Afghan refugees headed to 46 states

Yahoo News – Axios

The Biden administration notified governors and mayors on Wednesday of the number of Afghan evacuees their state is expected to receive in the coming weeks, two senior administration officials told Axios.

Why it matters: Although their exact immigration pathway is still unclear, an initial group of 37,000 Afghans will soon be headed to states across the country after many faced harrowing journeys from Afghanistan.

  • Former Delaware Gov. Jack Markell (D), who President Biden appointed on Friday to oversee Afghan resettlement, made calls to state and local leaders notifying them on the number of Afghans to expect.
  • In conversations with nearly every state on Wednesday, not one official declined to take in Afghans, one senior administration official told Axios. “I have to say it was a very warm conversation with with state and local leaders.”

By the numbers: California is projected to receive the largest number of Afghans at 5,255. Next is Texas, at 4,481, according to State Department data obtained by Axios.

  • Hawaii, South Dakota, West Virginia and Wyoming are the only states not slated to receive anyone from the first group of evacuees, along with Washington, D.C.
  • AP first reported on the numbers.

The big picture: The 37,000 is just the first group of Afghans who will be making new homes in American communities. Because they are not coming through the usual refugee process, caring for this population has come with numerous legal and logistical hurdles for groups in charge of their resettlement.

  • Even the housing crunch has had an impact. The administration has been assured by refugee resettlement agencies that the evacuees in the initial group have places to live, an official said.
  • The administration is also looking at launching new resettlement sites in places that have more affordable housing and job opportunities.

Of note: The group of refugees includes some Afghans who helped the U.S. in Afghanistan and applied for the Special Immigrant Visa, but officials declined to provide the exact numbers.

  • More than half of Afghans who have been brought to the states helped the U.S. government or are related to someone who did — that includes both SIV applicants and those who did not apply to the program, an official said.
  • Thousands of others who do not have U.S. citizenship, green cards or Special Immigrant Visas will remain in shelters on military bases across the country, for now.
  • More evacuees are waiting in third countries. Flights from these countries to the U.S. have been suspended due to a handful of measles cases among recently-arrived Afghans, senior officials told reporters on Tuesday.

What to watch: The Biden administration is depending on Congress to unlock additional resources for Afghans brought to the U.S. on “parole.” The proposed legislation would also provide them an expedited path to a green card.

  • One senior administration official noted there has been strong bipartisan support for caring for Afghans, especially those who aided the U.S. While legislation is the priority, the administration has also explored potential back-up plans — including ways to expedite the asylum process for Afghans, the official confirmed.

See map here:

3 thoughts on “Afghan refugees headed to 46 states

  1. “37,000 Afghans will soon be headed to states across the country after many faced harrowing journeys from Afghanistan.“

    Bahahahahaha!!!! ROLMFAO!

    “Faced harrowing journeys”


    Yahoo writers, once again, buttering up their articles with any kind of elite rhetoric and following the elites propaganda 110% any way they can. I’ve never read a Yahoo article that got published otherwise. Hence why they got rid of their comment section.

  2. “Hawaii, South Dakota, West Virginia and Wyoming are the only states not slated to receive anyone from the first group of evacuees, along with Washington, D.C.”

    You want to know why they ain’t sending them here, to Hawaii….?

    Cause they stick out like sore thumbs……we have a few Islamist here and there too, but they keep a very low profile and pop up their slobbering heads playing victim from time to time, for one hate crime or another that most likely they played on themselves….and that’s always in Oahu….then they go back into their little burka hideaways… nothing like women being liberated…huh….but hey it’s their culture……….!

    My thoughts on these Afghanies is; these are being placed as pawns in the upcoming false flags being planned, initial or as back up scapegoats…. Just incase we the people don’t start shooting their asses soon enough for them, they’ll need to get the Martial Law Program (Troops in the streets) going…so, yeah…. hard to say… On the other hand….Man do we need to get this shit going and start eradicating the violators of our laws (All of them) …. very, very soon.

  3. “In conversations with nearly every state on Wednesday, not one official declined to take in Afghans, one senior administration official told Axios. “I have to say it was a very warm conversation with with state and local leaders.””

    Wow….every one of those officials have committed hardcore treason. Vaccinate them all and watch them fade away slowly.

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