Citizens for Immigration Law Enforcement

Despite the justification that advocacy groups are able to conjure up those who enter this country without proper authorization are breaking the law, plain and simple.  These ‘Illegal aliens’ are subject to deportation at any time. Their very presence is in direct violation of federal law.

Our laws also hold that even lawful permanent resident aliens (those with a “green card”) can be deported if they are convicted of certain crimes. These criminal alien residents can lose their permanent resident status and be deported just like the illegal aliens if the proper authorities only knew about them.   Continue reading “Reporting Illegal Aliens”

Rense – by Stephen Lendman

Mounting evidence suggests state-sponsored terrorism. Expect more later to confirm it. Cui bono matters most. Powerful interests benefit hugely. Ordinary people lose out.

War on terror 2.0 looms. Innocent people will suffer. Expect more repressive laws. Military spending will increase. Homeland security will be boosted. Fundamental freedoms will die. Full-blown tyranny may follow. It’s already a hair’s breath away.   Continue reading “Boston Black Ops: Manufacturing Terror”

21st Century Wire

Is this video real? Is this suspect Tamerlan in the video?

The following video below is a clip was just released via YouTube. We are told it is from a Brazilian television news channel covering the Boston Bomber suspect chase.

PHOTO: Suspect number one, older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev – is this the man in the video?   Continue reading “VIDEO: Bomber suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev appears to be alive, naked and handcuffed”

Ryan Dawson acquired the full CNN video, which I have seen; but, when I started circulating links to the YouTube version, the latter version was promptly REMOVED.

You should try to obtain a true and correct copy from CNN yourself.

I realize there are many Americans who may NOT understand the many reasons why a Habeas Corpus Petition is warranted; nevertheless, the older brother is plainly visible in this CNN video. And, if he died in custody, then his body has become one of several instances of “Best Evidence” –i.e. the evidence on a dead body is considered the Best Evidence for purposes of forensic examination and homicide / crime scene reconstruction.   Continue reading “Private Attorney General Requests Boston D.A. to Commence Habeas Corpus Proceedings for Tamerlan Tsarnaev”

Fox News

Blocked by Congress from expanding gun sale background checks, President Obama is turning to actions within his own power to keep people from buying a gun who are prohibited for mental health reasons.

Federal law bans certain mentally ill people from purchasing firearms, but not all states are providing data to stop the prohibited sales to the FBI’s background check system. A federal review last year found 17 states contributed fewer than 10 mental health records to the database, meaning many deemed by a judge to be a danger still could have access to guns.    Continue reading “Obama taking executive action on guns after Senate vote”

Governor ChristieNew Jersey 101.5 – by Kevin McArdle

Gov. Chris Christie unveiled gun control and violence prevention measures that are as comprehensive as they are ambitious.

Christie acknowledges there is no way to prevent all violence in our society, but he says it is the job of government to question, to scrutinize and to demand more in an attempt to address the problem.   Continue reading “Chris Christie Unveils Sweeping Gun Control Plans”

21st Century Wire – by Patrick Henningsen

Last night in Boston, following the apprehension of a 19 year old student suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, crowds poured on to the streets of Watertown and surrounding boroughs, celebrating what they believe was an end of their terrible ordeal which began on Monday.

In what looked more like an post-game celebration following a Boston Celtics NBA championship, or a Red Sox World Series victory  – major media reported the communal outpouring of national pride where resident could be seen with painted faces, brandishing American flags, and heard shouting “USA, USA”.   Continue reading “Why does Boston celebrate Martial Law with chants of ‘USA, USA’?”

431abbc92c0d820d2f0f6a706700f8c5.jpgFox News

OXFORD, Miss. –  The attorney for a man accused of mailing ricin-laced letters to the president and a senator says federal authorities have scant evidence linking her client to the crime.

Christi McCoy said after a court hearing Friday that the government has offered no evidence to prove her client, Paul Kevin Curtis, had possession of any ricin.   Continue reading “Attorney: Scant evidence linking Miss. man to ricin-laced letters sent to president, senator”

In this image released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on April 19, 2013, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19-years-old, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing is seen.Slate – by Emily Bazelon

When the law gets bent out of shape for him, it’s easier to bend out of shape of the rest of us.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will not hear his Miranda rights before the FBI questions him Friday night. He will have to remember on his own that he has a right to a lawyer, and that anything he says can be used against him in court, because the government won’t tell him. This is an extension of a rule the Justice Department wrote for the FBI—without the oversight of any court—called the “public safety exception.”   Continue reading “Why Should I Care That No One’s Reading Dzhokhar Tsarnaev His Miranda Rights?”

Victory Post – by Lucas Bowser

The Boston Bomber suspects’ mother is claiming that the FBI was in contact with her son. She claims in an interview with Russia Today that “they were controlling every step of him…” She says, “He was controlled by FBI for like, three, five years. They knew what my son was doing.” Their father is saying something similar. “Somebody clearly framed them. I don’t know who exactly framed them, but they did.”

Because the mainstream media outlets continue to treat questions concerning the possibility of false flag terrorism in the Boston Bombing as absurd, the alternative media is left with the job of investigating this angle. For those considering this possibility, the evidence of drills is key in determining if the attacks might have been carried out through the establishment bureaucracy. So how likely is it that there were drills being run at the Boston Marathon?   Continue reading “Was the Boston Bombing a “Dry-Run Disaster” Gone Live?”

Huffington Post – by Jack Mirkinson

Journalists had a series of tense clashes with police officers as they moved in on the suspect in the Boston bombing case. Police repeatedly told reporters that they risked jeopardizing the search for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the 19-year-old who is being sought by authorities. As law enforcement surrounded a house in Cambridge, MA, the tensions mounted even more.

CNN and “Today” put their feeds on a delay as the siege continued. CNN’s Jake Tapper said the network did not want to show anything that was “overly violent” or would compromise security.   Continue reading “Boston Police Clash With Reporters As Hunt For Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Continues”

Police officers search homes for the Boston Marathon bombing suspects in Watertown, Massachusetts April 19, 2013. (Reuters / Jessica Rinaldi)RT News

Massachusetts police are hunting for 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who they say was the second suspect in Monday’s Boston Marathon bombing. Tsarnaev’s older brother, Tamerlan, was killed in a shootout with police. The two suspects are of Chechen descent.

Boston police have ordered residents to remain at home, as officers search for Tsarnaev.   Continue reading “Boston manhunt: Search continues as residents remain on lockdown”

A new photo of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings.

NBC News – by Erin McClam

The suspects in the attack on the Boston Marathon — one killed, one on the loose — are brothers of Chechen origin, at least one a legal permanent resident of the United States, law enforcement officials told NBC News.

The suspect at large early Friday was identified as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, born in Kyrgyzstan, holding a Massachusetts driver’s license and living in the Boston suburb of Cambridge. He was the suspect in the white hat in surveillance photos from the marathon released by the FBI.   Continue reading “Suspects in marathon bombings are brothers”