Vice – by Christopher Ketcham


Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg—who is 63 with a long, graying beard—recently sat down with me to explain what he described as a “child-rape assembly line” among sects of fundamentalist Jews. He cleared his throat. “I’m going to be graphic,” he said.  Continue reading “The Child-Rape Assembly Line”

Alex Jones has been exposed for having ties with The CIA/STRATFOR FBI & AIPAC

The following conversation of Stew Webb reflect this fact.

According to the information Alex Jones purpose is to put out disinformation/misinformation and leak certain items in the news that has handlers want released for their own agenda.   Continue reading “Exposing Alex Jones and his Cronies”

Free Patriot – by Allison Martinez

It appears anti-gun Piers Morgan is going to be leaving CNN. Piers Morgan is known as an gun control advocate. He gained notoriety  in the United States for being an advocate of banning the AR-15. Because he is a British citizen, many Americans have been insulted and infuriated by his relentless attacks on the 2nd Amendment and endless interrogations of pro-2nd Amendment Americans.   Continue reading “Piers Morgan Dumped by CNN”

imageZero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The situation in Italy appears to be going from bad to worse. With a confidence vote pending for Tuesday as the government dissolves into chaos for the umpteenth time, and following the resignation of the CEO of one of Italy’s largest non-financial corporations (Telecom Italia), the largest bank (by assets) in Italy – Intesa SanPaolo has announced – effective immediately – the resignation of its CEO and replacement with Carlo Messina. According to sources, the now former CEO had lost the confidence of shareholders (which is odd given the bank’s stock is near 2-year highs). We can’t help but wonder Ayn Rand-like at the devolution of the ruling class in Italy and what happens next (in light of the crumbling manufacturing and production data).   Continue reading “CEO Of Italy’s Largest Bank Surprisingly Resigns”

john kerry samantha powerBusiness Insider – by Michael Kelly

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power (L) whispers to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry during a meeting between U.S. President Barack Obama and Lebanon’s President Michel Sleiman at the United Nations General Assembly in New York September 24, 2013.

Tuesday evening, after President Barack Obama’s speech to the U.N. general assembly, America’s strategy for Syria began to unravel.   Continue reading “The US Strategy In Syria Is Unraveling”

Investment Watch

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) says the current situation on the financial markets as worse than before the Lehman bankruptcy. The warning of the BIS could be the reason why the U.S. Federal Reserve decided to continue indefinitely to print money: Central banks have lost control of the debt-tide and give up.

The decision by the U.S. Federal Reserve to continue indefinitely to print money (here ) might have fallen on “orders from above”.   Continue reading “BIS: The Most Powerful Bank In The World Announces The Crash”

IMAO – by Frank J.

The Navy Yard shooter has put the AR-15 in the news. Yes, the shooter didn’t use an AR-15 — he took Joe Biden’s advice and used a shotgun — but that didn’t stop newspapers from putting the AR-15 in its headlines because any time there is a shooting, you can’t help but think of that evil evil AR-15. Thus I’ve had my crack research staff find out all they can about the world’s most deadliest weapon.   Continue reading “Know Thy Enemy: AR-15”

Aaron Alexis was the gunman who opened fire at the Washington, D.C. Navy yard Monday.Examiner- by Dave Workman

As the original narrative about Monday’s mass shooting at the Naval Sea Systems Command headquarters in southeast Washington, D.C. involving an AR-15 rifle is dissolving, the new demon in the revised story now appears to be the Remington Model 870 shotgun that the Daily Mail on-line breathlessly gasps “can load six shells at once.”

This change in the story leaves bombastic television commentator Piers Morgan with egg on his face after anon-air rant that Alexis had purchased an AR-15. This came during an appearance with a panel that included researcher and author John Lott.   Continue reading “Original story dissolves, so press demonizes pump shotgun”

hammerdownSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Last year the American Truckers Association prepared a report for Congress highlighting the susceptibility of the nation’s just-in-time delivery system, the majority of which is made possible by the transport and delivery of freight. In the event of a catastrophic disaster such as a war that drives fuel prices through the roof or even a natural disaster such as a solar flare that renders electronic trucks inoperable, there would be a “a swift and devastating impact on the food, healthcare, transportation, waste removal, retail, manufacturing, and financial sectors,” according to the report.   Continue reading “Convoy to D.C. – Truckers To Shut Down America in October”

Examiner – by Kurt Hofmann

The National Constitution Center has embarked on a project that they call “The Next Ten Amendments,” to discuss and debate ostensible “improvements” to the Constitution of the United States. One of these proposed changes aims, supposedly, to “better define” the right to keep and bear arms. Shall not be infringed is evidently too ambiguous for some. Looking just as one would expect of a document produced by an organization whose vice chairman is virulently anti-gun former Philadelphia Mayor and Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, here is their proposed “improvement” to the Constitutional guarantee of the fundamental human right to keep and bear arms–and it’s a doozy:   Continue reading “Gun prohibitionists’ attempts to rewrite 2nd Amendment are a good thing”

Missouri store clerk and veteran Jon Alexander thwarts armed robbery with gun of his ownChristian News – by Cnmnewz

Bad idea: holding up a store clerk who happens to be proficient in firearms.

Jon Lewis Alexander, 54, is no ordinary store clerk. He has worked several “high risk” jobs and served four tours of duty in Iraq during his 30 years in the U.S. military.

And his training shows.   Continue reading “Robber vs Gun Owner: Priceless!”


A GROUNDBREAKING new Irish technology which could be the greatest breakthrough in agriculture since the plough is set to change the face of modern farming forever.

The technology – radio wave energised water – massively increases the output of vegetables and fruits by up to 30 per cent.

Not only are the plants much bigger but they are largely disease-resistant, meaning huge savings in expensive fertilisers and harmful pesticides.   Continue reading “Wave goodbye to global warming, GM and pesticides”

Hackers News Bulletin – by Said Al-Khalaki 

The situation in Syria is still in the focus of world media. Experts predict another U.S. aggression for “human rights”. Washington regularly declares its readiness to attack Syria. The official version – to punish al-Assad and Syrian army for the use of chemical weapons against the civilian population.

Meanwhile, the media has spread new proofs of the U.S. intelligence involvement to chemical attack near Damascus. Hacker got access to U.S. intelligence correspondence and published U.S. Army Col. ANTHONY J. MACDONALD’s mail. Macdonald is General Staff Director, Operations and Plans Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence the Army Staff. It’s about chemical attack in Syria.   Continue reading “Pentagon may be involved in chemical attack in Syria, US intelligence colonel hacked mail reflect”

The Daily Caller – by Mike Piccione

The White House announced on Thursday that it intends to “ban almost all re-imports of military surplus firearms to private entities” through executive order, which would effectively shut down the 110-year-old Civilian Marksmanship Program.

In a Fact Sheet published on today referencing the upcoming executive order the ban on importing military weapons is designed to “keep military-grade firearms off our streets.” Exceptions for import may be allowed for museums.   Continue reading “Obama’s new executive order will kill the 110-year-old Civilian Marksmanship Program”