A full circle moment as Dr David Martin informed 16 members of the UK Parliament that Covid was a 56 year plan in the making which started in the UK when the Welcome Trust decided to use the corona virus as the ‘preferred form of human manipulation’.

3 thoughts on “A full circle moment as Dr David Martin informed 16 members of the UK Parliament that Covid was a 56 year plan in the making which started in the UK when the Welcome Trust decided to use the corona virus as the ‘preferred form of human manipulation’.

  1. “Covid” exists & vaccinations are the best way to deal with everything mmmmkay! It’s just those bad people who are trying control everything who are the problem! Don’t worry, we’ll sort them out in the end & put STRICTER MEASURES in place to keep you SAFE!!! Remember – we’re all in this together!

    1. Quite a while back I read that Martin is compromised. He has a tattoo of The Eye of Horus on his arm, and his logo on his personal site is the Masonic apron. Who knows the whole of it? On a side note, he often wears bow-ties. Can’t exactly say why that bothers me.


  2. And on a slightly more “conspiratorial” note please notice how many times the number 56 (5+6=11) appears in the headlines or the stories themselves. It has appeared as the main number in at least 2 stories just in the last few days along with the use of the word “pillars” in the story before this . When you throw in the 33 that’s also appeared in many stories again lately that’s a lot of freemasonic numerology & symbolism being throw around everywhere don’t you think? Or am I just a cra-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-zy coincidence theorist?!

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