New York Times – by Stephanie Strom

The Department of Agriculture on Friday approved four Chinese poultry processors to begin shipping a limited amount of meat to the United States, a move that is likely to add to the debate over food imports.

Initially, the companies will be allowed to export only cooked poultry products from birds raised in the United States and Canada. But critics predicted that the government would eventually expand the rules, so that chickens and turkeys bred in China could end up in the American market.   Continue reading “Chinese Chicken Processors Are Cleared to Ship to U.S., Will Not Require Country-of-Origin Labeling”

Tech Dirt – by Glyn Moody

We’ve been reporting for several years about the extraordinary levels of secrecy surrounding the TPP negotiations, where little information was released about what was going on, and there were few opportunities for representatives of civic and other groups to meet with negotiators to present their point of view. More recently, there have been some indications that this lack of transparency is fueling increasing discontent among some of the participating nations.   Continue reading “Desperate To Sew Up TPP Negotiations At Any Cost, Politicians Agree All Future Meetings Will Be Completely Secret”

exxon, made, us, sick:, ann, jarrell, is, outraged,, and, shes, not, alone, Policy Mic – by Carly Pildis

Ann Jarrell, a 54-year-old software trainer, received an urgent phone call at work from her 23-year-old daughter, Jennifer, in March of this year.

“It smells terrible out here, Mom,” she said. “I don’t know what’s going on, but you need to get home.”

What was going on was that the Pegasus pipeline, which carried Alabasca heavy crude oil (tar sands) from Illinois to Texas, had ruptured en route and the Jarrell’s tiny town of Mayflower, Ark. had a river of oil flowing through its streets.   Continue reading “Exxon Made Us Sick: Ann Jarrell Is Outraged, and She’s Not Alone”

III Percent Patriots – by Kerodin

Our hostess in Alabama submitted the above picture of her EDC bag.  I have no idea what she has inside, nor would I discuss it if I did…but I bet dollars to donuts a Bad Guy won’t enjoy finding out…

Patriots across America are preparing for dark times ahead.  I hope you managed to get a bit of prep work in this weekend.  When the North American Liberty Games begin again at full-speed (most of us understand the starter pistol has already fired), there will be little time for OJT, there will be very few preps available, and even movement from one AO to another is likely to be very difficult, especially if you are moving with family and defensive capabilities.   Continue reading “There is no cavalry coming – John Wayne is dead…”

fluorideNatural News – by Mike Adams

Natural News can now reveal that the Syria chemical weapons narrative being pushed by the White House is an outlandish hoax.

To understand why, you have to start with the story published in The Independent entitled Revealed: Government let British company export nerve gas chemicals to Syria.   Continue reading “Syria’s ‘chemical weapons’ turn out to be sodium fluoride used in the U.S. water supply and sold at Wal-Mart”

Washington’s Blog

The American War Brief Is Extremely Weak

The White House released a 4-page document setting forth its case for use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government.

But as shown below, the case is extremely weak (government’s claim in quotes, followed by rebuttal evidence).   Continue reading “Point-By-Point Rebuttal of U.S. Case for War In Syria”

Reuters- by Steve Gutterman

Russia raised the alarm on Tuesday after detecting the launch of two ballistic “objects” in the Mediterranean Sea but Israel later said it had carried out a joint missile test with the United States.

There were no reports of missile strikes on Syria. Syrian state sources said the missiles had fallen harmlessly into the sea and there were no explosions in the capital Damascus, Russian news agencies reported.   Continue reading “Russia raises alarm over Israeli missile test in Mediterranean”

Russia's President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with Russian Parliament speakers at the Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow, Sept. 2, 2013. Voice of America

Russian President Vladimir Putin says he supports the idea of sending a delegation from the country’s parliament to Washington to urge members of the U.S. Congress not to support military intervention in Syria.

Valentina Matviyenko, who chairs the Federation Council, the Russian parliament’s upper chamber, outlined the proposal to send a parliamentary delegation to the U.S. on Monday during a meeting with Putin. The meeting also was attended by Sergei Naryshkin, the speaker of the State Duma, the lower parliamentary house.   Continue reading “Russia Wants to Talk to US Congress About Syria”

Aletho News

“The objectives should be … to ensure that Assad’s chemical weapons no longer threaten … our allies in the region”

The names of the “experts” seeking a “decisive response” against Syria:   Continue reading “America’s Israel Lobby Demands “Direct Military Strikes” Against Syria”

Zero Hedge -by Tyler Durden

Following President Obama’s decision to pass the blame buck to Congress (and its oh-so-great track record of making decisions), the Syrian Electronic Army has struck again. This time right at the heart of the matter – defacing the “” website. As The Independent reportsthe US Marines received a message calling for support from their “brothers, the Syrian army soldiers” – in the form of a web attack changing the homepage of the official Marines recruitment site to a page entitled ““Hacked by SEA.” The message also stated,“Obama is a traitor who wants to put your lives in danger to rescue al-Qaida insurgents,” which seems to fit with many of their perspectives as we have noted previously. Full text and screenshot below…   Continue reading “Syrian Electronic Army Hacks “”; Calls Them “Brothers” In Arms”

A Free Syrian Army fighter runs for cover during clashes with forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar Al-Assad beside the Canadian Hospital in Aleppo, August 31, 2013. REUTERS/Molhem BarakatReuters – by Oliver Holmes

Syria has asked the United Nations to prevent “any aggression” against Syria following a call over the weekend by U.S. President Barack Obama for punitive strikes against the Syrian military for last month’s chemical weapons attack.

Washington says more than 1,400 people, many of them children, were killed in the world’s worst use of chemical arms since Iraq’s Saddam Hussein gassed thousands of Kurds in 1988.   Continue reading “Syria asks the United Nations to stop U.S. strike”

Mahdi TrojanTech 2 – by Anujeet Majumdar

Anew surveillance progamme has now come to light that is far greater in size than NSA’s PRISM programme, according to the New York Times. Law enforcement officers, as part of a counter-narcotics programme, have routinely been able to access a huge AT&T database containing decades of American phone calls records for the past six years.   Continue reading “US drug agent-run surveillance programme surfaces, reportedly bigger than PRISM”

In Washington DC:

About 100 anti-war protesters and some 50 supporters of the Syrian opposition faced off outside the White House Saturday as President Barack Obama weighed a strike against the Damascus regime.

Police on horseback intervened to separate the two groups who for several minutes appeared on the verge of coming to blows.   Continue reading “Anti-War Protests Across the Country”

Washington’s Blog

The Obama administration tried to prevent UN inspections of the chemical attack. It failed, although the weapons inspectors were forced to leave a day early.

The real question is whether the U.S. will wait for the results of the tests, which could take weeks.

As can be seen below, the rockets used in the attacks are certainly non-standard, and much less sophisticated even then a Scud missile.   Continue reading “Actual Video of UN Weapons Inspectors Examining Syrian Chemical Weapon Rockets”


A “terrorist” staged an unsuccessful attack on a container ship passing through the Suez Canal on Saturday, in an attempt to disrupt the flow of ships through the waterway, the head of the Suez Canal Authority Mohab Memish said.

The Suez Canal is a key global shipping line which is secured by the armed forces.   Continue reading “Suez Canal Authority says attack attempted on container ship”

Russian President Vladimir Putin (RIA Novosti / Aleksey Nikolskyi)RT News

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared ‘utter nonsense’ the idea that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons on its own people and called on the US to present its supposed evidence to the UN Security Council.

Putin has further called the Western tactic a ‘provocation.’   Continue reading “Putin: US should present Syria evidence to Security Council”

Demonstrators, including former CIA intelligence officer Ray McGovern (2nd L), gather on the north side of the White House to protest any U.S. military action against Syria August 29, 2013 in Washington, DC.Examiner – by Gregory Patin

Yesterday, the White House released an intelligence report assessing “with high confidence” that chemical weapons were used in Syria on civilians by the Syrian government. There are serious doubts both within U.S. intelligence agencies and the international community as the whether this allegation is accurate.

It is fairly evident that some sort of nerve gas was released on August 21 in Ghouta, near Damascus. The real question is: Who released it? The U.S. claims it was fired by the Syrian government with rockets and artillery. Independent and foreign media outlets and the governments of other nations claim otherwise.   Continue reading “Doubts regarding who used chemical weapons in Syria”