“As a Jew,” Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz Invokes Holocaust In Making Case For Bombing Syria

Holocau$t Jews want more killing to stop the bloodshed?

Information Clearinghouse – by Marc A. Caputo, Miami Herald

 U.S. Rep. and Democratic National Committee leader Debbie Wasserman Schultz today issued a statement that called on Congress to approve President Obama’s call for war.

Tonight, she kicked it up a notch in an interview on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, where she invoked the Holocaust. Wasserman Schultz noted that her Weston-to-Miami Beach District has one of the largest Holocaust-survivor populations in the nation.  

“As a Jew,” she said, “the concept of ‘never again’ has to mean something.” She also noted the “searing images” of children killed in what appears to have been a chemical-weapons strike

Indeed. But the concept of Bashar al-Assad as Hitler is something the Obama Administration and his supporters have to prove to a majority of the members of Congress.

And they haven’t done it yet.

Instead, backers for war in Syria simply say that classified U.S. intelligence stringly indicates Assad used chemical weapons. So what’s the evidence?

Well, we don’t have the right to see it. We have to trust the politicians and the bureaucrats. The White House’s unclassified case for war is here. But as our McClatchy DC bureau reports, the case is rife with inconsistencies and circumstantial evidence.

And Wasserman Schultz’s fellow Florida Democrat, Alan Grayson, indicated last week that this could be a mistake and that it’s “flatly false” for the Obama’s Administration to claim that Assad’s use of chemical weapons is “undeniable.”

WASHINGTON – Following a classified briefing on Sunday for Members of Congress on the actions of the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) released the following statement:

“After receiving this classified briefing and being briefed by the White House National Security staff late last week, there is no doubt that the Assad regime is using chemical weapons against its own people, including innocent children. As a leader in the world community, the United States cannot be silent and turn our back on such atrocities. I agree with Secretary Kerry’s statement that the campaign launched by the Assad regime against its own people is a moral obscenity that cannot go unanswered.

“If the Assad regime is willing to use these weapons on innocent civilians and children in his own country, we must consider that no neighboring country is safe, including Israel, Jordan and Turkey, all of which are strong and important allies of the United States in the region.

“It is my firm opinion that the use of limited military force is not only warranted, but necessary to send a resolute message to Bashar al-Assad that these types of atrocities cannot, and will not be tolerated by the United States.

“I know that many in this country are weary of war, but each military conflict is unique. Iraq was not Bosnia, and Libya was not Afghanistan. The evidence is clear to me that Syria violated a 100-year-old international norm against use of chemical weapons as a legitimate weapon of war. Accountability for this horrific violation should be certain and severe.

“The use of military force must be weighed carefully, and be held as a last resort. President Obama was right to seek Congressional approval of his proposal to hold Assad accountable. We will benefit from hearing one another’s insights as representatives of the American people. As Congress prepares to debate and vote on whether the Syrian regime’s heinous actions should be met with a limited use of American military force, I will voice my support and cast my “aye” vote reflecting my conscience and my belief as a mother, that at the very least, we must stand up to a tyrant murdering his nation’s children.”


30 thoughts on ““As a Jew,” Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz Invokes Holocaust In Making Case For Bombing Syria

  1. My Fellow Americans:

    This Zionist b*tch is right when says, “the concept of ‘never again’ has to mean something.”

    It means NEVER AGAIN should the USA (… or any country for that matter),.. let the zionist NAZI-Scumbags play us!!!!

    Never AGAIN should ANY US SOLDIER or MARINE have to fight THEIR wars of plunder!!!

    Never AGAIN should Zionist-Jew Dual-Citizens be allowed to sit in out congress!

    Never AGAIN should we fight THEIR Zionist wars!

    Never AGAIN should we listen, consider, act on, or even acknowledge their Zionist propaganda, instructions, requests or pleas!!!

    The moment these Zionist Jews start playing the Holo-Hoax* card,… its a sign of desperation on their part,…again,.. and EXPECT all of humanity to kill each other so they can then plunder the riches of nations.

    *NOTE: For readers that don’t realize the infamous “Holocaust” was a typical Jew gambit of playing the victim,.. please read the book, “A Greater Miracle Than The Lost Ten Tribes Discovered – The Dead 6 Million Uncovered” by Brian Alois Cleraubat. How is that a continent that only has an estimated 4.3 million Jews, was able to “suffer” the loss 6 million,and still have enough left over to infect the earth again? Ans: They can’t,.. it was a swindle to play the typical “I’m a victim” card.

    JD – US Marines – Enough already!

  2. We’ve heard the term “holocaust survivor” so many times that it’s become a contradiction in terms.
    After all, what kind of holocaust could it have been if so many survived?
    Want to discuss the really big, unembellished holocaust? look into the one that killed 30 million Russian Christians under Jewish Bolshevism.

    1. Hi Dave,

      WHAT!!!,.. Russian Christians murdered!!!! by Jews!!!! NO WAY MAN!!!

      Can’t be!,.. JUST CAN’T BE!!!!,….that would draw attention away from the Holo-Hoax!!! How in the world will Israel be able to play “the victim”,.. if we have REAL victims like Christians????

      Dave,…I do know,… we try not let conspiracy theories on this site,.. your starting to sound like one of them Tin-Foil-Hat Wearing Nut bags!

      Next you’ll be telling us that the Twin-Towers and Bldg 7 were NOT PERFECT examples of Controlled-Demolition!,… and how Bldg 7 (which was NOT hit by any plane and had no real damage) in NY fell on 9/11 because,.. ahhhh,.. well,.. because,.. uuhhhhh,.. hmmmm,… never mind.

      JD – US Marines – I actually once had some Zionist-Jew explain to me that the 2,000+ Architects and Engineers of AE911Truth, and a host of other experts, including demolition, didn’t know what they were talking about, because Arcitectual and Engineering Principles, as well as physics is really nothing more than,….. (drum roll please,……………..wait for it……)……. “OPINION”!…. (Ta-Daaaaaa!,… horns blaring!!),… I kid you not.

      1. Once I was handing out 9-11Truth flyers at ground zero, and a Hasidic Jew came up to me in a panic telling me that I shouldn’t question the official story, and that all Arabs were evil people that wanted to kill us all.
        This was back in 2002, or 2003, and at that time, no one had made the connection between 9-11 and Israel, so I ignored the old nut. Now I know why he was in a panic.
        Back then we were still blaming “the Bush regime”, but the old Jew knew better.

  3. “As a Jew”, you need to be booted out of this country if not hung by the neck for trying to subvert our government and constitution with your lies.

    1. THIS, a thousand times over.

      Screw the chosen-ites and their crappy little desert country. They have a country they can f*&king go there and stay there.

      5th column zionist scumbags.




    That’s what will happen if Barry Sotero and the Jew Secretary of State, John KOHN–Kerry’s real last name–start bombing Syria.

    Syria will defend itself by launching anti-ship missiles. As soon as one hits a US ship, all hell will break loose and we will have troops on the ground.

    And we’ll start bombing Iran, leading us to WWIII.

    I can’t really say what I want to in this spot about Israel, since a certain amount of decorum needs to be observed, but to hell with that racist, bigoted Apartheid State of Hate.

  5. NEVER AGAIN!! Remember the USS Liberty, the 34 US sailors killed and 170+ wounded, done by Israel, with the assistance of our government, as a false flag so we would nuke Egypt for our masters. NEVER AGAIN, NEVER FORGET the LIBERTY!!

  6. Never again..will we let a country run our government,
    Never again.. will we let a rogue country amass a nuclear weapons supply,
    Never again.. will we let a country slaughter people for their land,
    Never again.. will we send billions to support a country of hate.
    Never again.. will we let dual citizens into the U.S. Government,
    Never again.. will we listen to the lies that they spew,
    Never again .. will be tricked into going to war,
    To make sure all this above never ever again happens we must wage war on the 1%er’s then make israel a dust bowel by what ever means necessary.
    Israel and the zionist are to blame for most if not all the problems in the world today. We need to take back the wealth that has been robbed from the U.S. I don’t like the idea of wars but I am getting sick of these dirt bags screwing you, me and the world for their own agenda and gain. It is time to eradicate their thinking and games. It’s time to terminate the zionist clan before they wipe us out.

  7. OMG! What a joke. Why are we going back to the Holohoax? That was over half a century ago. If that’s the case, why don’t we just go back to the the time of the Roman Empire. I mean for cryin’ out loud. GET OVER IT!!!!!!! MOVE ON!!!


  8. Never again…..will I have to be enslaved by Zionist Jews.
    Never again…..will I have to pay usury to them.
    Never again…..will they control and manipulate our government or any government around the world.
    Never again…..will we be told how to live.
    Never again…..will shrink in fear to their puppets in law enforcement and government.

  9. What a sad excuse for a congresswoman! She is a treasonous snake. She should be tried for treason. If she loves Israel so much she should get on the next plane and go back over there.We do not need congresscritters like her. I can think of only one word for this , TREASON!! When did Syria sign chemical weapons ban treaty, answer never!!

  10. The lives of a few Jews is hardly worth the risk of starting a World War.
    The World does not owe Jews anything….not anything at all.
    Advice to Jews in America….before this tragic war starts that will no doubt lead to great American suffering……GET OUT. GET OUT NOW WHILE YOU STILL CAN. In the future you will not be wanted nor welcome in America.
    If you think America will not turn on you then you are making a grave mistake. When the American people find out how Jews have purchased influence and control over our government there is going to be a backlash like nothing you can imagine….Don’t think it couldn’t happen here.
    Already the American people are waking up to Israel and its criminal conduct and that awareness will overflow onto Jews in America.
    You have been warned.

  11. Criminy! How long are these AshkeNAZI pukes going to keep flogging THAT dead horse? That broken record would almost be laughable, were it not so despicable. Had Hitler actually killed six million ‘jews’ (so-called), and had that number included the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans and the like, I would hail him as one of the greatest benefactors mankind has ever seen.

    The AshkeNAZI b#tch actually isn’t half bad looking.

    She’d look a whole hell of a lot better with her neck in a noose, though.

    1. just look at the record.
      its out there, names places dates….not fabricated
      concerning this jewish………assult on the entire rest of mankind
      begin with the murder of the last russian Zar family…jewish trained in US sent to Russia….and did it
      Jews as a part of WW1 start
      Jews working to get WW2 going
      Jews implicated in some way murder ing JFK….he had refused them getting the Bomb
      jews attacking US Navy ship…killing many
      jews in some way did the World Trade Towers of NY….2000 never showed up for work that day in those towers….thats no accidetn
      Jews implicated in the (not real but fake, earth quake near Japan, and causing Fukusami nuclear disaster yet on going and for who knows how long) they may have used mini nucs to blow the reactors as the jews had just installed equipment there before the blows)
      THey have Damn sure b ought off congress for too long….except for Ron Paul…he couldn’t be bought….
      these people are beyond being peaceful coexisting types and must be taken care of for our own safety………make no mistake everyone.
      Make no mistake on that…..
      I am sorry to say that. I have been to war and it sucks……Violence though can not be tolerated …..we must protect ourselves and I believe the american spirit will become whole again and take care of this problem….
      You got to say it like it is
      They are despicable……a bunch bent on destroying themselves….
      And that will happen to them….

      1. Got into an argument with one of those big nosed (which he stuck into a conversation between myself and a friend of mine without being asked to) AshkeNAZI POS scumbags at Starbucks a short while ago, and it turned into a shouting match which nearly came to blows.

        He called me anti-semitic.

        I’m so devastated.

        1. NWO Hatr
          I have been called Anti-Semitic more times than I can count. I consider it a badge of honor.
          The term Anti-Semitic is incorrect anyway as Arabs are also Semitic. The proper term should be Anti-Zionist as Zionism is a curse on humanity.
          Americans must learn to not be intimidated when Jews try to intimidate them with such name calling. We must make being Anti-Zionist a noble label to be worn with honor.
          If Jews are offended so what. They do not have feelings like normal humans anyway……it isn’t as if they are real people.

          1. The devastated remark was pure sarcasm.

            The Palestinians have more claim to anti-semitism than those Satanic pukes.

          2. James as a voice here goes back a long way in personal experience. if I am correct he shared some of his experience in being a US member of the Military serving in Nam
            I do not believe he speaks from the heat of the moment………conversation.
            I thank him for giving his voice to we the readers on this web site.

          3. A little background on me…
            yea, I was in the Navy from 62 thru 70. Three Westpac cruises off Viet Nam.. Luckily my two carriers (Ticonderoga and Bon Homme Richard) didn’t have any really tragic events happen so I made it thru OK.
            About 68 or 69 I realized that the war was a sham…a lie. My brother who was Army in-country 69-70 reached the same conclusion.
            All wars are based on lies of one sort or another. Truth is the first victim in war.

          4. I lost one of my best friends to the Viet Nam war. He was a gunner on the Huey Cobras with the synchronized 50 cals. He came back without a scratch.

            He did, however die of an overdose 15 years later from the heroin habit he picked up over there.

            I did the only intelligent thing I could at the time, since I was of drafting age during that war. I simply never registered for the draft.

            I’ve never regretted that decision, especially in light of all that’s come out since then about the true reasons for the invasion of that sovereign country.

  12. It looks like we are going to have to round these people up and put them somewhere for their own safekeeping. Somewhere with a lot of barbed wire no doubt.

      1. I understand # 1
        your comment was in no way to be negative regarding James Richardson
        i think we all knew that
        certainly we understand that
        thank you #1

  13. #1 you were absolutely correct in not registering for the draft.
    an honest part of myself is this………….it can be checked by an fbi report or my local county ……McCone County Montana
    i had just graduated from the u of M, Missoula following the winter quarter of 1967,,,,,,,,,,,I wAS THEN 1a IN THE ARMY DRaft….no lottery at that time.
    I (sorry this fu c k ijg computer) then hand wrote my local draft board that I was going to canada to two……avoid the US Army draft and to attain a masters degree in mathimatics at MaGill University…The FBI came to my parents house in this tiny town and asked…”whats wrong with this young man”
    well, I went to canada, went through the legal forms but finally returned to be drafted because I was 23 and thought………..damn, can I not return my entire life…..You know what the nonsense part is? I was sent into the Army military Police……No shit…..that can be checked…….
    Into the Military Police after that…
    It’s a coincidence I think….nothing more.
    I have a couple juicy stories to tell though…
    Also true…
    The Mad Hatter is about
    for sure
    even today
    I could care less of the Mother

    F who knows this..
    it was said……..fu ck em all but nine, 6 pall bearers, two road guards and one to count cadence still true also..
    meaning just get me buried………

    1. rbeason, I actually went to Canada when I was 19. It wasn’t to avoid the draft (not registering took care of that problem) but to escape the police state that CA had turned into even back then. Long-haired hippy and all that you know.

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