3 thoughts on “Alex Jones voices his support for transgenders

  1. Though many have known for many years, here he reveals himself as consummate traitor to humanity. And he spits at nature.

    Oh well, Arabs run Hollywood.


  2. Sorry, AJ, but when someone changes themselves of their own free will out of what God created, the only “god” that “works through” that person is Satan. Period. End of story! And who is paying you to push this abomination and apostacy??? Oh, and while the true God gives one a choice (to stay as God created, or to change themselves out of what God created), once they choose to opt out of what God created, they are stuck and cannot revert back to what God created–because with Satan, you DON’T HAVE A CHOICE! (which I state in my FREE PDF novel, “The Prodigal Band.” See ad at side.)

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