Alleged Witnesses to DC Navy Yard Shooting Caught Hysterically Laughing – ‘Crisis Actors’?

IntelliHub – by Cassius Methyl

So was the whole shooting staged, or were actors simply brought in?

The complex details are unknown, and can only be speculated upon until people actually go prove this, as citizens.

This event is like Sandy Hook in that way, as well.  

What could it possibly mean, when alleged witnesses to events like this Navy Yard shooting or the Sandy Hook massacre, laugh hysterically and act exactly like actors, completely uncharacteristic of a person who has just been scared for their lives, witnessing murder?

What does it mean, when literally almost every single alleged family member of a ‘sandy hook victim’ interviewed by mainstream media, laughs about the event, smiles, or pretends to cry yet sheds no tears at all?

What does it mean when these people speak with no emotion, 48 hours after the alleged death of one of their close family members?

Any sane person, or a person who wasn’t an actor, would be devastated.

They would likely be unable to be happy, unable to smile, surely unable to talk about their relative as if they died 10 years ago, and not 48 hours ago.

When literally 10+ alleged family members of ‘sandy hook victims’ behave this way, we have a very disturbing and suspicious situation on our hands, as the American People.

The alleged family members of sandy hook victims must have been actors, and here, it seems the same thing is happening. You might say that can’t be proven, but i promise, if you look at every one of these alleged family members being interviewed, you will be in utter shock, because they are not showing any signs of grief.

Now, it seems the first instances of fake witnesses are being observed here, in this DC Navy Yard shooting event. Barack Obama, as he did with Sandy Hook and every mass shooting he abuses to try to disarm the American People, gave a speech today. He hinted towards the notion of continuing to push for ‘gun control’, or the systematic destruction of the citizen’s 2nd Amendment rights, so the blood thirsty government can monopolize firearms to murder citizens easier.

So, look up ‘sandy hook actors’ on YouTube. Look up ‘Navy Yard Fake Witness’, or ‘Crisis Actors’ on YouTube, or anywhere on the internet.

Look it up, and you won’t just have to hear it from people.

Learn on your own, how these very convenient mass shootings fit directly into the agenda of the administration like puzzle pieces.

Learn why these events are happening, and why fake family members and witnesses always have to be interviewed.

Please share this article, and all of this important information, with absolutely as many people as possible. This is all too serious to laugh hysterically about.

Writer Bio:

CassiusCassius Methyl is a journalist writing for and a liberty activist who plays every instrument and vocals for an experimental metal-truth movement project called “Core of a Virus”. He is also starting a record/art label called ‘Irrelevant Paradigm Records & Media’. Find his music here, and his record label here.

For media inquires, interviews, questions or suggestions for this author, email: or telephone: (347) 759-6075.


2 thoughts on “Alleged Witnesses to DC Navy Yard Shooting Caught Hysterically Laughing – ‘Crisis Actors’?

  1. Of course they’re crisis actors.

    We’ve seen a pictures of an alleged DC shooting victim lying on a set corner. No blood or ambulance anywhere. No pictures or videos either. Just “authorities” telling us their always changing “official” BS story.

    It was pretty easy for them this time. There were no people around with cell phones to record the hoax, like at the Boston Fake Bombing.

    It looks like they’ve been staging these type of events for some time now. It’s actually to the point where you can’t be sure whether any event is real or staged.

    Just the way they want it.

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