“Now that the vaccination push is underway, they are trying to temper the mass paranoia and hatred that they have fomented for over a year with some hope and a vision of a post-crisis future. Governments are carefully relaxing restrictions, making sure we understand that if we don’t obey orders, wear our masks, get our vaccinations, and so on, they will crack down on us again without mercy. They want to ease us into the pathologized-totalitarian future gently, so that it feels like we are being liberated, returning to some semblance of normal life, albeit in a new, more terrifying, perpetually-virus-and-extremist-threatened world.”
— C.J. Hopkins
So true. And good to be aware of this false hope they sprinkle; it comes with their intentions of further enslaving us. Until they’re talkin’ Bill of Rights, they’re still holding onto their fake power and the idea that they’re in control. Beware of false hope.
We’ve been dealing with false hope since 1795, nothing but false hope, false promises, false everything…
Looking forward to a real promise, our Bill of Rights…