Americans supporting Cliven Bundy

Sent to us by Merlin.

Published on Apr 25, 2014 by Derrick Grayson

When will we learn?

Published on Apr 24, 2014 by Kira Davis

Who cares? He could believe Bette Midler is the 12th Imam, it doesn’t change the fact that the government has sent SWAT teams to collect a tax bill from a free citizen.

3 thoughts on “Americans supporting Cliven Bundy

  1. “…it doesn’t change the fact that the government has sent SWAT teams to collect a tax bill from a free citizen.”

    That’s how ‘governments’ treat their ‘citizens’, and get away with it. Being they ARE good little ‘citizens’ (slaves), they acquiesce.

    Cliven Bundy is a true national. He will not bow down to their tyranny.

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