6 thoughts on “The Beatles – I’m So Tired

  1. Aww, digger. Those lyrics sure nail what you’ve been saying. 😉

    Somebody, PLEASE bring digger some Shine! 🙂 😉

    1. Yes Angel. I sure could use some or something to break this nasty cycle I`m in.
      When your like me it is not like most people as I do actualy got the so called desease as they lke to call – PTSD in other words.
      Yes Angel, I will do most anything to get a decent break for a while.
      Been too damned straight for waaay to long.

      1. Yes Good one Angel.
        I was told by many that I was born a couple hundred years too late to be liveing in todays world .
        I sometimes wonder about that as I think they are right.
        Things just are not honest now days ya know when it comes to people. People usually are too greedy for me.
        Ya know Angel, nice guys may finish last but at least we finish 🙂

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