After the whole world saw the horrific footage of children being massacred in Gaza, Netanyahu now says there were no dead civilians. “How many civilians were killed?” “Practically none”. US senators applauded this

2 thoughts on “After the whole world saw the horrific footage of children being massacred in Gaza, Netanyahu now says there were no dead civilians. “How many civilians were killed?” “Practically none”. US senators applauded this

    1. People believe magic to be some kind of hyper-realistic hocus pocus super-power kind of thing but in reality it is pretty much just words (sword). You use them to cast a “spell” & if you “spell” them right you can get the desired result.

      He already said right at the beginning of this whole genocide that anyone “helping” Hamas was an enemy combatant so of course they killed no “civilians”. They did however kill tons of “enemy combatants” but that wasn’t in the question now was it?

      Having said that, I tend to agree with you galen. I think more & more people are seeing through this BS as the days go on. That is also why I think we live in very dangerous times right now because the rats are being pushed ever closer to the corner. However, not dealing with a vermin infestation is not an option if you don’t want the farm to be overrun!

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