Arizona AG Horne: We’ll Take Legal Action Against US Over Immigrants

Image: Arizona AG Horne: We'll Take Legal Action Against US Over ImmigrantsNewsmax – by Sandy Fitzgerald

Arizona officials are threatening to file legal action against the Obama administration if it does not stop moving undocumented immigrants from Texas into their state.

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne, in a cease-and-desist letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said he’d allow a reasonable amount of time for the migrations to stop, but if they don’t, he’ll work with other state agencies to sue the federal government.

Horne can’t sue the government directly, reports The Washington Post, but he is “aggressively pursuing all options,” including working with others in the state government who can bring a lawsuit against the government.

The government is potentially violating federal statutes, said Horne, who says it’s the government’s “duty to control and guard the boundaries and borders of the United States against the illegal entry of aliens.” He also commented that transporting such immigrants is “far beyond the federal government’s discretionary authority.”

“These aliens are not being transported for the purposes of detaining them in a federal facility located in Arizona,” said Horne’s letter. “Rather, DHS is inexplicably moving them some 1200 miles and simply releasing them here (outdoors in temperatures exceeding 100 degrees) rather than in Texas.”

Earlier this week, Horne told Newsmax TV’s “America’s Forum” that he blames the Obama administration for the situation.

“They’ve done some pretty bizarre things,” Horne said. “They caught people crossing the border in Texas and they shipped them to Arizona and left them in a bus station.”

These include people who may be carrying communicable diseases, he said.

“We don’t know if they’ve been inoculated,” said Horne. “These are people who had no resources, [and] the burden fell on the charity of the state. If you catch people crossing the border, you’re supposed to send them back to their country of origin, not send them to Arizona.”

The U.S. Border Patrol has admitted sending migrants, including children under the age of 17, out of Texas into Tucson and Phoenix, including dropping them off at Greyhound bus stations and giving them orders to self-report to immigration services.

Hundreds of undocumented minors were caught crossing the border and sent to a holding facility in Nogales, where they are being held in facilities that have come under criticism as being substandard.

Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain Thursday called for Customs and Porter Patrol to allow the media to examine the processing center in Nogales.

“There is only one way of knowing what the treatment is and that’s for the media to be allowed access,” McCain said on an Arizona radio show. “We need you and any media outlet that wants to be there to be there. What kind of society are we in?”

McCain and Republican Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake have sent a letter to Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske calling the matter a “humanitarian crisis.” They are also seeking a hearing before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

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5 thoughts on “Arizona AG Horne: We’ll Take Legal Action Against US Over Immigrants

  1. Legal action? He can’t seriously think that will help the situation. If he were sincere about putting an end to it, I think he’s perfectly within his rights to defend his state’s borders with his state’s militia.

    Is that not the case?

  2. My Fellow Americans:

    From: Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne

    “aggressively pursuing all options,” including working with others in the state government who can bring a lawsuit against the government.”

    He also swore to utilize the same power of enforcement as the UN Secretary General – Ban Ki Moon,… and will resort to the dreaded,……. Finger Wagging!!!!! (Daaaaaaaaa!!!!!,…. cheap thriller music in the background)

    Yes people of Arizona,… this is how your AG intends to stop the INVASION of Arizona my all this Mexican slime,…. he’s going to wag his finger,…. and let them have it from Mr. Bimbles!!!

    (Note: Mr. Bimbles is the “guy” that lives in the finger of one of the Muppet characters in the Muppet movie,…. “Muppets Treasure Island”,…. apologies to Jim Henson,.. RIP))

    JD – US Marines – YES!,.. yes of course,….. go to the cummunist system that is causing the problem as ask them to stop making the very problem that want to happen,… yes,… yes,… that should work just fine…., lets go back to the idea of Mr. Bimbles,… that has a better chance of success.)


  3. Maybe the AG should call the militia to seal the border and arrest Barry for high treason instead of playing the political bullshit/finger wagging-“Stop or I’ll say ‘Stop’ again” game.

  4. There’s no time for this dog and pony show, dammit! 😡

    WE ARE AT WAR!! This is a State of Emergency! We should be having the police, ICE, militia and military sealing off the border and the illegal bastards should be deported or shot at once!

    Instead you are sitting here debating this shit and playing political games.

    The time for talk is over. The time to act is NOW!!!

  5. “The U.S. Border Patrol has admitted sending migrants, including children under the age of 17, out of Texas into Tucson and Phoenix, including dropping them off at Greyhound bus stations and giving them orders to self-report to immigration services.”

    So much for TSA at the bus stations. By the way, aren’t these bus stations stocked with hollow point ammunition rounds ordered by DHS. What’s to stop these illegal gang members from secretly acquiring these rounds and using them against the American people?

    WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! This is an invasion!

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