A UPS driver gets into his truck to make downtown deliveries Wednesday, April 23, 2008, in Atlanta. UPS  Inc., the world's largest shipping carrier, said Wednesday its profit rose 7.5 percent in the first quarter, though it was affected by the weakening U.S. economy. (AP Photo/John Amis)Business Insider – by HAYLEY PETERSON

UPS is firing 250 Queens, N.Y., drivers for walking off the job during a 90-minute protest in February.

The company dismissed 20 of the workers after their shifts Monday and issued notices of termination to another 230 employees, notifying them that they will be fired once the company has trained their replacements, UPS spokesman Steve Gaut told Business Insider.   Continue reading “UPS Fires 250 Employees For Staging A 90-Minute Protest To Defend Co-Worker”

Tenth Amendment Center

SALT LAKE CITY, April 2, 2014 – On Monday, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert signed a bill which thwarts some of the effects of the growing surveillance state.

HB0128, which previously passed the state senate by a vote of 28-0 and the house by a vote of 71-2, makes any electronic data obtained by law enforcement without a warrant inadmissible in a criminal proceeding.   Continue reading “Banning Warrantless Data: Utah Governor Signs Privacy Bill into Law”

Brietbart – by AWR HAWKINS, Sept 17, 2013

It hasn’t always been the case that only MPs can carry firearms on U.S. military bases. A mere twenty years ago, “gun free zones” made their way to these facilities under the watch of President Bill Clinton.

According to a Washington Times editorial written days after the Nov. 5, 2009 attack on soldiers at Fort Hood, one of Clinton’s “first acts upon taking office… was to disarm U.S. soldiers on military bases.”   Continue reading “When did Military Bases become ‘Gun-Free Zones’?”

U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R), U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (2nd R), and U.S. Sen. Judd Gregg (3rd R) talk after meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama and a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators to discuss passing comprehensive energy and climate legislation in Washington, June 29, 2010. REUTERS/Larry DowningReuters – by TIMOTHY GARDNER

A U.S. government office has the power to approve exports of an abundant type of petroleum and help energy companies begin to partially bypass a 40-year ban on crude exports, according to a report released on Tuesday by Lisa Murkowski, the top Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

The ban on crude exports the government put in place after the Arab oil embargo of the 1970s includes a prohibition on exports of unprocessed condensate, a light petroleum that appears in oil reservoirs as a gas, but condenses to a liquid when it leaves the well.   Continue reading “Key senator says U.S. office can lift part of oil export ban”

Portland, Oregon – March 31, 2014 – A decision in the civil case against John Brennan, the man who disrobed in the April 17, 2012 protest of TSA’s passenger screenings, is expected this week. The Hon. George J. Jordan heard the civil case which includes a proposed $1,000 fine against Mr. Brennan.

The Hon. George J. Jordan, United States Coast Guard Administrative Law Judge heard the Transportation Screening Agency’s case against Mr. Brennan on May 14, 2013, for the protest that occurred in April, 2012.    Continue reading “TSA to Disrobe Legal Decision in Protester Case”

The Hill – by Timothy Cama

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) introduced a bill Tuesday to repeal the 1970s ban on exporting crude oil, a move he said would create jobs and provide an energy alternative for United States allies.

The prohibition was enacted in response to OPEC’s oil embargo, but the ban is now outdated, McCaul said.   Continue reading “House rep wants to lift ban on crude exports”

Yahoo News -by MARK SHERMAN

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court struck down limits Wednesday in federal law on the overall campaign contributions the biggest individual donors may make to candidates, political parties and political action committees.

The justices said in a 5-4 vote that Americans have a right to give the legal maximum to candidates for Congress and president, as well as to parties and PACs, without worrying that they will violate the law when they bump up against a limit on all contributions, set at $123,200 for 2013 and 2014. That includes a separate $48,600 cap on contributions to candidates.   Continue reading “High court voids overall contribution limits”

bill of rightsMisguided Children – by Matthew Peavy

While you were focused on the missing Airliner, there was a little case being heard in front of the Supreme Court called U.S. v. Castleman.  The case was a landmark win for the gun control left wing, but what no one realized, is that our Constitution no longer affords us “rights.”

No longer rights that are inviolate   Continue reading “The Bill of Rights has been Revoked!”

By Wm Grommen

After intensive consultation with his advisors, President Obama has decided to modify the formula used for calculating the Dow Jones Index. On January 1, 2015 the Dow Divisor will be changed to 30. The result of this change will be that the Dow Jones Index drops from the current 16532 points to about 85.8 points. The underlying value of the 30 component stocks of course remains unchanged. With this modification to the formula Obama aims to make the large Dow fluctuations of recent decennia a thing of the past, and hopes that this will bring stability to the stock market. Banks, major investors and pension funds welcome this change in the Dow Jones Index formula.   Continue reading “A Hoax or Not A Hoax, that’s the question”

Economy Watch

Russia’s foreign ministry has threatened to impede the operations of American diplomatic missions in the country, after U.S. bank JPMorgan Chase on Tuesday blocked a remittance from the Russian embassy in Kazakhstan to an insurance agency.

The Russian embassy had been due to transfer less than $5,000 to the Sogaz Insurance Group for regular services rendered, according to the Financial Times, but JPMorgan halted the transaction as Sogaz was part-owned by Bank Rossiya, one of the targets of US sanctions announced on March 20.   Continue reading “Russia Threatens Retaliation After JPMorgan Blocks Embassy Money Transfer”

Bob Harte demonstrates how he was forced to the floor as masked SWAT agents raided his home.  (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner) Police State USA

LEAWOOD, KS — An innocent family was terrorized by a paramilitary SWAT raid on their home that lasted 2.5 hours; yielding nothing.  It took the family 2 years and $25,000 to discover the real reason their house was targeted: discarded tea leaves in their garbage and the purchase of indoor gardening equipment.

‘You’re in the wrong house!’  

Robert and Adlynn Harte discovered how easily an innocent family can become the targets of state-sanctioned violence when a SWAT team showed up at their home looking for contraband.  The terrifying experience took place at 7:30 a.m. on April 20, 2012.   Continue reading “Family raided by SWAT because cops found discarded tea leaves in trash”


The Obama administration has conducted warrantless searches of Americans’ communications as part of the National Security Agency’s surveillance operations that target foreigners located outside of the U.S., the administration’s top intelligence official confirmed in a letter to Congress disclosed Tuesday.

These searches were authorized by a secret surveillance court in 2011, but it was unclear until Tuesday whether any such searches on Americans had been conducted.   Continue reading “US Confirms Warrantless Searches of Americans”

Palladium Maple LeafLiberty Gold and Silver

For the last few weeks, one of the lead stories in precious metals news has been the various lawsuits and international criminal investigations of the world banking cartel’s alleged gold market price fixing. However, several key stories regarding another important precious metal, namely palladium, have largely been pushed off the PM news radar.

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” This is certainly true in the case of palladium. Please see below the last two months palladium chart.   Continue reading “Geopolitical and Labor Crisis Set to Push Palladium Higher”