he never deployed. So where was he during the missing time? DARPA?????

4.      Buddhists don’t commit mass shootings. They are way too peaceful. This guy had been hanging out at a Buddhist temple. Why? Was he aware that something wasn’t right and he was trying to get his head screwed back on right?

5.      Supposedly he had an AR, Shotgun and pistol. There is absolutely no way he walked in to a military installation with that much weaponry, especially a Navy installation that builds secret weapons and Naval Ships. They had to be pre-positioned inside. Who put them there? This guy had supposedly just got his security clearance last summer to work there. Also, how in the hell did someone who had been arrested for weapons charges twice get a security clearance? The answer is he couldn’t have. The badge was given to him by the guys in charge of this event.

This story is total BS. They are not even good at covering up their false flags anymore. They are now going to start the push to take away our scary black rifles again as well as our high capacity mags again. They are going to keep this up until the sheep of this country demand that they outlaw firearms, except for the cops and military.

59 thoughts on “A Few Points that Show the Navy Yard Shooting was a False Flag

  1. Now they are saying off record that he was hearing voices in his head. If I remember right, several other of these manchurian guys that DARPA got a hold of before their mass shootings claimed the same thing.
    It is getting interesting.

    1. I hear voices all the time, but I’m saving up all my mass shootings for when the SHTF.

      Also saving them for REAL targets.

      1. Aw man #1 remember the song that said that it is ” just my imagination running away with me ” I think that is how it goes 🙂 , Aw , you know me #1 🙂

  2. When things don’t make sense or when you are left with unanswered questions: 1. the story is a lie, 2. you are receiving only one side or portions of the story, 3. the story is spun (a combination of 1 & 2). Truth is logical, and in a free democracy, has no reason to lie.

    I remember when I first truly understood the implications of the FED. Suddenly, all those things that never mades sense fell together like missing pieces of a puzzle.

    1. sometimes it sucks having taken the Red Pill. You can never go back.
      Now they are saying that this guy was hearing voices. That is what all of the manchurian DARPA controled guys claimed.

      1. Agreed Bulldog. I sometimes feel that way myself. Its been hard for me to stay focused when so much this regime does is theatrics. Everything they touch has to be questioned. I feel like I live in an Alferd Hitchcock movie.

        Better to know the truth then to live a lie.

  3. the communist in the white house is going to sign some executive orders now. It is on people. Anything he signs related to this false flag will be illegal and I will not comply!

  4. There’s also at least two MSM outlets that had the story posted on Sunday, 9.15, one day BEFORE the incident happened.

    I ‘snipped’ and saved the screen shots, one is from the AP, another from some local news outlet.

    Here’s the original link to the latter, which still has the Sunday date.



    1. Who was in charge of security at the base?

    2. What do the security cameras show, or were they down for ‘repair’ or some other BS?

  5. odds on bet somebody else did most of the shooting. But your right, false flag as clear as Senator Lindsey Graham wears women’s clothes in his spare time.

    1. thanks alot, now I have that terrible image in my head! 🙂

      I believe that they always have their back up shooters in place in case the lead guy screws up or needs to be taken out.

    2. Good morning, Mark, and great to see you back on the board.
      Thanks for the Lindsey Graham picture. No breakfast for Henry this morning. LOL

  6. OK, gideon, I will bite. What base do you work at? I have been on numerous installations and bases in my many years on active dury. Some bases are more open now, Riley for example is one of them. I dont know why, but it is. Try going on Hood, see how far you will get without a sticker and ID. Also, brainiac, the installation at DC was not a typical base. They did more than just paperwork there.
    I didnt assume anything on his experience. I was active duty Army for a long time and a National Guard troop for several years. I know the level of experience that your typical guard soldiers has that is combat MOSed. I guaranty that a Navy reservist computer software geek wasnt highly trained in the workings of an AR/M-4.
    That platform is not extremely difficult, however, it does require repetitive training to be considered knowledgeable. Also, to be able to accuratley find and eliminate targets takes a bit of skill and training.
    Have a nice day

    1. Bulldog
      i don’t know who you are and your military exp
      Want to ck mine out you can
      Robert Beason drafted us army 1968
      In country Vietnam…..1969
      Combat Vet……US56639487 Drafted McCone Co. Mont. my home town Circle Montana 59215
      These automatic weapons are very simple to use….also if one can aim straight with any open site rifle…the same can be done with the open sites on these weapons…….It was the M-16 in Vietnam
      so don’t be giving the troops on this site B S

      1. RB,
        Not trying to BS anyone. Just speaking from experience. I dont doubt yours. I did 14 years active. Two tours in Iraq. Tank Commander in a div cav unit for 4ID. Bulldog22 was my callsign in Iraq. That is why I use Bulldog as my name here. I was just speaking to the fact that an AR platform has more things going on than your typical rifle and without some form of repetitive training a typical person cannot successfully operate it. I was also a weapons training/saftey NCO at all of our ranges.
        No disrespect intended towards you or your service. I like your posts here. The fight is with the commies running this country.

  7. Will we ever see the bullet ballistic supposedly from said AR-15? Why no video from a base that has hundreds of cameras installed? Why do friends of said shooter say the guy was as normal GMO grown apple? DO NOT COME ON HERE and spew your commie agenda on this site chief.

    You don’t like reading the other side of things that ALSO make sense then go back and stick your tongue down John McCain’s throat.

        1. You just have to use your imagination on the ghost comments, NC.

          (I’ve been hung out to dry on a few of those myself. Must be pretty entertaining to those who never saw the comments I was replying to) lol

    1. Hi REDHORSE-

      Sounds great, get with Henry for my personal e-mail. I could probably use your help through all of this.

      1. Good to have you back Mark 🙂 . Boy Mark, what a place to recover from your surgery. I can see it now you and REDHORSE hitting the casinos grinning ear to ear watching all those perty dancing girls. I know that with REDHORSE and all that that you will be back in tip top shap in no time at all :). Once again Mark, it is good to have ya back bro.

          1. Ya know what Mark, it takes a lot to put us tough old dogs like us down, and the reason why is because we are honest and we believe in what we do brother, and that imoho is why we all like us are still around – we are honest to the best of our ability 🙂

  8. What happened to the green fatigue shooter ON ROOF seen with rifle that disappeared? The third involved described wearing kaki and a BERETs hat was found and cleared. Since when do Navy personnel wear berets?

  9. False flag is right. Geeze, I have heard about maybe 3 or 4 completely different stories on main stream media about this.

  10. I had the misfortune to see some of the coverage while surfing last night. The insipid moron DC police chief Cathy Lanier almost fell over patting herself and her little piggies on the back for doing such a great job. She actually bragged about a 45 MINUTE response time! I had to run to the bathroom and throw up it was so sickening.

    I agree with you guys, total false flag.

  11. some body help me here.
    Is there some way of getting, say 50 people together, whom each would(and thats proably the problem) get 50 people thats 2500 individual…..s………and each send a separate email with the same message to each of the Joint Chiefs of Staff….assuming we could find a live, real email where the person actually received the message……
    OR Some variation of this?

    1. You’re assuming that even if there was a real email, that the Joint Chiefs of Staff would even actually take the time or even bother to read them. Not a chance.

        1. Remember: The only people who would work for these kinds of people will be those who don’t care either and want to move up the communist ladder. Otherwise, they wouldn’t get hired for the job.

          1. Are you saying NC
            They these commies…can not be kicked off their perch? They can be kicked off!
            your giving the “people who work for them” much more credit than they really are….
            The majority want employment and thats it…..i am saying, there are major cracks in this Dam in DC that can not be fixed with murder….Ideas?

  12. Just a thought on the many inconsistencies that permeate these theater or false flag operations. It is unlikely that they are due to sloppiness, but are in fact an integral part of the show. The unthinking will never notice them, or if they do, will happily buy any explanation such as ‘fog of war’. It is my guess that they seek to accomplish several things, the first of which is to supply ample fodder to keep the thinking people hopping down endless rabbit trails and debating amongst themselves about what really happened and who was behind it. This not only keeps thinking people occupied uselessly (as much of the evidence is false and contradictory), it helps to cast them as ‘crazy conspiracists’ to the casual observer. Secondly, they probably have at least two optional alibis set up in case something goes wrong with the first, thus the need for various evidence and crime scene stories, which eventually distill into the so-called ‘real story’.

    1. I failed to clarify myself….
      my question and asking for ideas had nothing to do with this latest shooting at this naval shipyard..
      The thought I have in mind would address….the broad…Syria….Obama..identity….and so forth…………It need not be lengthy or complicated….

  13. The Zionist f^cktards can’t even get their stories straight on the weapons used. MSM splices clips of bullsh!t together. I’m seeing pre-planned stories being put up. This whole mess has the earmarks of some “Wag the Dog” set up & a scripted play of the Boston Bombing goat-hump. I got this voice in my head saying “Bullsh!t”; another False Flag re-run.

    March on, Stoney Johnston, wherever you are.

  14. A lot of these shooters have have an extreme wide-eyed look, which is a sign of ritual abuse. RA is a technique honed by the nazis to make individuals become multiple personalities – one or more of which can be rather easily hypnotized and programmed to carry out just about anything, like shooting people for no reason. This pic of Alexis may show the same wide-eyed look but it’s harder to tell with him because of his overhanging eyebrows. But I’d bet a dollar he was programmed. As the article notes, where was he for a period of 2 years?

  15. Definitely a false flag, and I do not understand why none of my friends or family can see this. After losing a part of my life over realizing what is going on in this world, I have come to several conclusions: our government is downright crazy, mad scientists and all and – they want us off the land and they want us dead. It is the ultimate end game that we are facing

    1. “I do not understand why none of my friends or family can see this.”

      You can thank tv and fluoride for that, honeyc.

      And probably chemtrails too.

      1. Part of their indoctrination ya know #1. Any way it is past my bed time again hehehe lol so good night all and I do hope to see ya all tomorrow , good night :).

    2. A lot of folks are pre-conditioned as children to believe in lies. Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo…etc, etc.
      As a result, they grow up believing everything anybody tells them without question.

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