aborted human fetuses in food beveragesUhapi Beauty – by Mandy

Biotech companies have been using aborted human fetal cells for testing the effectiveness of different flavoring agent in their products. Last year the news came out that a biotech company in CA called Senomyx has been using aborted human fetal cells in foods and beverages.

A pro-life watchdog group called Children of God for Life (CGL) has been calling the marketing scheme of thebiotech companies deceptive and use of aborted human fetal cells unethical and immoral. Debi Vinnedge, the director of CGL in an interview mentions that why the biotech doesn’t come out clean and tell the public that they are using human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293) taken from aborted babies to produce human taste receptors?   Continue reading “Aborted Human Fetus in YOUR Food!”

In These Times- by DAVID SIROTA

The notion of alcohol consumers piously demanding that others stop using pot probably makes you think of the beer-swilling World War II generation berating weed-smoking hippies during the 1960s. Now, thanks to the United Nations, that caricature gets an update—and the hypocrisy is at once amusing and depressing.   Continue reading “The U.N.‘s Hypocritical War on Pot”

Information Clearing House

“Barack Obama and the failure of capitalist democracy”, this film explores the historical role of the Democratic Party as the “graveyard of social movements”, the massive influence of corporate finance in elections, the absurd disparities of wealth in the United States, the continuity and escalation of neocon policies under Obama, the insufficiency of mere voting as a path to reform, and differing conceptions of democracy itself.   Continue reading “Lifting the Veil: Obama and the Failure of Capitalist Democracy”

X-files of Soviet Defense Ministry exposed. 49457.jpegPravda – by Svetlana Smetanina

In Soviet times, the Ministry of Defense was working on a secret project aimed at creating a superhuman with paranormal abilities. Under this project, a group of scientists managed to get in touch with a foreign civilization. The head of this top-secret project shared some details with reporters for the first time.

On a regular winter day in Moscow, in the comfort a room with a fireplace, journalists were given a real sensation. A senior retired official of the Ministry of Defense, lieutenant-general in reserve, PhD, a fellow of the Academy of Natural Sciences Alexey Savin said that in the late 1980’s a group of researchers from the Expert Management Unit of General Staff managed to make a contact with representatives of another civilization. Interestingly, none of the journalists were particularly surprised but, rather, relieved with the “confession.” Continue reading “X-Files of Soviet Defense Ministry exposed”

Information Clearinghouse – by Dr. Kevin Barrett

The Venezuelan president himself, before he died, wondered aloud whether the US government – or the banksters who own it – gave him, and its other leading Latin American enemies, cancer.

A little over a year ago, Chavez went on Venezuelan national radio and said: “I don’t know but… it is very odd that we have seen Lugo affected by cancer, Dilma when she was a candidate, me, going into an election year, not long ago Lula and now Cristina… It is very hard to explain, even with the law of probabilities, what has been happening to some leaders in Latin America. It’s at the very least strange, very strange.” Continue reading “Chavez: Another CIA Assassination Victim?”

Common Dreams – by Jon Queally

special investigation by The Guardian newspaper and BBC Arabic that took place over 15 months claims to reveal a shocking, but substantial connection between the murderous tactics of US-backed Latin American ‘death squads’ in the 1980’s and the rise of a similar tactics—including secret detention centers, torture, disappearances, and mass killings—that helped spark a sectarian civil war between Shia and Sunni rivals in the violent days triggered by the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. Continue reading “Revealed: The US ‘Dirty War’ Veteran Who Trained Iraqi ‘Death Squads’”

Truth Dig – by Tracy Bloom

On his program Monday night, Jon Stewart said that the sequester, which took effect Friday, was like an “autoerotic asphyxiation” for Congress. As the comedian pointed out, the whole idea of the sequester was supposed to be so painful that Democrats and Republicans would work together on a plan to avert the $85 billion in automatic across-the-board budget cuts.

However, because this is Congress, we all probably should have figured out far in advance that it would figure out some way to screw it up. Continue reading “‘The Daily Show’: Jon Stewart Rips ‘Incompetent’ Congress Over Sequester”

AFP Photo / Paul J. RichardsRT News

A United Nations investigator has demanded that the US publish classified documents regarding the CIA’s human rights violations under former President George W. Bush, with hopes that the documents will lead to the prosecution of public officials.

Documents about the CIA’s program of rendition and secret detention of suspected terrorists have remained classified, even though President Obama’s administration has publicly condemned the use of these “enhanced interrogation techniques”. The US has not prosecuted any of its agents for human rights violations.  Continue reading “UN Demands Prosecution of Bush-era CIA Crimes”

Common Dreams – by Abby Zimet

Daniel Gauntlett, a homeless man in the U.K., froze to death last week on a particularly cold night as he lay outside an abandoned house due to be bulldozed; neighbors had called the police on him once before, so he didn’t dare try to get inside.

His death sparked headlines, debate about the country’s rising homelessness – perhaps 50,000 to 100,000, juxtaposed with an estimated 710,000 empty homes – and criticism of a harsh government policy toward squatters and the homeless, quaintly called rough sleepers.Gauntlett was also remembered in an outraged, heartfelt video from Mark McGowan, a British activist, social critic, performance artist and taxi driver. So Gauntlett’s death was noted, and mourned. Continue reading “Rough Sleepers”

The Nation – by Greg Kaufmann

An excellent new report from Republican Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama proves that we spend $68,000 on every poor household in the United States every year, thereby raising the typical poor household’s standard of living above that of the typical middle-income household.

That’s right, I said “excellent” and “proves.” Why? Well, just take a look at this analysis from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)—an economic think tank that a bunch of muckety-mucks in Washington, DC, think is so “renowned” at knowing numbers. Continue reading “This Week in Poverty: Gangnam-Style Counting With Senator Jeff Sessions”

Common Dreams – by Andrea Germanos, staff writer

The nation’s biggest industry is fostering a poverty-wage, low-benefit workplace, charges restaurant worker advocate Saru Jayaraman.

Co-founder and co-executive director of Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United and author of the bestsellingBehind The Kitchen Door Jayaraman appeared on Up with Chris Hayes on Saturday and brought to light some of conditions that leave food industry workers forced to work sick and rely on food stamps.
Continue reading “Worker Advocate: Nation’s Biggest Industry Fostering Poverty-Causing Wages”