Alexis Lorenze was admitted to UCI Irvine Medical Hospital for a minor ailment, but now is fighting for her life after the hospital forced her into taking vaccines at once: Meningitis, Pneumonia, and DTAP in order to receive treatment. The hospital is allegedly now intentionally neglecting her, and gaslighting her visual and obvious vaccine injuries. There has been a call to action to help Alexis, and demand treatment from the hospital.

2 thoughts on “Alexis Lorenze was admitted to UCI Irvine Medical Hospital for a minor ailment, but now is fighting for her life after the hospital forced her into taking vaccines at once: Meningitis, Pneumonia, and DTAP in order to receive treatment. The hospital is allegedly now intentionally neglecting her, and gaslighting her visual and obvious vaccine injuries. There has been a call to action to help Alexis, and demand treatment from the hospital.

    1. But… but… that great philanthropist Bill just wants to help us with his disinfo-busting AI so that EVERYONE gets to benefit from their “lifesaving” magic needles!

      Realistically though how are so many supposedly sane people actually putting up with the pure in-your-face sh*t we are seeing everywhere today? How the hell are we not starting to tear these motherf*ckers limb from limb?!!! One can only hope (a word I actually hate) that when it starts it goes hardcore full bore until every single one of them everywhere from the UN, WEF & every single similar organisation to the royal families & corporate heads to every single POS lackie who scurries into a corner to hide is unceremoniously wiped from this plane of existence!

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