Absolute chaos at Union Station after US Park Police moved in to prevent anti-Israel protesters from taking down a U.S. flag. Arrests have been made. Park Police withdrew after securing the US flag, the mob chased them.

One thought on “Absolute chaos at Union Station after US Park Police moved in to prevent anti-Israel protesters from taking down a U.S. flag. Arrests have been made. Park Police withdrew after securing the US flag, the mob chased them.

  1. More US flag-removing jews pretending to be pro-Palestinian? Now I’m definitely no flag-waver but you should ALWAYS question “protesters” who want to remove your own flag at protests. Does the flag represent the government or the people? Why aren’t they gunning for the Israeli flags & burning them? Why is it always the US flag? If it was the gold-fringed one I could kind of understand it but jews have been pulling this sh*t since the 60s (and probably before). Not to say ALL the protesters are jews but we know they get in the front lines & stir sh*t up to get the useful idiots riled (and then arrested while they slip out the back).

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