Army Officer Wants You Disarmed: “We Will Pry Your Gun from Your Cold, Dead Fingers”

cold-dead-handsSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Within the upper echelons of our military there still remain men and women who are committed to the fundamental laws of the land. But assuming that all members of our military will be there to support the Constitution of the United States when our nation needs them most would be a mistake.

Understand this: There are those within their ranks who would turn on their oaths and forcibly seize the very rights our Founders fought so hard to preserve without giving it a second thought.  

The following opinion piece, penned by Lt. Col. Robert Bateman, shows in stark detail exactly what we’re dealing with and argues in no uncertain terms that the American public must be disarmed in order for the United States to survive.

The ideas proposed by Lt. Col. Bateman in It’s Time to Talk About Guns and the Supreme Court are nothing short of shocking.

This is coming from an active military commander, and though not officially sanctioned by the administration, his work is obviously a propaganda piece designed to give the gun grabber initiative direct support from military leadership.

Guns are tools. I use these tools in my job. But like all tools one must be trained and educated in their use. Weapons are there for the “well regulated militia.” Their use, therefore, must be in defense of the nation. Shooting and killing somebody because they were not “upset enough” over the loss of a college football team should not be possible in our great nation. Which is why I am adding the following “Gun Plank” to the Bateman-Pierce platform. Here are some suggestions:

1. The only guns permitted will be the following:

  • a. Smoothbore or Rifled muzzle-loading blackpowder muskets. No 7-11 in history has ever been held up with one of these.
  • b. Double-barrel breech-loading shotguns. Hunting with these is valid.
  • c. Bolt-action rifles with a magazine capacity no greater than five rounds. Like I said, hunting is valid. But if you cannot bring down a defenseless deer in under five rounds, then you have no fking reason to be holding a killing tool in the first place.

2. We will pry your gun from your cold, dead, fingers. That is because I am willing to wait until you die, hopefully of natural causes. Guns, except for the three approved categories, cannot be inherited. When you die your weapons must be turned into the local police department, which will then destroy them. (Weapons of historical significance will be de-milled, but may be preserved.)

3. Police departments are no longer allowed to sell or auction weapons used in crimes after the cases have been closed. (That will piss off some cops, since they really need this money. But you know what they need more? Less violence and death. By continuing the process of weapon recirculation, they are only making their jobs — or the jobs of some other cops — harder.)

4. We will submit a new tax on ammunition. In the first two years it will be 400 percent of the current retail cost of that type of ammunition. (Exemptions for the ammo used by the approved weapons.) Thereafter it will increase by 20 percent per year.

5. We will initiate a nationwide “buy-back” program, effective immediately, with the payouts coming from the DoD budget. This buy-back program will start purchasing weapons at 200 percent of their face value the first year, 150 percent the second year, 100 percent the third year. Thereafter there will be a 10 year pause, at which point the guns can be sold to the government at 10 percent of their value for the next 50 years.

6. The major gun manufactures of the United States, less those who create weapons for the federal government and the armed forces, will be bought out by the United States of America, for our own damned good.

Excerpted from Esquire Magazine via Sipsey Street Irregulars

You won’t see the establishment media publishing arguments from top military leaders in support of the Second Amendment. Sadly, however, those who would take away our right to defend ourselves have been given a limitless platform to push their agenda to the masses.

Hundreds of thousands of services members, both active and retired, have put their lives on the line to uphold those rights which have made our nation great. There’s no doubt that they will do so again when the need arises.

But on the flip side of that coin are potentially hundreds of thousands of others who have no qualms about “just following orders.”

A report earlier this year from well connected philanthropist Dr. Jim Garrow claims that there is a new litmus test for military leadership:

I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks.

“The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not”.

Those who will not are being removed.

Obviously, Lt. Col. Robert Bateman passed the test with flying colors.

(Hattip SHTFplan contributor JustMe)

57 thoughts on “Army Officer Wants You Disarmed: “We Will Pry Your Gun from Your Cold, Dead Fingers”

  1. I’m guessing this guy passed the litmus test and is now serving Obama’s Goon Squad. Way to sell out your country for a Kenyan terrorist. Lt. Col. Bateman, you sir, are a traitor in the highest degree and shall be hanged for high treason along with the rest of your gun-grabbing buddies and will be facing the public as they watch your eyes fall out of your sockets. May God have mercy on your souls.

  2. “We will pry your gun from your cold, dead, fingers. That is because I am willing to wait until you die, hopefully of natural causes.”

    Wow…such an honorable soldier. He just loves the people of his country so much that he hopes they die of natural causes just so he can take their guns away. Does he expect to live forever, because by the time I die, he will most likely never reach 90 as Obamacare will have killed him at 70 and the rest of his police state buddies will have made him mentally retarded by then. Best regards!

      1. Bahahahaha!!! OMG! This guy keeps getting better and better. That explains why he doesn’t care if it is treason or the death threats. He hides in the UK.

        OMG, honestly, all of these guys are such complete and utter COWARDS!! They are like a bunch of children telling an adult, “Yea, well what are you going to do about it?” and when the adult comes forward, they immediately hide behind the legs of their parents and look between their legs saying, “Mommy, daddy protect me from the bad man who wants to hurt me. I didn’t do anything, I swear.”

        I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “We have children running our government” and it’s like their home base is not even in this country. It’s like our country is being controlled 3,000 miles away at a base from abroad in England (like King George). It’s literally the Revolutionary War all over again.

        Why are people putting up with this shit? He’s a Lt. Col. who is not even living in his own country that he is supposed to serve and protect. He’s a traitor of the highest degree!! The minute he steps foot on our land, he must be arrested, and hung up in public for all to see. Period!

  3. The only difference in the march on DC back then and today would be this time it would get burnt to the ground and there wouldn’t be an empty street light pole anywhere to be found.

  4. “We will pry your gun from your cold, dead, fingers. That is because I am willing to wait until you die, hopefully of natural causes. Guns, except for the three approved categories, cannot be inherited.”

    There is a very specific part of the Constitution that deals with this threat to liberty known as tyranny. Precisely why the Second Amendment was created and still remains one of the most important rights indispinsable to preserving librty & eliminating tyranny

  5. “This buy-back program will start purchasing weapons at 200 percent of their face value the first year,”

    wottafunnykunt, 200% of priceless will get expensive fast.

  6. Dear Col.
    Go put your mouth on an ass*()le.
    If I ever see your c*nty face in my reticle it will surely get a hole poked in it at about 1500fps. If you want to make it better stand next to the impostor in chief and i can two for one you. You are a disgrace to the skin you where printed on. See you down range…clink!

  7. Col. You are in violation of your oath and duty of the office you were to protect when you took the oath of the Military your a traitor

  8. “…penned by Lt. Col. Robert Bateman”. I’m wondering, is it really “BAITman”?

    Stay Alert, Stay Alive

  9. Lt. Col. Bateman is a self-admitted traitor to the USA and the American people. He no longer meets the requirements of the contract of the position he is currently occupying.

    It is time to fire him. Prosecute him.

    He has shown that he is actively working against our legitimate Constitutional Republic, the American people.

    More importantly he has shown just how stupid he is. He should be aware that since the overall murder rate dropped from 9.0 per 100,000 in 1994 to 4.7 in 2011. The overall number of estimated murder victims fell from 23,326 in 1994 to 14,612 in 2011. For estimated firearms-related murder victims, those numbers are 16,333 in 1994 and 9,903 in 2011.

    Those figures are more easily available to him then they are to us, so I have to believe that he is aware of them and is deliberately working to destroy our way of life which is treason.

    Lt. Col. Bateman is beyond being a domestic enemy of the United states of America, he is a TRAITOR of the highest degree. I am starting now to work to have him fired and prosecuted.

  10. I think it’s time for ” We the People” to start our own “knock out game”.
    on the ass clowns in our so called government.

  11. I have searched but can`t seem to find a photo of this traitor . Does he even exist at all ? Or is it because he isn`t man enough to expose himself to the backlash .

      1. Wow! You mean THAT old geezer is the one trying to take away our guns?

        BAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!! That’s like a 70 year old Steve Urkel trying to take away our guns. And someone made him a Lt. Col.? There’s no way a nerd like this guy would be moved up in the military rank without Obama’s and DHS’s help. He must have been one of the guys who replaced the other Lt. Col. officers who failed Obama’s infamous litmus test because they refused to shoot on American Nationals.

        Grandpa Simpson here needs to go back to his retirement home and pull the plug on himself.

        Besides, from the picture they show of him, his face is so red, you’d think he’d been drinking too much or had a problem with his insides. Even if he were to receive death threats in the future, I think the fear and stress will kill him before We the People ever do.

        1. Yea, I noticed that too. Doesn’t surprise me if they are housing the bastard in the UK. He fits their snobbish arrogance.

          1. Ran across this tidbit of info.

            LT COL, Robert J. Bateman

            Villanova University, BS Business Administration
            USDA Graduate School for Government Executives
            15 Years Federal Service with the United States Treasury Department
            9 years Front Line Law Enforcement Officer, Hampton, N.H. Police Department
            Founder and President, Alliance Marketing Associates, LLC
            Deputy Commander, 88th Brigade, NYG, Headquarters, New York City
            Chairman of the Board, Military Association of New York
            Past Prior, Priory of Saint King Charles the Martyr, SMOTJ, Washington, D.C.
            Deputy Grand Prior, SMOTJ, GPUSA
            Member, Army and Navy Club, Washington, D.C.


          2. Yikes, Angel, @10:06, your link to the Admiral Carey Foundation is a trip down the rabbit hole into the core of the rot of the nation.

  12. Thanks Angel , I try not to go to that site anymore ., but this traitor is just licking communist boots . Talks like a man w/ a paper asshole !!!

    1. “Fortunately for me, you do not get to define treason. The Founding Fathers did that in the Constitution.

      “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

      The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.”

      Maybe you should read it sometime.

      Bob Bateman”

      WOW! WOW! The arrogance on this guy is astounding. Oh yea, this guy deserves to hang bigtime. It’s guys like him who are perfect for DHS because they have the brain of egotistical maniac who basically cares for no one but himself and thinks he’s God’s gift to the world. Oh man, this guy needs to be hanged Bigtime!

      “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

      So taking away guns from We the People and giving them to Al-Qaeda and Eric Holder’s gang of gun smuggling criminals is NOT treasonous or “adhering to their enemies of the U.S.”?

      Man, this guy is truly living in a delusional world. And if he thinks that we can’t get more than one witness to testify against him after thousands of people read this, he’s definitely living in his own delusional world. I don’t even think this guy has any kind of soul or humanity in him, whatsoever. How he can live with himself is beyond me. How he is still alive after all of that is beyond me.

      And the thing that pisses me off the most is that he knows no one is going to do anything about it, so he just taunts people as though he is saying, “Yeah it may be treason, so what are you going to do about it? Hehe!”

      Hang the bastard for HIGH TREASON!!!!

      1. Treason; “… or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. ”

        He obviously does not understand that part of the description of treason.

        Adhering: To remain devoted to or be in support of something; To carry out a plan, scheme, or operation without deviation; a follower; supporter….”

        When he goes against the US Constitution he is adhering to our enemies. He is assisting them from the inside to destroy our nation. He is following their directives instead of the constitutional ones he is lawfully required to follow. He is assisting to carry out the plan , scheme to destroy our legitimate government.

        He, Lt. Col. Robert Bateman, his actions and words are the VERY DEFINITION of treason against the USA and her people.

        He lied, or he is very ignorant and needs to be sent a dictionary to define words so that he can understand their meaning.

        Definitions of Treason:
        Tucker’s Blackstone Vol. 1 Appendix Note B [Section 3] 1803 – “If in a limited government the public functionaries exceed the limits which the constitution prescribes to their powers, every such act is an act of usurpation in the government, and, as such, treason against the sovereignty of the people.”

        Bouvier’s Law Dictionary 1856- TREASON, crim. law. “This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance. 4 Bl. Com. 75.”

        Black’s Law 6th Edition – “A breach of allegiance to one’s government, usually committed through levying of war against such government or by giving aid or comfort to the enemy.”
        [Note: The word, “usually” above is obviously used due to the fact that the current interpretation being used in U.S. jurisprudence does not coincide with traditional definitions, it excludes other specie of treason such as “constructive treason”, traitorous conspiracies and insurrections meant to alter the established law, or to render it ineffectual.]

        United States v. Hoxie – 26 Fed. Cas. 397, no. 15,407 C.C.D.Vt. 1808: “Treason, not only holds a conspicuous, and generally the first place in every catalogue of crimes, but is almost universally punished with death. Government is so high a blessing, and its preservation and support are so essential to the welfare of every member of the body politic, that to attempt its subversion, has ever been regarded a most aggravated offense.”

        TRUAX v. CORRIGAN 257 U.S. 312 (1921) — “NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW”

        As far as the Second Amendment is concerned, may I point those of you who can read a book and not just text to Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr’s “DARE CALL IT TREASON”. It explains why going against the US Constitution, the second amendment IS treason, and he says it much better then I ever could.

        You can read part of it here: oath/wp-content/uploads/Dare-Call-It-Treason-21.pdf

        This is because “gun control”, rightly understood, constitutes nothing less than “Treason”, in the strict constitutional sense of “levying War against the United States”.

        “Gun control” is something of a legalistic neologism, the term with its present connotations having first appeared in a statute of the General Government only in 1968. The true significance of “gun control” is best comprehended by contrasting it with “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms” guaranteed by the Second Amendment, which right – along with its correlative duty – long predates the ratification of the Bill of Rights in 1791.

        To understand the purpose of “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms”, and therefore what the term “Arms” includes, though, requires understanding what “the Militia of the several States” are and what “a well regulated Militia” is. And that requires studying the pre-constitutional Militia Acts of the Colonies and then independent States from the mid-1600s to the late 1700s, out of which statutory record can be derived the constitutionally correct definition of “the Militia of the several States”, the constitutionally correct meaning of the power “to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia”, and the constitutionally correct substance of the phrases “a well regulated Militia” and “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms”.

        Way of summary: that pre-constitutional American: Militia laws aimed at a near-universality of armament among the able-bodied free adult male inhabitants of each Colony and State, either through those individuals’ own efforts to acquire arms in the free market or with the assistance of public institutions.

        In those days, had the term been current, “gun control” would have meant seeing to it that as many common Americans as possible possessed their very own firearms, ammunition, and related equipment at all times. Furthermore, because most individuals eligible for the Militia were as a practical matter required by law to acquire their firearms, ammunition, and related accoutrements in the free market, an inherent and inextricable goal of “gun control” in that era was to promote and secure average individuals’ unhindered access to a free market in arms – and not just any old arms, but instead arms suitable specifically for Militia service, which to a very large degree was military service, in no significant way distinguishable from that of the regular armed forces of the day. In addition, all of the members of the Militia were required to be as well trained in the use of their arms as circumstances permitted.

        When the Second Amendment mandates that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”, it refers to “the people” who are capable of forming the “well regulated Militia” which it declares to be “necessary to the security of a free State”, and to those “Arms” suitable for such Militia – which today include all able-bodied adult citizens eligible for the Militia, both male and female, and whatever “Arms” could be employed to fulfill whatever functions the Militia might be called upon to perform.

        The authority and responsibility of the Militia to “execute the Laws of the Union” points up that these “Arms” must include all such “Arms” as regular police forces and other law-enforcement agencies typically employ today. And the authority and responsibility of the Militia to “suppress Insurrections” calls for “Arms” that come within one or both of the two previous categories, depending upon the extent and severity of the Insurrections”.

        Moreover, the power and duty of Congress “to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia” explicitly emphasizes that Congress’s authority is to directly or indirectly, arm “the people” who constitute the Militia – that is, essentially all common Americans – not to disarm them or to prevent them from arming themselves with or without the assistance of the States in which they reside. For, self evidently, Congress’s power and duty “to provide for arming the Militia” cannot include a self-contradictory license “to provide for disarming the Militia”. And, just as obviously, no other powers of Congress – such as the powers “to lay and collect Taxes” and “to regulate Commerce”, the two legalistic props usually invoked for “gun control” – can interfere with, let alone negate, the power “to provide for arming the Militia”, because:
        (i) All constitutional powers are “of equal dignity” in all respects, such that none may ever be “enforced as to nullify or substantially impair [any] other”;
        (ii) The Militia are State governmental institutions – as the Constitution describes them, “the Militia of the several States” – not any form of Commerce”; and
        (iii) The General Government cannot impose a tax on any State, any State governmental institution, or the production, acquisition, possession, or use of any equipment necessary for the proper functioning thereof.

        Blackstone’s principle that “the highest civil crime… ought… to be the most precisely ascertained” the Constitution duly applied in its narrow definition of “Treason”: namely, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort”.

        This definition contains an important amendment of Blackstone’s teachings: namely, that, there being no King in America (and under the Constitution no possibility of enthroning one), the victims of “Treason” are “the United States” taken collectively, as the phrase “in levying War against them, or in adhering to their enemies” evidences.

        In keeping with Blackstone’s definition, as well as the common understanding at the time, “Treason” must always remain both in principle and practice a breach of allegiance to “the sovereign”. “In general, treason is the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance”. Significantly, allegiance is not owed to “the government of the state”, which is no more than an instrumentality of “the state”, but instead to “the state” herself. In America under the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, WE THE PEOPLE have rightfully asserted and retained for themselves the position of the sole sovereigns.

        Perforce of the Declaration, “the good People of the American Colonies”, and no one else, took upon themselves and exercised sovereignty by: “dissolving the political bands which had connected them with Great Britain; “assuming among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitled them”; and exercising their “Right… to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them… seemed most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness”. Then, as it’s Preamble recites, “WE THE PEOPLE of the United States… did ordain and establish the Constitution”, by themselves and under their own authority.

        Truthfully, he opened my eyes to lots of things I never considered before. I hope he does so to those of you who bother to read that book. It is well worth reading, and his reasoning why going against the US Constitution, against the Second Amendment IS treason is correct!

        1. “As far as the Second Amendment is concerned, may I point those of you who can read a book and not just text…”
          Just who do you think you are addressing on this site and who the Hell do you think you are to condescend?

          1. Cal is having a problem separating himself as a free American national from the government that is bound by oath to serve his will.
            When Lt. Col. Bateman cites the penalty for treason within the constitutional contract, that text only refers to treason against the authorities in the contract.
            We the people are apart from our servants. We are self governing and are the ultimate authority.
            The penalty for treason committed against we the people will be decided by a jury consisting of individual free American nationals and the only constraint as far as punishment to be administered is the prohibition on cruel and unusual punishments. As this insurgent government has openly killed American nationals using drones for the said punishment of sedition, they have declared their own death penalty by their own standard as lawful to them. Hence the hemp rope shall be the standard.
            Hope this clears it up for Cal.

          2. Thank you.

            But it is not that I have problems separating myself “from the government that is bound by oath…”, it is that I do believe in our constitutional republic, and that WE must hold the people who are committing criminal acts working to destroy our nation by ENFORCING constitutional laws that hold them accountable.

            It does take a lot of us to do so. I believe we must start by holding those accountable who took the oaths and agreed to the contract required of them by removing them from office by FIRING them. Then holding elections – with NO machines – to put in a replacement.

            We do that by reversing the teachings of the “progressives” over the last few decades within our public school system and educate those in positions requiring an oath by contract. NO, it will not, and is not, an easy thing to do. But there are many who actually believe that “We the people” “owe” allegiance to any US President, which we do not. The person who holds that office is a temp worker put into position to carry out specific duties. (Yes, it has many perks) But that is all that person is, not a “King”, Dictator” though they may want to be.

            Why do you think they misquote the US Constitution so much? The US Constitution IS our federal government, which is why all the LAWFULLY required oaths say that ALL – except US presidents, who are held to a much higher standard (Preserving, Protecting and Defending the US Constitution) – MUST support and defend the US Constitution! Not a single person, or group of people, but that document. If we let them say it is “no more”, if we let them misquote it to us, lie to us about what they are allowed to do, then they take over our nation without a fight. It is a DANGER to their unlawful shenanigans.

            If we are DEFENDING our legitimate government from domestic enemies and traitors – any defense we do is LAWFUL. Any other country or the UN “coming to assist” – the traitors within- our government is then ATTACKING the USA and her people. WE have the right to defend our nation, our legitimate government. WE have the right to demand the arrest, prosecution of those who have committed crimes. WE have the right to REMOVE by firing judges – state and federal – that have not kept their oaths and contract – no longer meeting the LAWFUL requirements of that position.

            Federalist #33, Hamilton additionally pointed out: “It will not, I presume, have escaped observation that it expressly confines this supremacy to laws made pursuant to the Constitution….”.

            Thomas McKean, Pennsylvania convention: “The meaning [of the Supremacy Clause] which appears to be plain and well expressed is simply this, that Congress have the power of making laws upon any subject over which the proposed plan gives them a jurisdiction, and that those laws, thus made in pursuance of the Constitution, shall be binding upon the states”.

            James Iredell, 1st North Carolina convention: “When Congress passes a law consistent with the Constitution, it is to be binding on the people. If Congress, under pretense of executing one power, should, in fact, usurp another, they will violate the Constitution.”

            How long do you think Obama’s “legal team” will stand by him when THEY are being held as accessories to First Degree Murder, treason against the USA, etc? How long will others within the federal – or state – governments stand quietly when it is THEM going to be prosecuted?

            How this goes down IS up to all of us. WE can start REQUIRING them to keep the oaths, or we can start firing those who did not, and PROSECUTE them (all who committed crimes).

            I am fighting for knowing OUR laws, our strengths, what we can demand, and what we can do.

            Our forefathers did not want the judicial branch to be able to be under any type of coercement from the other two branches, to be able to enforce the US Constitution as is their assigned duty. They put it in writing that the only way judges get to remain in the position they occupy is if they are using “Good Behaviour”.

            US Constitution, Article III. Section. 1: The judicial Power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.

            The judicial branch of the federal government is not in place to “interpret” the Constitution of the United States of America, but to decide if a law, bill, treaty, case is IN PURSUANCE THEREOF – they are to make sure that they are following the US Constitution.

            The US Constitution says in Article VI that it does NOT apply to any law created, it is only applicable to those laws that follow (are in Pursuance thereof) the US Constitution: “… This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

            The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

            It also says that anyone serving within the federal or state governments MUST support the US Constitution or no longer meet the qualifications of the position or office they are occupying when it says this about qualifying for office or public trust:

            “The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

            ALL justices – federal and state – MUST support the US Constitution and follow it or they no longer meet the contract, bound and verified by taking the Oath of Office, and would no longer lawfully be occupying the position they are serving in.

            The courts were NOT given the power to decide what Constitution means, to “interpret it. They were given the power and duty to decide if the case in question follows the US Constitution, if it is in Pursuance thereof it. The US Constitution defines the standard that all laws must meet, that they MUST be in Pursuance thereof it to be lawful here in the USA.

            That is what the judges must decide, is it in Pursuance thereof the US Constitution. If it is, then it is lawful. If it is not then it is NOT lawful and no one is bound by it. When they are performing that duty, then, and only then are they using “Good Behaviour” and keeping the contract that they are under.

            James Madison, Federalist 39, 250—53:

            “According to the provisions of most of the constitutions, again, as well as according to the most respectable and received opinions on the subject, the members of the judiciary department are to retain their offices by the firm tenure of good behaviour.”

            James Wilson, Pennsylvania Ratifying Convention:
            “The President of the United States is impeachable at any time during his continuance in office. The tenure by which the Judges are to hold their places, is, as it unquestionably ought to be, that of good behaviour. The tenure of the ministerial offices generally will be a subject of legal regulation, conformably to the reason of the case, and the example of the State Constitutions.”

            Tucker’s Blackstone, Volume I, Chapter 1 regarding how the Oath applies to the judiciary:

            “But here a very natural, and very material, question arises: how are these customs or maxims to be known, and by whom is their validity to be determined? The answer is, by the judges in the several courts of justice. They are the depositaries of the laws; the living oracles, who must decide in all cases of doubt, and who are bound by an oath to decide according to the supreme law of the land, the U.S. Constitution.
            Now this is a positive law, fixed and established by custom, which custom is evidenced by judicial decisions; and therefore can never be departed from by any modern judge without a breach of his oath and the law. For herein there is nothing repugnant to natural justice;…”

            The judicial branch of the federal government is not in place to “interpret” the Constitution of the United States of America, but to decide if a law, bill, treaty, case is IN PURSUANCE THEREOF – they are to make sure that they are following the US Constitution.

            Why is it important that “We the people” understand the difference between judges who use “Good Behaviour” in the courtrooms and those who do not? Because “WE the People” are the final arbitrators of the judges. WE decide if they are using “Good Behaviour”. WE are the ones that can FIRE them lawfully.

            So many believe only those in the government decides what happens and if they – in all three branches are good or bad. But here in America, the people are supposed to decide directly and indirectly through various means – though the last few decades it has been much ignored even in the courts. Many have also forgotten that the courts were to be an independent branch enforcing the US Constitution, under no type of coercion from either the executive or the legislative branches.

            The judicial was set to be totally separate from, and not under the power of, either the executive branch or the legislative branch. They were to be an independent branch that was taxed with the duty of making sure that the other two branches, plus the states, actions were “in Pursuance thereof” the US Constitution. They were to make sure that laws did not encroach on the people’s unalienable natural rights in any way. The courts were not given the power to make the decisions of guilt or innocence – that power is left with the people.

            Many have forgotten that the courts were set up to be directly under the influence of the people, as jurors. “We the People” are directly the decision-makers of the guilt or innocence of our neighbors, and of the laws presented to us as jurors. We are also the final decision makers on if judges are using “Good Behaviour” in the courtrooms or not, not the executive or legislative branches; nor is the judicial to decide it’s guilt or innocence itself. “We the people” are the final arbitrator of the decision if the judges within OUR courtrooms are using “Good Behaviour”.

            In the courtrooms as a jury, the people are the ones who lawfully decide a case brought against a person. More importantly they are to decide if the law is a good law or not as a jury. A sanctioned doctrine of trial proceedings wherein members of a jury disregard either the evidence presented and/or the instructions of the judge in order to reach a verdict based upon their own consciences. Basically the jurors are the judges of both law and fact. Jury nullification occurs when a jury returns a verdict of “Not Guilty” despite any belief that the defendant is guilty of the violation charged.  The jury nullifies a law that it believes is either a bad law.

            Once a jury returns with a verdict of “Not Guilty,” that verdict cannot be questioned by any court, plus the “double jeopardy” clause of the Constitution prohibits a retrial on the same charge.

            Early in US history, judges informed jurors of their nullification right. The first Chief Justice, John Jay, told jurors:
            “You have a right to take upon yourselves to judge both the facts and law.”
            And “The jury has the right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy.”

            Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Thomas Paine:
            “I consider [trial by jury] as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.”

            John Adams:
            “Representative government and trial by jury are the heart and lungs of liberty. Without them we have no other fortification against being ridden like horses, fleeced like sheep, worked like cattle, and fed and clothed like swine and hounds.”

            John Adams:
            “It is not only his [the juror’s] right, but his duty…to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgment, and conscience, though in direct opposition to the direction of the court.”

            “though in direct opposition to the direction of the court” is “We the people” deciding the court, prosecutors, lawmakers were all wrong. So why would anyone think that the final decisions over a judge using “Good Behaviour” would be left to anyone else?

            Samuel Chase:
            “The jury has the right to determine both the law and the facts.”

            Patrick Henry:
            “Why do we love this trial by jury? Because it prevents the hand of oppression from cutting you off…This gives me comfort, that, as long as I have existence, my neighbors will protect me.”

            Thomas Jefferson:
            “…To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions is a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men and not more so. They have with others the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps…and their power is more dangerous as they are in office for life and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruption of time and party, its members would become despots….”

            James Madison, Federalist 46, 315-23:
            “The Foederal and State Governments are in fact but different agents and trustees of the people, instituted with different powers, and designated for different purposes… They must be told that the ultimate authority, wherever the derivative may be found, resides in the people alone; and that it will not depend merely on the comparative ambition or address of the different governments, whether either, or which of them, will be able to enlarge its sphere of jurisdiction at the expence of the other. Truth no less than decency requires, that the event in every case, should be supposed to depend on the sentiments and sanction of their common constituents.”

          3. I apologize. You are correct, that was condescending.

            So many get upset with me because I bother to quote the laws, US Constitution, state Constitutions, sources, etc; that I make what I write too long to bother reading. But, at the same time, if I leave off my sources or what laws, etc I am getting my information from, then I am “speaking though my hat”, lying, etc.

            That is still NO EXCUSE for that comment. (… those of you who can read a book and not just text…”) here, as those types of comments happen much less here then elsewhere.

            I was / am wrong to say that. Accept my apologies please.

          4. “Treason: the crime of trying to overthrow your country’s government or of helping your country’s enemies during war.”


            Mr. Bateman, who I am not going to give the honor of addressing him by his rank anymore since he is a traitor to our country, has committed treason no matter how you look at it. Helping your country’s corrupt government (the enemy) instead of your countrymen during a time of war. That says it all for him. He’s just living in his own delusional world and being ignorant by thinking that he has the elite to protect him. All that protection won’t do him shit when We the People come to reign down on him and his elitist friends.

            He just dug his own grave.

          5. Cal,
            You just don’t get it. We are under international socialist foreign occupation. They know we know who they are. They have a standing army, consisting of DHS, TSA, NSA, FBI, CIA, ATF, USFS, USWS, state and local police, and they are telling us to shove our Constitution and Bill of Right up our ass. They have made it clear, via the Patriot Act and the NDAA of 2012 with Section 1021 and 1022, military arrest of and indefinite detention for united States nationals with no due process of the law, that they consider our Bill of Rights as null and void at their whim.
            Get it through your head. We are disenfranchised. We are civilly dead. We have no standing to present grievance. There is no one to enforce our law but us. All this law you want to talk about is completely irrelevant until these communists are removed. And they absolutely are not going to leave accept by force of arms. They are pathological maniacs and sadists of a degree that a decent man’s psyche cannot imagine. These are f#@king Bolsheviks and Marxists, National socialists, Fabian socialists, and Soviet socialists, all vying to see who can assert the most power through tyranny and become top communists. Everybody had better get ready to fight.

          6. If you are trained and being used by your CONSTITUTIONAL sheriff to ENFORCE constitutional laws within YOUR state, you are doing exactly what you are lawfully REQUIRED to do. Why is that?

            Because ALL (encompasses everyone) able-bodied people who are here in the USA lawfully ARE the militia. As the militia you MUST by constitutional LAW be trained in all weapons you might need to STOP an invading force or a domestic enemy force. ALL you do will be lawful in our nation, under OUR legitimate government. THAT is what you do NOT seem to understand.

            The US Constitution is NOT dead, it is not being ENFORCED. There is a huge difference between the two. Does it mean it will be easy? NO. But in our nation it will be LAWFUL, and it IS required.

            Is it going to be easy (easier) the way you and others have been saying? NO. Will it be lawful – that can be questionable – maybe. Is it wrong of me to fight for all to support and defend our legitimate government in the ways that it requires? Is it wrong for you to be trained in all the arms that might be needed for the arrests of those traitors, those domestic enemies?

            I cannot say I am sorry for fighting for this. Nor will I give up trying to convince others that this is the necessary path we must take. I believe we MUST uphold our legitimate government and be its enforcement and defending arm as is required by OUR laws:
            US Constitution, Article 1, Clause 15: “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and REPEL INVASIONS”.

            Who is the militia? Every able-bodied person over the age of 18. Who can enforce our laws, defend our nation and legitimate government? The militia’s of the several states are required to.

            Clause 16 makes clear that the ARMING OF THE MILITIA OF EACH STATE is a duty the congress is REQUIRED to carry out: “To provide for organizing, ARMING, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress”.

            But when the congress is a traitorous bunch, refusing to do their duty, we must find another way to arm ourselves ad the US Constitution requires of us, am I correct?

            Please let me know if I am misunderstanding the US Constitution and our constitutional laws, state laws. I may have been mistaken in my research.

          7. “It does take a lot of us to do so. I believe we must start by holding those accountable who took the oaths and agreed to the contract required of them by removing them from office by FIRING them.”

            SERIOUSLY??? FIRING THEM???

            This is your solution to dealing with ‘people’ (and I use the term loosely) who are responsible for the deaths of millions worldwide, who also want the majority of US dead?


            We hope it won’t put you out too much if we just HANG THE TRAITOROUS BAST@RDS.

            Got a problem with that, Cal?

          8. I have no problem with them being hung AFTER they are found guilty of treason by a judge using “Good Behaviour” as is required of them in a court of law.

          9. Cal, You say that the Constitution just isn’t being enforced. Enforced by whom? The communists occupy and control government from the town to the city to the county to the state and to the federal. They freely admit every day that they are operating outside of the Constitution. You are trying to make a positive out of a negative. It is not that the Constitution is just sitting there in limbo waiting to be enforced. Via the Patriot Act and the NDAA 2012 our Bill of Rights have been nullified. And this again they are openly telling us that they are not only doing it, but intend to infringe more. This government is infiltrated 100% from the meter maid to the president.
            Tell you what. Get out there in them courts with that law and let us know how it turns out for you. Send pictures. In the meanwhile, I think maybe the rest of us better get ready to fight this fight that is absolute and right in our face.

          10. “Via the Patriot Act and the NDAA 2012 our Bill of Rights have been nullified.”

            What makes you think that the “Patriot Act” or the NDAA is even lawful here?
            Do you follow them? Do you allow enforcement of them and NOT speak out against the unlawfulness of them?

            Are you pushing all those who are lawfully required to stand up for the US Constitution, like Judge Andrew Napolitano (who I like), and others like him, and ask why he / they have not pressed charges on criminal acts being committed by those in office? I do. I even list them. I even asked Ron Paul (who I know has voted for everything constitutionally because I checked while he was in government) why he did not start pressing charges. So far few answers are given, but then I am only one person. Thankfully more have started asking.

            What about your governor? Been asking any hard questions about why the “Patriot Act” and the NDAA has not been banned from your state? Why the governor is not keeping the oath of office – if isn’t? Why committing other crimes – if is – both criminal and civil? Why is not recalling the federal rep if not upholding the US Constitution and the state constitution like is REQUIRED to? Talked to any of your law enforcement about the US Constitution, laws that they are REQUIRED and bound by contract to keep? ETC

            I do, do it weekly. WE did get the NDAA banned here in one of the MOST corrupt states: Jerry Brown (D) signed a statewide ban on indefinite detentions into law … California governor signs law defying cooperation with NDAA.

            Yeah, I am sure I am on many lists, but any of us can be for any reason, so why not make it a good one like standing UP for our legitimate government?

            Those are all your choices and more.

            “Get out there in them courts with that law and let us know how it turns out for you.”

            It will take more then me to fire them. But I am trying. I would prefer to do as much that way as I can so that less people get murdered. I believe working within our law allows us to defend ourselves, allows us to remove them lawfully from office – yes, firing them for breaking the contract. – but it does take more.

            So why are you assuming that I am not prepared for them to kick my door down when I OPENLY am resisting them, spreading the word of what criminal and civil crimes have been committed, what we lawfully can do to remove them from office, etc? I write and call them with my information. What do you do?

            Why are you so willing to do anything EXCEPT enforce our legitimate government? The fight will come either way, correct? So why not do it in a lawful manner and let them bring it to us because we do not accept their lies, treason, etc anymore? What is better about “your” way?

        2. Maybe I can help Cal…or maybe
          The contract, which is the Constitution, has been broken. It was a contract between We the People and the Govt. We the People didn’t break the contract, the Gov’t did. And certain factions of Gov’t working within the People etc. etc.
          Anyways….the contract is broken. When the contract is broken, all the rules go right out the window. There aren’t any rules or laws except those which you make yourself.
          The Governments, both state and federal, make up the rules and laws as they go….We the People no longer have any say.
          The Gov’t broke the contract…threw out the rules…therefore We the People have no rules. Your going to see a whole lot of killing because of this.
          Better get ready for it.

          1. The killing has already started…every time you hear about police killing or shooting someone. They get a paid vacation.
            They have already fired the first shot, fired the first shot for decades.
            Ask Kelly Thomas….oh wait, you can’t, the cops beat him to death while he was screaming for his daddy to help him.

          2. ” It was a contract between We the People and the Govt. We the People didn’t break the contract, the Gov’t did. ”

            You are incorrect.

            The “government” did not break the contract, our government is the US Constitution, NOT the people who are put into position either by election or hiring, etc to carry out the duties assigned to whatever branch they are working in. It is those people that we must remove from office, charge with crimes, arrest or have arrested, prosecute.

            Our government is a Constitutional Republic. We do not have people that are the government, we have people who are put in to carry out specific duties defined either by the US Constitution or the state Constitution. Think of them as “temp” workers (elected reps) – they are not put into “rule” us; they are put into carry out duties that is assigned to the branch that they temporarily occupy.

            Do they want more power? Sure. Did we ignore the crimes committed over decades because it was “easier”? Yes. Did we put a stop immediately when they started militarizing the law enforcement agencies? No. When major events happened such as Kennedy’s assassination, his brother’s assassination, 9/11, wars with not cause or no lawful declaration of war, etc. yes, we did.

            This is OUR fault and now it is going to be rough to hold them accountable as we should have done ( or our parents should have done) much earlier. But this is OUR country, OUR legitimate government, and ONLY we can dump it lawfully. WE, and it, are under attack from within and without – domestic and foreign enemies. But make no mistake about what this is, what our government is, what is required of us because it was ignored.

            I never said it is going to be easy. Is it going to be any easier your way?

          3. If by ‘our’ way you mean violent revolution, then hell yes, it WILL be easier than ‘your’ way. The court system is totally corrupt, so to seek redress through that avenue is sheer stupidity.

            You still don’t get it, do you?

            “Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.”

            THIS is EXACTLY what we’re dealing with.(although they DO fear our guns) If you think you can deal with THIS type of mentality by quoting laws, statutes, the Bill of Rights etc., then good freakin’ luck, buddy.

            That’ll earn you a trip to Camp Fema, or a .40 cal to the back of the head.

            We have other plans.

          4. Cal…while I agree on paper that we live in a Constitutional Republic, the facts are completely the opposite.
            When our forefathers fought the Revolutionary war and won, the very factions they tried to expunge crept right back in…some would say they never left and I would have to agree.
            My friend, you can keep citing USC code til the cows come home…all your going to hear back is a bunch of crickets. That contract is broken. It was broken a long time ago.
            Seems to me you want everyone to adhere to the contract, when there is no contract. Any opponents you may face sure as hell won’t adhere to it. We the People are no longer obliged to follow the rules set forth in a broken contract.
            You seem to be under the delusion that there are rules…there aren’t anymore rules. Unless you choose to live as a slave. In which case, have all the rules you want, without your consent, nobody asked you, do as your told, pay the price and watch your family die.
            Meanwhile, there will be those of us that will fight and die for that thing we call FREEDOM.
            Freedom isn’t just some kind of ideology, or a slogan…slap it on a bumpersticker. When the IRS or the State takes somebody’s property that they already paid for….where I come from that’s called stealin.
            So you go ahead and keep citing USC code and then debating about the semantics of who, what, where, and why.
            When the gunsmoke clears…whoever is still standing will be right.

  13. The O-4s and above wont be doing any of the heavy lifting should push come to shove. It will be the lower enlisted, NCOs and junior officers. You can have all the careerist officers say they will fire on american people but when the grunts refuse orders all they will do is threaten UCMJ and stomp around having tantrums.

    1. Thats true Chris,..but you also have a bunch of brain-dead “eager-beaver” types in the enlisted ranks that want to climb the ladder who may or may not carry out that order…just whatever mood they are in at the time I suppose………..Its a “WILD CARD”

  14. Let’s see how many guns you can pry if we blow your freakin’ hands off before we hang you, you traitorous piece of filth.

    Don’t worry though. We’ll hang you before you bleed out.

  15. Cal,
    You ask what I have done? I did take this matter into the courts as a Constitution Ranger, united States Militia, and I satisfied myself and everyone around me to a moral certainty that if I or any other American national attempted to assert our rights through the corrupt legal system, we would be answered with force. I have had my bones broken and my blood spilled. I have served time as a political prisoner. So your holier than thou, “I need to act” bullshit, you can shove right up your tea party ass.
    As for your neo-con brother, Andrew Napolitano, it is only after a million infringements that he is starting to see a problem. And that is only because it threatens his national socialist owners who are also vying for control of this country and the enslavement of its people. And that goes for the multi-million dollar Ron Paul too.
    So you can take your “Oh no, let’s preserve the status quo” back over to Infowars where you came from and you can tell your neo-con Zionist shill gurus Alex Jones, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Ted Nugent, and the rest that we American nationals will no longer suffer tyranny while they enjoy the good life which they think they can maintain through a con.
    And when this fight is over, everyone who contributed to the loss of life through putting forth false hopes and directing people to waste their time and resource on this phony fraudulent “the state is not corrupt and can save you” bullshit is going to have earned themselves, at minimum, a seat on a deportation barge. You cowardly mother f#@kers have been running the show through your lies and stupidity for far too long now. We will not be duped into one more fraudulent election so that you can better prepare yourself to escape and hide.
    In fact, we will now start a push for all American nationals to unregister for the fraudulent vote as we will make it clear that we will not acquiesce to fraud through participation.
    Do not bother posting any further comments as your new name on this site is spam.

    1. Hey Henry,
      Taking a day off from deer “waiting” and feel I must tell you to ignore all COWS(cals) on site and in the fields as they like sheep are just DUMB ASS FARM ANIMALS.That ought to put a smile on your frozen self as the weather shows frigid in your neck of the woods LOL Finally Caught your show from fri.and must say J Ds report was hands down one of his best and your assessment s were as usual a fkn bullseye. Got one hanging in my garage and I must cut and can another one as muzzle loading season starts at daylight and I hate a back log

    2. Thank You Henry 🙂 , I was going to jump in and rip him one and then I thought that with my temper I might loose it, make a ass out of myself, and I don`t want too get kicked off here for foul language and a bad, threatening attitude towards this guy cal. . This cal guy fell off his rocker one too many times I think too if ya know what I mean Henry.

      1. I tried 3 times as politely as I could with him…..’bout lost it with his ass last time….couldn’t converse with him any longer without getting myself banned…LOL!.anyway……
        Am surprised you didn’t ban his butt sooner….ahh but the way you did it in the end was Glorious!……shut him down and shut him up…..True Grit overrules pencil-neck geeks everyday!

        Ps. Henry I have been following you for a year and a half and must say I dont always agree 100% with you but you gain my respect more and more everyday friend!!

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