Information Clearinghouse – by Mike Whitney

“The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good.” – Harold Pinter, Nobel Acceptance Speech

“Obama is just a willing executioner. From the ruling class’s point of view, he’s the perfect figurehead because his mere appearance confuses and disarms so many. He seems to have spent his whole life trying to get chosen to play Judas. And that’s all there is in his resume.” -bevin, Comments line, Moon of Alabama   Continue reading “Obama: The Willing Executioner”

Vladimir Putin...In this photo taken Saturday, March 8, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin watches downhill ski competition of the 2014 Winter Paralympics in Roza Khutor mountain district of Sochi, Russia.Bayou Renaissance Man

The Telegraph has an interesting column by a correspondent who knows Russia and Vladimir Putin fairly well.  He thinks Putin’s actions in Ukraine are driven by paranoia.

As Sunday’s referendum, in which the people of Crimea will decide whether to join Russia, approaches, the images on Russian television are astonishing. They are more propagandistic and venomous than anything I can remember even from Soviet times. Continue reading “Is Putin paranoid over Ukraine?”


Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is the latest example of a very rare event in aviation: a plane that vanishes.

With radar, radio traffic and other technology, planes that crash are usually found quickly. But sometimes searches can take days or weeks if the plane disappears over open ocean or remote and rugged land areas.

Since the dawn of the jet age in 1958, here are some other notable disappearances (not all were jets):   Continue reading “Mystery of missing jet recalls past disappearances”

NRA t-shirtMisguided Children – by Faye Higbee

New York: In a out-right bizarre twist, the Grand Island Senior High School Administration has decided to deny that Shane Kinney was suspended or even disciplined for  the NRA T-Shirt that reportedly violated their dress code. Now he is being called “insubordinate” for wearing the shirt, and the school has started to harass him.

This is the shirt Shane wore underneath a sweatshirt. At first they said this t-shirt was ok, but abruptly that changed.   Continue reading “New York: Teen Suspended for NRA T-shirt – School Denies, Attempts to Bully Him”

AutumnStanding Outside Looking In – by Stephen

She’d phoned, said, “I’ll be there, shortly.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” You never argue with Mrs. Campbell.

I’d expected her call. Over the last few months she’s sold me several of her late husbands toys. Her husband’s name was Percy. Nice fella. Percy checked out, intelligence intact, in his late eighties. He and I got along well. Percy spoke several languages, none flute, and had a deep abiding love for literature, especially science fiction. Percy also enjoyed firearms.   Continue reading “Mrs. Campbell’s Beretta”

feinsteinamashThe Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Melton

We’ve entered Mel Brooks level government comedy. Can someone play a sad song on the world’s smallest violin for this woman?

In the ultimate dictionary definition act of hypocrisy, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) is complaining that the CIA violated her committee’s Fourth Amendment rights when she claims the agency removed several key documents from committee computers.   Continue reading “Rep. Amash to Sen. Feinstein: ‘Hypocrites Like You Are Why the Public Doesn’t Trust Congress’”

Harvard Medical School physician Vivek Hallegere Murthy is President Barack Obama's surgeon general nominee, but his age, connections and anti-gun advocacy are raising the hackles of Second Amendment supportersDaily Mail – by DAVID MARTOSKO

President Barack Obama’s nominee to serve as the U.S. surgeon general, a 36-year-old physician who has attracted criticism for his anti-gun advocacy, complained to a newspaper in 1994 that ‘society’s preoccupation with firearms’ comes from ‘fiery gun battles’ on Saturday morning cartoons.

Dr. Vivek Murthy, who founded Doctors for Obama in 2008 – a group that later changed its name to ‘Doctors for America – was a graduating high school senior at the time, one of several valedictorians the Miami Herald interviewed.   Continue reading “Obama’s controversial pick for surgeon general adopted his anti-gun stance by watching violent CARTOONS”