April 27th Project Blue Beam Test Goes Worldwide – False Flag Alien Invasion Next?

downloadBefore It’s News – by Live Free or Die

While Pope Francis will become the first pontiff to be seen globally in 3D on April 27th, talk of this event being conditioning to launch Project Blue Beam and a false-flag alien invasion run rampant. The outstanding new video below from ThreeBaruchs offers an excellent look at why this event will be used to launch Project Blue Beam via the psychological conditioning we’re watching unfold so soon after former President Bill Clinton shared with us his warped vision of attaining ‘world peace’.:  

Bill Clinton has a novel vision of how to attain world peace — an attack by villainous space aliens.

The former president said on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” Wednesday that an invasion by extraterrestrials might be the best way to unite the fractious countries of our war-wracked planet.

“It may be the only way to unite this increasingly divided world of ours … think about all the differences among people of Earth would seem small if we feel threatened by a space invader. That’s the whole theory of ‘Independence Day,’” he said, referring to the hit 1996 sci-fi disaster flick.

“Everybody gets together and makes nice.”


9 thoughts on “April 27th Project Blue Beam Test Goes Worldwide – False Flag Alien Invasion Next?

  1. Yes, let’s all have a “Battlefield Earth” scenario. Dumb down all Americans and have them be afraid of some ugly John Travolta/Forrest Whitaker aliens, who puts an actor with the name of Barry Pepper into a smart machine to make him smarter. Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll find any gold in Fort Knox this time as it has all been giving to China.

    If you want to think “Independence Day”, yes let’s all put our lives in the hands of a programmer who can figure out an alien language and code that somehow uses an operating system similar to ours, implant their computer with a virus and use their own spaceship which takes months or years of training just to learn the basics of flying it and fly it out to space and implant the mother ship with a nuke while getting out of there seconds before it explodes.

    Oh and I’m sure everyone who hates America will all of a sudden side with them and cede their control over to them in defeating them and after defeating them, we’ll all realize how stupid we have been and become a one world happy family overnight. 🙄

    Yea, tell me another one. I’m sorry but people around the world aren’t so naive and gullible anymore. I don’t know who’s scripts get dumber, Hollywood or the MSM and politicians. They’re probably scripted by the same Zionist people. It’s pathetic.

    1. If that doesn’t work, we can always call on Underdog with his “super energy pill”. “Here he comes to save the day!”

  2. As if ANY planet with the technology necessary to travel as they do would:

    A. Be as stupid as America and just attack whomever and whatever.

    B. Would have weapons technology SO SUPERIOR to us that any resistance would be absurd, so……

    That leaves a False Flag attack using Scalar, or something DARPA has developed that would be so new people would believe it was ‘alien’.

    Politicians must be so pleased to have such a nation of utter fools.

    1. If you have the time, Cathleen, this is a great video. I believe Chuck has it right.


      Some of the fake ‘alien’ ships will be real, but not all. That’s where Project Blue Beam comes into play – to give the illusion of tens or even hundreds of thousands of ships worldwide.

      It will be spectacular, I guarantee.

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