Arizona Central – AP

WASHINGTON — A divided U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee approved a Democratic bill Tuesday expanding required federal background checks to nearly all gun purchases, giving President Barack Obama an early victory on curbing gun violence in a fight that still faces difficult odds.

The vote was 10-8, with all Democrats supporting the measure and every Republican opposing it. Continue reading “U.S. Senate panel OKs gun background-check bill”

International Man – by Nick G.

Dear fellow International Men and Women,

It has not been a good week for Switzerland, a country that has unfortunately seen its strong traditions of privacy and independence steadily chipped away.

Last week saw the criminal sentencing in the US of Bank Wegelin, Switzerland’s oldest bank, founded in 1741. The sentencing marks one of the final chapters of the bank’s 272 year history, which will have to shut down as a result of the case. Continue reading “A Bad Week for Switzerland – Weekly Update”

11 Things That The Obama Administration Is Doing To Promote More Illegal ImmigrationEnd of the American Dream – by Michael

Why does it seem like Barack Obama has been doing everything that he can to sabotage our border security and promote more illegal immigration?  The number one responsibility of the president of the United States is to defend our nation, and yet Obama stubbornly refuses to secure our borders.  In fact, he has been doing quite a bit to make it even easier for millions more drug runners, gang members and welfare parasites to enter our country illegally.  This is utter insanity.    Continue reading “11 Things That The Obama Administration Is Doing To Promote More Illegal Immigration”

truly blocked sun_zZen Gardner

There is a lot of clear evidence, documented science, as well as factually backed so-called theories and seeming speculation regarding the chemtrail program. It is horrifically monstrous and Orwellian at the least. No scientific explanation can possibly justify such an earth and life destroying program.

That’s the bottom line.   Continue reading “They Are Blocking The Sun, Period.”

Fox News

NEW YORK –  New York Police Department officers are patrolling inside private apartment buildings in a program known as Operation Clean Halls.

The program has been lauded by some residents who say they feel safer but vilified by others who say they’re being harassed at home. Many complain they’re illegally stopped and arrested.  Continue reading “NYPD program patrols inside private buildings; residents say they’re unfairly stopped”


In a vote of 37-0 (1 absent), the Michigan Senate joined the growing list of of states and municipalities throughout America in passing their version of the Liberty Preservation Act, released by the Tenth Amendment Center. Senate Bill 94 (SB94) now proceeds to the Michigan State House. State Senator Rick Jones, the bill’s sponsor, and grassroots activists forged the bipartisan alliance against the federal law which applies the law of war and indefinite detention to anyone on U.S. soil.   Continue reading “Michigan Senate Votes 37-0 to Defeat NDAA”

ALFRED MURRAH FEDERAL BUILDINGOccupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

Americans For Responsible Solutions (AFRS) has put out an anti-gun ad calling for support for federal legislation to restrict the 2nd Amendment rights of all Americans.

AFRS is a 5019 (c) 4 nonprofit headed by former House Representative Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly. The organization networks and lobbies for gun control while bringing together “likeminded friends” who will propagandize to the public and force Congress to “take a stand for responsible policies, legislators will no longer have reason to fear the gun lobby and their dangerously deep pockets.” Continue reading “MSM Warns Patriot Anti-Gov Groups Planning 2nd Oklahoma City Bombing”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Just days after announcing a 5-year, $4.5 million contract with Heckler & Koch, the Department of Homeland Security has released details of an identical agreement with weapons manufacturer Sig Sauer, as Forbes publishes an article calling for a “national conversation” about the DHS arms build-up that has been dismissed by the media as a conspiracy theory. Continue reading “DHS To Purchase MORE Firearms As Arms Build-Up Intensifies”

News Forage

On Saturday night, two undercover police officers shot and killed 16-year-old Kimani Gray. According to the police account, the officers approached Gray when he “adjusted his waistband in what the police describe as a suspicious manner.” When the police asked him to “show his hands,” they claim Gray turned around and pointed a gun at the officers, who fired 11 rounds. The weapon police say belonged to Gray was not fired. Continue reading “Undercover Cops Shoot and Kill a 16 Year-Old Boy in New York City”

earthquakeFox News

LOS ANGELES –  An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.1 has shaken a wide area of Southern California.

The U.S. Geological Survey’s automated monitoring system places the epicenter in the desert near Anza, about 100 miles southeast of Los Angeles.

The late morning quake was felt sharply in the local area. It was also felt in downtown Los Angeles and in Orange County. Continue reading “Earthquake shakes wide area of Southern California”

Before It’s News – by Alton Parish

North Korea has threatened to nullify the armistice that ended the 1950-53 Korean War, according to Jim Garamone, American Forces Press Service

The North Korean rhetoric appears to be in response to threatened United Nations sanctions that may be put in place following the Feb. 12 North Korean test of a nuclear weapon, DOD officials said last week.   Continue reading “North Korea Threatens Nuclear War As U.S. And South Korea Begin Military Exercise”


GABD, Iran — The presidents of Pakistan and Iran on Monday pushed ahead with a controversial pipeline to bring natural gas from Iran despite American opposition to the project, with both attending a ceremony marking the beginning of construction of the Pakistani side of the pipeline.

The Iran-Pakistan pipeline is intended to help Pakistan overcome its mushrooming energy needs at a time when the country is facing increased blackouts and energy shortages. Continue reading “Pakistan leader breaks ground on Iran pipeline”

Washington’s Blog

He Did NOT Say What You Think He Said

As we noted Friday, Attorney General Holder’s statement that the president will not assassinate non-combatant Americans on U.S. soil with a drone left a huge loophole, and raised more questions than it answered.

Later that day, top constitutional and military law expert Jonathan Turley agreed: Continue reading “The Department of Justice Did NOT Disclaim Murder of Americans by Drone”

US navy SealsGuardian – by Naomi Wolf

The president has a clandestine network targeting a ‘kill list’ justified by secret laws. How is that different than a death squad?

The film Dirty Wars, which premiered at Sundance, can be viewed, as Amy Goodman sees it, as an important narrative of excesses in the global “war on terror”. It is also a record of something scary for those of us at home – and uncovers the biggest story, I would say, in our nation’s contemporary history. Continue reading “JSoc: Obama’s secret assassins”

Ald. Edward BurkeDNA Info – by Tanveer Ali

CITY HALL — Chicago’s gun offender registry needs to be expanded to include the names of people busted committing crimes with a gun, Ald. Ed Burke (14th) said Thursday. And Mayor Rahm Emanuel agrees.

The powerful alderman wants to force anyone convicted of a violent crime with a firearm, including kidnapping, assault, robbery and vehicular hijacking, to end up on the list, which now has 584 names on it of those convicted of less serious gun violations. Continue reading “Chicago May Expand ‘Gun Offender’ Registry”

drug charges droppedWSB TV 2 – by Tom Jones

DECATUR, Ga. — A man who claims a police officer planted drugs on him will have the charges dismissed one day before his case was set to go to trial.

But the DeKalb County Solicitor General’s Office said the dismissal has nothing to do with a surveillance video Alphonzo Eleby said proves the officer set him up. Continue reading “Charges dropped against man claiming officers planted drugs on him”

ap rick heltebrake mi 130308 wblog California Camp Ranger Wants $1M Dorner Reward ABC News – by Christina Ng

A California camp ranger who was carjacked by fugitive ex-cop Christopher Dorner is seeking the $1.2 million reward for Dorner’s capture, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Dorner, accused of killing four people and threatening the lives of several dozen more, died following a standoff with police near Big Bear, Calif., when the cabin in which he was barricaded burned down with him inside on Feb. 12. Continue reading “California Camp Ranger Wants $1M Dorner Reward”