Anti-Media – by SM Gibson

(ANTIWARWhile her speech today at the American Jewish Committee Global Forum included some vague criticism of ongoing Israeli settlement expansion, as usual that will have no impact on US policy, as National Security Adviser Susan Rice centered the speech on pledges of a record military aid package being agreed to soon.

The aid package, which Rice reiterated would be the “single largest military assistance package – with any country – in American history,” is expected to be between $37.5 and $40 billion over the next decade, which Rice said proved increasing aid to Israel isn’t a partisan issue in the US, but “an enduring American interest.”   Continue reading “US To Give Israel Largest Military Aid In History”

The Hill – by Sarah Ferris

House GOP leaders on Wednesday announced that they will begin restricting contentious amendments on spending bills, a move that critics say violates the party’s commitment to regular order.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) used most of a conference meeting Wednesday morning to outline the party’s new strategy to unjam the appropriations process. For remaining spending bills, all amendments will be approved by the House Rules Committee before the debate reaches the floor.   Continue reading “Ryan changes rules for spending bills”

My AJC – by Christian Boone and Craig Schneider

A call to 911 reporting gunshots that apparently never occurred led to the shooting of an innocent man early Wednesday morning in Stockbridge.

William Powell, 63, is in serious condition at Atlanta Medical Center after being shot by a Henry County police officer. According to the officers, Powell ignored orders to put down his handgun. One of the officers then fired at the homeowner, striking him in the neck.   Continue reading “GBI: Officers respond to wrong house, shoot homeowner”

ABC News

Two Palestinian gunmen opened fire in central Tel Aviv Wednesday night, killing three people and wounding at least five others, Israel police said.

Tel Aviv district police commander Moshe Edri said there was shooting in two locations close to the popular open-air Sharona market   Continue reading “Palestinian Gunmen Kill 3 in Tel Aviv, 5 Wounded”


A federal judge Tuesday agreed to stay his order that the Obama administration turn over immigration records of over 50,000 people and require Justice Department lawyers attend ethics courses.

In a one-page order, Judge Andrew Hanen of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas said he will hear a challenge to his controversial order on August 22.

Continue reading “Judge postpones order to turn over immigration records”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (AP) — The former aide to Hillary Clinton who set up her private email server confirmed in a court filing Tuesday that the Justice Department had granted him limited immunity from prosecution, but filed copies of the deal under seal and asked a judge to keep them out of public view.

The filing from Bryan Pagliano came in response to a judge’s directive to disclose details of the immunity agreement, which Pagliano said he entered into after cooperating in December with the Justice Department’s ongoing investigation into Clinton’s server.   Continue reading “Ex-Clinton staffer files immunity agreements under seal”

Sent to us by Kevin.

What a bunch of propaganda bullshit!  Be afraid, be very afraid of ISIS, who is funded and controlled by the US FedGov and Israel!  What horseshit!

See the pictures below that I took at Destin Church of Christ It’s a tractor trailer with a propaganda picture of “ISIS” getting ready to behead some actors in orange jumpsuits.   Continue reading “ISIS beheading photo on Semi trailer outside of a Church in Destin Florida”

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

There’s one thing that all gun grabbing politicians have in common. They are all quite adamant that they don’t want to take your guns. They’ll tell you over and over again that all they want is a few reasonable regulations. Every once in a blue moon they’ll let their guard down in front of an reporter, and reveal their true long-term intentions, but by and large they’re always trying to put a reassuring face on their gun grabbing agenda.

Obama for instance, has consistently claimed throughout his presidency that all he wants is a few “reasonable” restrictions, and that all he intends to do is keep guns out of the hands of “bad guys.” Whenever he talks about it however, you can read between the lines and find his ulterior motives.   Continue reading “No Fly No Buy: Obama’s Last Ditch Effort To Cripple The Second Amendment”

Sent to us by a reader.

Universal Free Press – by James Henry

Every day we are told that building a wall along the southern border is racist, that building a wall won’t work, that building a wall is xenophobic. We look around the world and see a myriad of border walls and fences doing exactly as they are intended, protecting national sovereignty. These borders separate countries of different religions, languages, cultures, and races. Most of these barriers are constructed by countries to protect their national sovereignty, to protect their citizens, and preserve their economies. Continue reading “Why Are US Tax Payers Funding Mexico’s Southern Wall”

Computer World – by Patrick Thibodeau

Two brothers were sentenced Friday to 87 months in prison for running an H-1B fraud scheme intended to create a low cost, on-demand workforce, federal law enforcement officials said.

Atul Nanda, 46, and his brother, Jiten “Jay” Nanda, 45, were each sentenced by Judge Barbara M. G. Lynn, the Chief U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Texas, to 7 years and two months in federal prison, according to U.S. Attorney John Parker. The brothers were recently convicted by a jury following a trial.   Continue reading “Judge sends two to prison for 7 years for H-1B fraud”

Sent to us by a reader.

440px-Muhammad_Ali_NYWTS“Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win…”
— Muhammad Ali

“If you even dream of beating me you’d better wake up and apologize.”
— Muhammad Ali

“I’m so mean, I make medicine sick.”
— Muhammad Ali

“How tall are you? So I can know in advance how far to step back when you fall down!”
— Muhammad Ali   Continue reading “Crazy, I’m havin’ tears – R.I.P. Ali”

The State – by Sammy Fretwell

COLUMBIA, SC Oil companies that want to lay pipelines through South Carolina will have to do so without seizing people’s land, according to legislation approved this week by state lawmakers.

Responding to concerns that surfaced over a pipeline project last year, the state House of Representatives voted 89-3 Wednesday night for the legislation that supporters say will protect property rights. The Senate, which already had voted for a version of the measure, signed off on the legislation Thursday and sent the bill to Gov. Nikki Haley’s desk.   Continue reading “Oil companies banned from seizing property for pipelines in South Carolina”

The Hill – by Julian Hattem

A federal judge has ordered the Obama administration to release new emails connected to Hillary Clinton before Democratic National Convention in July.

In an order late on Wednesday, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson told the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to hand over to the Republican National Committee (RNC) whatever records it could as part of an RNC’s open-records lawsuit on July 11.   Continue reading “Judge orders Obama administration to release new Clinton emails”

USA Today

FORT HOOD, Texas — At least five soldiers were killed Thursday at Fort Hood in Texas when their truck overturned in a creek, according to the Army.

Three soldiers’ bodies were recovered Thursday afternoon. Two more were found Thursday night. Four soldiers remained unaccounted for. Three other soldiers were rescued and taken to a local hospital where they were reported in stable condition.   Continue reading “5 Fort Hood soldiers dead, 4 missing after Army truck overturns in flooding”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Shocking scenes are occuring on the streets of San Jose as anti-Trump supporters are chased, punched, kicked, and, as ABC News’ Tom Llamas reports “terrorized” as the local police “appears to have lost control.” Mobs of protestors, many carrying mexican flags, took over the streets ahead of a Trump rally branding tire irons and burning American flags.   Continue reading “Trump Supporters “Terrorized” In Massive San Jose Street Brawl As Police “Lose Control””

Washington Examiner – by Paul Beddard

Illegal immigration has exploded 57 percent in less than two years, with at least 550,000 new undocumented aliens pouring into America in a trend that is set to continue growing, according to new Census data.

In an analysis of the numbers, the Center for Immigration Studies found illegal and legal immigration have reached over 1.5 million a year, a new 15 year high, and a 39 percent increase over 2013.   Continue reading “Census: Illegal immigration up 57% to 550,000, one new Albuquerque A YEAR”

LA Times

A campus shooting at UCLA Wednesday morning left two men dead in a murder-suicide that sent thousands of students running for safety and barricading themselves in classrooms, authorities said.

LAPD Chief Charlie Beck confirmed that the shooter was one of the two men killed in a small office in a building in the campus’ engineering complex.

”The campus is now safe,” Beck told reporters in a news conference shortly after noon.   Continue reading “Two dead in murder-suicide at UCLA; LAPD says ‘campus is now safe’”