Town Hall – by Matt Vespa

Folks, I’m not joking with this one. Lowell, Massachusetts is going to require gun permit applicants to write an essay to explain why they’re exercising their Second Amendment rights. If a federal judge struck down California’s 10-day waiting period for gun owners as an unconstitutional infringement on their civil rights, then this essay portion should surely be struck down (via Lowell Sun):   Continue reading “Massachusetts Town Subjects Gun Permit Applicants To An Essay Portion”

Oregon Live – by Les Zaitz

UPDATE: Sheriff Glenn Palmer said in an email his meetings with militants didn’t include Ammon Bundy, leader of the occupation.

BURNS – Leaders of the armed protesters holding the national bird sanctuary on Tuesday plan to push their anti-government agenda in Grant County, whose sheriff recommends the government give in to two of their key demands.   Continue reading “Grant County sheriff urges release of Hammonds”

ABC News

In the spring of 2014, as a team of experts was examining what ailed the U.S. nuclear force, the Air Force withheld from them the fact that it was simultaneously investigating damage to a nuclear-armed missile in its launch silo caused by three airmen.

The Air Force on Friday gave The Associated Press the first substantive description of the accident after being questioned about it by the AP for more than a year.   Continue reading “Air Force Withheld Nuclear Mishap From Pentagon Review Team”

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The New American – by Alex Newman

Parents, beware — Big Brother is coming for your kids. Buried deep inside the mammoth “bipartisan” so-called “education” legislation approved last month, dubbed the “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA), is a radical expansion of what the statute refers to as “full-service community schools.” The controversial institutions, more accurately described as parental replacement centers, seek to oversee every aspect of your child’s life, ranging from their “mental health” and “well being” to nutrition and even dentistry. You are in the crosshairs, too, as the Obama administration defines parents as “equal partners” in child rearing. And those are just some of the many unconstitutional provisions in the bill and beyond that aim to turn government schools into parents, and parents into pariahs.     Continue reading “Obama and GOP Unleash “Community Schools” to Replace Parents”

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Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill

“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.” John F. Kennedy, shortly before his assassination. broke the story last week, that Harney County, Oregon Commissioner Steve Grasty, who claims he is charging the militia $75,000 per day while they occupy the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, is an admitted Freemason.   Continue reading “Freemason ‘Judge’ Steve Grasty Changes All Public Town Hall Meetings To ‘Invitation Only,’ Bans Guns”

ABC News

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake knocked items off shelves and walls in south-central Alaska and jolted the nerves of residents in this earthquake prone region, but there were no immediate reports of injuries.

The earthquake struck about 1:30 a.m. Alaska time and was centered 53 miles west of Anchor Point and 160 miles southwest of Anchorage, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. In its initial report, the agency had classified the earthquake as a magnitude-7.1 event.   Continue reading “Federal Agency: Magnitude-6.8 Earthquake Hit Southern Alaska”

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Educate Yourself – by Ken Adachi

I posted a link on November 15 to Janet Phalen’s article describing the outrageous attempt to mandate vaccinations for any veteran who wishes to receive medical services from the Veterans Administration. I had expected this story to be front page news on alternative news web sites, but so far, I see relatively little reaction from the public, veterans especially, to bring pressure on congressmen to kill this bill in the House (hopefully while there is still time before the sellouts in the House rubber stamp it and send it to the Indonesian Usurper -which might occur in a matter of weeks). This bill is a blatant violation of a verteran’s right to decide (informed consent), and violates more than one provision of the 10 point Nuremberg code – which specifically prohibits any form of coersion or mandatory imposition for any type of medical treatment, including vaccinations, without the willing consent and voluntary desire of the patient.   Continue reading “Analysis and Overview of House Bill S.1203 Requiring Mandatory Immunization for All Veterans Receiving Medical Services”

Fox News

The giant snowstorm pummeling the East Coast caused 17 deaths Saturday and forced New York’s governor to issue a road travel ban and to halt suburban trains and some city subway lines.

Three people in New York City died while shoveling snow in different parts of town, NYPD Chief of Department James O’Neill said Saturday afternoon.   Continue reading “17 dead in northeast as NY gov imposes travel ban, mass transit shutdowns due to blizzard”

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Infowars – by Kit Daniels

Sen­ate Ma­jor­ity Lead­er Mitch Mc­Con­nell is attempting to fast track a “war powers” bill that will allow President Obama nearly unlimited power to deploy the military anywhere in the world for any length of time – including on U.S. soil.    Continue reading “Military Martial Law Bill Sneaked Through By Senate”

Daily Mail – by Sam Tonkin

The German government is unable to say where more than half of the one million asylum seekers allowed into the country have ended up, MailOnline can exclusively reveal.

Government statistics show that Germany registered 1.1million applications by the end of last year under its EASY system, which does not record much more than an applicant’s country of origin.     Continue reading “German government admits it cannot account for 600,000 of its 1.1million asylum seekers”

Grind TV – by Pete Thomas

The U.S. Marines this past weekend set up roadblocks on a popular San Diego County trail to deliver a message to mountain bikers that trespassing will not be tolerated on military property.

On Saturday and Sunday, Marines issued 50 tickets and confiscated 45 mountain bikes within the eastern boundary of Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, in the Scripps Ranch area.   Continue reading “U.S. Marines crack down on trespassers; confiscate 45 mountain bikes”

Yahoo News

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli officials say dozens of Jewish settlers have taken over a number of Palestinian buildings in the heart of the West Bank city of Hebron.

Police said about 100 settlers entered three “empty stores.”

Zeev Elkin, a pro-settler lawmaker from the ruling Likud party, said in a statement the settlers entered houses that were bought legally. He praised them for “expanding the Jewish presence” in the city.   Continue reading “Dozens of Jewish settlers take over buildings in West Bank”

Washington Post – by Andrew Rudalevige

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case assessing the legality of the immigration initiatives announced by President Obama in November 2014.

As you’ll recall, Obama proposed to make it easier for as many as 5.5 million people now living in the U.S. illegally to stay and to work. (There are about 11 million such people in all; these figures are from the 5th Circuit Court decision from November 2015.) Saying that he wanted to deport “felons, not families,” the president announced that he would expand his program of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and create another, larger one: Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA).   Continue reading “The Supreme Court asked four questions about Obama’s immigration initiative. The last one is key.”

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Breitbart – by Patrick Howley

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton once said that Wall Street did not cause the mortgage crisis that led to the financial collapse, and she also partly blamed poor people who took out mortgages that they could not afford.

Video of Clinton’s December 2007 speech at New York City’s NASDAQ stock market could provide fuel both for her left-wing opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and also for Republicans.   Continue reading “2007 Video: Hillary Clinton To Wall Street: Financial Crisis Is Not Your Fault, Home Buyers To Blame”

10th Amendment Center

Today, legislators in 16 states simultaneously announced the introduction of an array of bills to protect privacy.

In 1975, Sen. Frank Church warned that the U.S. surveillance state could eventually lead to “total tyranny.”   Continue reading “16 States Simultaneously Announce Efforts to Protect Privacy”

Just last week, Michigan went into a state of emergency after dozens of children were found to have elevated levels of lead in their blood.

The cause? Corroded water pipes were allowing lead and who knows what else into the drinking water since 2014!

This tragic story is still unfolding, but it’s just one example of many areas of the country that are struggling with the issue of poor water quality and dangerous contaminants. That’s why it’s essential to have a plan for reliable water filtration in case of an emergencies like these. Continue reading “Water Crisis in Michigan”

The Daily Caller – by Eric Owens

A newly-published report shows that almost 10 percent of America’s college graduates think Judge Judy is a U.S. Supreme Court justice.

Among other lowlights, the report shows that almost 60 percent of college grads have no idea how to amend the Constitution. Also, nearly half of the people who have earned bachelor’s degrees in this country don’t realize that U.S. senators serve six-year terms while members of the U.S. House of Representatives serve two-year terms.   Continue reading “Shock Poll: Almost 10% Of US College Grads Think JUDGE JUDY Is On The Supreme Court”

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Natural News – by Mike Adams

The cancer industry is a for-profit industry that relies on repeat business to keep padding its bottom line. David Bowie and Alan Rickman are just two of the industry’s latest victims, but there will sadly be millions more.   Continue reading “Alan Rickman, David Bowie both victims of a for-profit cancer industry that exploits humans for money (while suppressing natural cures)”

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Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill

The two brothers spearheading a campaign against the Oregon militia and occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge are two extreme left-wing statists who, not surprisingly, have a long history of being tied up with and working for the government in various capacities. In addition, both of their parents have a long history of being political operatives for the Democratic party.   Continue reading “Anti Militia Group Started By Sons of Clinton-Appointed Federal Judge”