Attorney Calls PCP In Unarmed Man’s System Immaterial To Police-Involved Murder

The Daily Sheeple – by Ryan Bannister

Tulsa police officers who gunned down an unarmed man are now attempting to justify this cold-blooded murder by drawing attention to an “acute phencyclidine (PCP) intoxication,” found in the man’s system. Attorneys are saying that this is immaterial to the actions taken by Tulsa officers.

Terence Crutcher died on September 16. The medical examiner found the cause of death to be a gunshot wound to the chest. The death was ruled a homicide, and Officer Betty Jo Shelby was charged with first-degree murder.  

Now, Tulsa police are attempting to use the small amount of PCP shown in Crutcher’s system in a toxicology report as a means to justify Shelby’s murderous act.

The Crutcher family’s attorney, Frenchell Johnson, said that Shelby needs to be held accountable for her actions, and that the toxicology “does not change the most pertinent fact of this tragedy.”

“This presence of PCP is a distraction and utterly immaterial to the crucial issue, was Officer Shelby justified in using deadly force on an unarmed man who posed no threat to any officer or citizen?” Johnson said.

How can any amount of drugs in a person’s system justify his or her murder?

It seems that the police officers are once again using any means necessary to attempt to justify reckless and deadly use of a firearms on an unarmed person. This shows a callous disregard for human life. In Police State USA, this is just business as usual.

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Contributed by Ryan Banister of The Daily Sheeple.

The Daily Sheeple

One thought on “Attorney Calls PCP In Unarmed Man’s System Immaterial To Police-Involved Murder

  1. “The death was ruled a homicide, and Officer Betty Jo Shelby was charged with first-degree murder.”

    The female pigs are doing their utmost to rival their male pigs’ murder rates. I’ve seen a good number of b#tch pig killings recently.

    “How can any amount of drugs in a person’s system justify his or her murder?”

    It can’t, but since most all pigs are drug users of one kind or another (steroids being prevalent), we’ll use the same justification when it’s time to eliminate them.

    “He was acting high and out-of-control, so I had to smoke his pig @ss.”

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