4 thoughts on ““Absolutely Insane” – Kurt Russell Blasts Gun Control Push -Attack On Second Amendment Fox & Friends

  1. Someone has to provide a dissenting view because the morons who watch TV have to be convinced they’re getting both sides of the story, or they’ll look elsewhere for their information.

    He’s taking a pro-gun stance, but he’s still pushing the terrorism myth, so he’s serving the propagandists’ goal while appearing to be supporting the Bill of Rights.

    1. can you elaborate on how he is pushing the terrorism myth. Not sure how but would like to understand how he is serving the propagandists’ goal. No insult intended, just trying to get educated.

  2. I find it sad that liberals want to punish all gun owners for the alleged actions of less than 1% of the population (way less than 1% im sure)
    My bet is , they wouldn’t feel the same if we were trying to take away their , (yes just their) 1st amendment right not everyones , just the libs
    but just think about how quiet it would be with out libs spewing their ignorance

    the reason i say just the libs 1st amendment is because they are singling out just us gun owners

    I’d love to see them fume at that for once, maybe it would get some of them to STFU

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