Penalty for flying the ‘Betsy Ross’ flag sets off star-spangled fight

BetsyRossflag.jpgFox News

David Renner says he is facing a $200 fine for flying a Betsy Ross flag outside his townhouse in Littleton, Colo.

Renner tells Fox31 in Denver that he was issued the fine by his homeowner’s association for flying the flag last week ahead of Flag Day, June 14.

“Do they really think I’m bringing down property values? It’s not like I’m flying an Oakland Raiders flag,” he told the station.  

The Southbridge Townhomes Association told Renner the only acceptable flag is the current American flag with 50 stars and 13 stripes. The Betsy Ross has 13 stars and 13 stripes.

Renner said he has the right to fly the Betsy Ross under the Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005.

“That act uses a loose definition of the term American flag, any number of stars, any number of stripes, any size, any material, any flag that purports to be an American flag,” he told Fox31.

He added, “I do not want to piss off my neighbors or make them angry. I just want to honor our history.”

Renner’s flap with the homeowners association started in April when he decided to fly the Gadsden, the yellow, pre-revolutionary flag reading “Don’t Tread On Me.”

He got a warning for that and then a $100 fine in May for flying a Colorado state flag. The fine for flying the Betsy Ross arrived in Renner’s mailbox on June 7.

Renner said he owns 13 flags and flies them all with pride. “I love flags,” he said. “I love flag history.”

The development where Renner lives is located in a picturesque setting with 50 townhomes, a park and a pool.

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4 thoughts on “Penalty for flying the ‘Betsy Ross’ flag sets off star-spangled fight

  1. Anyone who joins a “homeowners association” does so for some perceived benefit that the association provides (cheaper housing, a gated community, etc.), but they also subject themselves to whatever authority the association can legally lay claim to.

    I hate them, and would never live in one, because I would expect some frustrated tyrant to be breathing down my neck and telling me how to live as soon as the opportunity presented itself. That’s the nature of many humans when granted the slightest degree of power over someone else, and that’s what you expose yourself to in any collective. There’s always someone clawing away to be the “boss” because they crave having a little bit of power over others, and these are exactly the kind of freaks who abuse any power they acquire.

  2. when these Home owners ass – ociations dry up and blow away due to lack of funding it will be a better day in America
    anyone who signs on to something like that to live in a community or neighborhood should have their head examined to see if they really are an American ..or better yet , can think for themselves and tie their own dam shoes

    sorry im sure i could have pissed off someone out there with my suck it up princess!

  3. My mom and dad lived in one of those in an all adult communites in Lake Mary FL called The Forest. I nicknamed it Stalag 17. The idea of the community was keep it natural. At the time they bought a property in it there were no lawns and you were allowed to trim brush but not mow it or remove it. Actually that was a good rule for it absolved them of lawncare and treatments. More time for fun. However, they got carried away with it and went after anyone that violated the natural thing such as a boot plant on the end of a porch stair. Remove it, it is not in compliance. Well neither was street lamps, fire hydrants or putting courses. If you had a dog you lived on the left side of the road which I had to laugh at for a dog can not cross a road? Anyway a lot has changed over the years its no so natural now the later phases put in lawns and the natural vanished pretty much.

    By the way the properties are very expensive for manufactured homes this is the only place I know where the (mobile) homes appreciate.

  4. What do you expect from the Nazi Homeowners Associations? When will people realize their job is to CONTROL YOU just like every other Fascist/Communist entity in this country. They are the enemy. If you see them coming, SHOOT ‘EM!

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