Armed standoff ends with arrest near Olene, Oregon

Yesterday evening, we received a report of 14 state police cars and a swat team moving south on Hwy 97, 40 miles north of Chiloquin.  This means some of these cops were called in from Bend which is at least 150 miles away from Olene….for one guy.

KOBI 5 – by Lyle Ahrens

Olene, Ore. — A 12 hour crime spree and standoff ended in Klamath County late Thursday night with the capture of a suspect near Olene.

Klamath County Sheriff Frank Skrah says 22 year old Silas Atchley of Chiloquin was arrested following an eight hour standoff…

“We took Silas Atchley, a career criminal, a thug, a person who preys on this town into custody.”

Police say that shortly after 10 A.M. Thursday, some men caught Atchley stealing guns from their Swan Lake home.

Skrah says shots were fired as the men chased after the suspect…

“The suspect shooting at the burglary victim – and the burglary victim returning fire for his own protection.”

Police say the suspect drove the stolen Bronco off the highway and then ran away.

Sheriff Skrah notes that all available officers, police dogs, and a helicopter were called in

“We taxed every element we had.  Everybody.”

About 3 hours into the search, Skrah adds that another burglary was reported…

“Where again, a homeowner comes home and finds the same suspect in his home – he flees, stealing the owner’s ATV.”

The suspect was tracked to a mobile home not far from the Olene Store, about 9 miles east of Klamath Falls.

S.W.A.T. teams from across the state were called in to assist…at least one ‘Bearcat’ armored vehicle was brought in.

Sheriff Frank Skrah says a police dog ultimately was the key to Atchley’s capture…

“He apparently had hidden underneath some tarps underneath the underskirting of the motor home.  And the fine work of Sergeant Lewis and his canine, ‘X’ – and I guess he didn’t want to get dogbit.”

Skrah says burglary reports are still coming in…

We’ve got five burglaries, three stolen motor vehicles.”

Skrah says Atchley has multiple cases pending in Klamath County Court…and now more charges will be added…

“This guy’s a crime wave.”  Stated Sheriff Skrah.  “He’s a detriment to this community.”

6 thoughts on “Armed standoff ends with arrest near Olene, Oregon

  1. Damn Henry, the cops sure do get some nice gear up there in the mountains. M-4s, Helos, SWAT, etc. At least they don’t have an MRAP. YET.
    Is the cop telling the truth on this guy?

  2. My question is if they used all these cops and S.W.A.T for one guy, and they always do no matter where it is, what would they use against a force of one or two hundred? What if a town or community decided that they have had enough of the cop’s crap and mount their own S.W.A.T teem? I foresee a major tp bill on the cops side.

  3. Good, this punk thief got caught.
    As how I see it is if someone wants to be a damned thief then at least he could go out and thieve/steal from a bank or some armed bank truck like say a brinks truck instead of stealing from people.
    Anyway thieves are thieves anyway ya look at it be it a bank or your neibors or what ever.
    I hate to say it but I am glad this punk got caught.
    I just cannot stand thieves or pedophiles or rapists.
    Actually I wish the home owners caught him instead of the cops but the bottom line is he got caught

  4. “Sheriff Skrah notes that all available officers, police dogs, and a helicopter were called in…

    “We taxed every element we had. Everybody.”

    Just as REDHORSE stated – ONE GUY!

    1. Ha, yes #1 and REDHORSE you are right, but ya know though that he very well could have been one of those terrorist ya know
      Ya never can tell now days about those terrorists. lol
      Just a little sarcasm there I hope ya know guys 😉

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