Alt-Market – by Brandon Smith

Even after seven years of writing macroeconomic analysis for the liberty movement and bearing witness to astonishing displays of financial and political stupidity by more “skeptics” than I can count, it never ceases to amaze me the amount of blind faith average Americans place in the strength of the U.S. dollar. One could explain in vast categorical detail the history of fiat currencies, the inevitable destruction caused by inflationary printing and the conundrum caused when any country decides to monetize its own debt just to stay afloat — often, to no avail.   Continue reading “Get Ready For The Death Of The Petrodollar”


Plan would ban ‘virtually any part used to build a semi-automatic weapon

A few months back, Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama had Democrats bring into Congress a long list of new gun laws, restrictions and regulations, only to see them slapped down.   Continue reading “Henry Waxman Leads Newest Attack on Guns”

Telegraph – by Nick Allen

When President Barack Obama goes on holiday to the seaside things can get complicated.

Rooms have to be found for dozens of Secret Service agents, someone has to carry a selection of presidential basketballs, and of course the family dog needs his own state-of-the-art aircraft.   Continue reading “First dog Bo is airlifted to Obama holiday home”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

CBS 60 Minutes recently did an absolutely fawning review of a police department in Springfield, Massachusetts, who claims to have implemented counterinsurgency tactics (hereafter COIN – Lesley Stahl incorrectly calls it a strategy, when it is more correctly a set of tactics, techniques and procedures).  You can watch the segment on your own time, but it’s worth pointing out that 60 Minutes didn’t do anything earth-shattering in this segment.  This is a fairly well known and well rehearsed report from 2012, and it is here that we will turn our attention.   Continue reading “Counterinsurgency Cops”

AFP Photo / Scott Olson RT News

Gun control advocates may now face tougher opposition online than at the free-market gun shows they have struggled against for years after researchers found thousands of firearms of all sorts advertised for sale on Internet classified pages.

A new study conducted in 10 states over the past two months has found that, at any given time, 15,000 guns were for sale online without requiring a background check. Approximately one-third of the weapons were semi-automatic, according to researchers at Third Way, which bills itself as the “vital center” of politics but reportedly has close ties to the Obama administration.    Continue reading “Propaganda Alert: Online guns sales pose larger threat than gun shows – study”

TQGuerrillamerica – by SAMUEL CULPER III

Before we get into TQ, I’ve updated the Training page to reflect a few classes.  We have the first ICAC scheduled for the Atlanta area on 17-18 August.  We already have a nice sized class shaping up.  I’m going to limit these classes to 10 pax because there will be a lot of questions, and because everyone benefits from one-on-one interaction.  We have a few spots left, so email me if you’re interested.   Continue reading “The Basics of HUMINT Collection: Tactical Questioning”

Activist Post

Police in Concord, New Hampshire have applied for a grant to acquire a $258,000 armored vehicle from the DHS to combat domestic terrorism.

According to their application, they cited “active threats” from domestic “terror” groups like Free State Project and Occupy New Hampshire as the primary reason for requiring this military equipment.   Continue reading “NH Police View Peaceful Libertarian and Occupy Activists as Terrorists”

Boston Globe – by Carolyn Y. Johnson

The chamber illuminated with reddish light would have been familiar to the mouse — the laboratory animal had scurried before on its black cardboard floor and smelled the faint whiff of vinegar. The mouse froze. A series of electric foot shocks would be coming soon, as, the mouse remembered, had happened the last time.

But the shocks never came. The memory wasn’t real.   Continue reading “Mind-control study gives mouse false memory”

Alt-Market – by Brandon Smith

How does one destroy an idea? Further, how does one destroy the truth? Corrupt governments have been struggling with this dilemma since men wore loincloths and worshiped fire. Fortunately for those of us in the “lower strata” of social organization, honorable ideas and indelible truths have a life of their own. Even when a culture as a whole remains oblivious and unguarded, the facts tend to rise to the surface one way or another. The reality which elitists at least partly understand, is that the truth cannot be destroyed, but it can be forgotten, at least for a time.   Continue reading “How The Establishment Will Attempt To Bring Down The Liberty Movement”

JP Morgan Chase apparently finds this crude pistol to be at least as terrifying as the banks of the 1930s found Baby Face Nelson's Tommy gunExaminer – by Kurt Hofmann

This column has devoted a good deal of attention to Defense Distributed, brainchild of University of Texas law student Cody Wilson, and that group’s “Wiki Weapon” project, to design effective firearms that can be “printed” on consumer grade 3-D printers. The plan is to post those designs–free of charge–on the internet, so that anyone in the world with internet access and a 3-D printer (which grow both more affordable and more powerful by the day) will be able to bust any “government monopoly on force,” so beloved of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and statist politicians like U.S. Representative Gerrold Nadler (D-NY).   Continue reading “Defense Distributed faces ‘economic Waco’ for challenging gov. monopoly on force”

bloombergFrontpage Mag – by Daniel Greenfield

Between the 50 mayors who have checked out of Hotel Bloomberg, some of whom were arrested, one for demanding gay sex at gunpoint, the number of people in the control freak mayor’s boutique anti-gun group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, run with pilfered city resources, is dropping.

Not helping matters was Bloomberg’s declaration of war on Southern Democrats and even gun-control Republicans who didn’t hew to his exacting standards. And so Napoleon IV is watching his little empire of attack ads coming apart.   Continue reading “Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Group Imploding as 50 Mayors Leave”

JPM Chase fireSilver Doctors

*UPDATE: FDNY tweet confirms fire is in a commercial vault!

A journalist on scene on Wall Street this evening [Friday] has just sent us footage of a massive fleet of Firetrucks and ambulances in front of JP Morgan’s headquarters at 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, with fire-fighters stating they are responding to a COMMERCIAL VAULT FIRE IN THE BASEMENT!   Continue reading “Massive Fire Reported in JP Morgan Basement Vault! Gold Force Majeure?”

Digital Journal – by  Ralph Lopez

Contradicting a statement by ex-vice president Dick Cheney on Sunday that warrantless domestic surveillance might have prevented 9/11, 2007 court records indicate that the Bush-Cheney administration began such surveillance at least 7 months prior to 9/11.

The Bush administration bypassed the law requiring such actions to be authorized by FISA court warrants, the body set up in the Seventies to oversee Executive Branch spying powers after abuses by Richard Nixon. Former QWest CEO John Nacchios said that at a meeting with the NSA on February 27, 2001, he and other QWest officials declined to participate. AT&T, Verizon and Bellsouth all agreed to shunt customer communications records to an NSA database. Continue reading “Bush-Cheney began illegal NSA spying before 9/11”

Sipsey Street Irregulars

For some weeks my insomniac reading has been a marvelous volume my friend Stewart Rhodes sent me, which I have just finished reading: As If an Enemy’s Country: The British Occupation of Boston and the Origins of Revolution by Richard Archer.

There are many lessons for us today, beginning with understanding the growing sense of alienation of the colonists from the mother country caused by the force of occupation which was forced upon Bostonians with landing of the Regulars on 28 September 1768.   Continue reading “As If An Enemy’s Country.”

John Boehner is shown. | AP PhotoPolitico – by JAKE SHERMAN, SEUNG MIN KIM and JOHN BRESNAHAN

The House Republican leadership is reaching out to top House Democrats to assess their support for a piecemeal approach to immigration reform, according to sources involved in the discussions.

The House’s immigration game plan is to pass individual bills rather than take the comprehensive approach advocated by the Senate. Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) team isn’t trying to cut a deal with Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), these aides caution. But deeply-divided Republicans want to get a read on what members of the minority party would back when immigration reform comes to the floor.   Continue reading “GOP reaching out to Dems on immigration”

Rep. John Conyers Jr. (Associated Press)Washington Times – by Cheryl K. Chumley

An aide to Democratic Rep. John Conyers — one of the loudest voices on Capitol Hill for additional federal gun control laws — caught a lucky break just recently.

Betty Petrenz, who works as office manager for Mr. Conyers, brought a gun inside her purse into a federal building in Detroit, The Daily Caller reported.

But officers let her off with a warning — no ticket, no fine, no jail time. Typically, carting a weapon into a federal building is against the law.   Continue reading “Democratic aide carting gun in federal building is let off with warning”

New York Times – by LESLIE H. GELB and DIMITRI K. SIMES

THE flight of the leaker Edward J. Snowden from Hong Kong to Moscow last month would not have been possible without the cooperation of Russia and China. The two countries’ behavior in the Snowden affair demonstrates their growing assertiveness and their willingness to take action at America’s expense.   Continue reading “A New Anti-American Axis?”