Voting American

Why is our government stocking up on massive amounts of Hollow-Point Ammunition?

Department of Homeland Security: 1.2 billion .40-caliber JHP

National Weather Service: 46,000 .40-caliber JHP

Social Security Administration: 174,000 .357 JHP     Continue reading “The Militarizing of Homeland Security against…who? What’s next, Martial Law?”

Common Dreams – by Tory Field and Beverly Bell

“We are the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe. And reclaiming the democratic control over our food and water and our ecological survival is the necessary project for our freedom.” [i]  – Vandana Shiva, physicist and activist

The objective of much of our industrial food system is to provide a profit to shareholders and CEOs. Coca-Cola’s advertising budget was over $2.9 billion dollars in 2010, money well spent from a stockholder’s point of view: profits that year were $11.8 billion.   Continue reading “The True Costs of Industrialized Food”

chemtrailsGlobal Research – by Amy Worthington

This important article was first published by Global Research in June 2004

North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned citizens watch in fear as military tankers discolor the skies with toxic chemicals that morph into synthetic clouds.   Continue reading “Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War”

Common Dreams – by Paul Buchheit

The first step is to learn the facts, and then to get angry and to ask ourselves, as progressives and caring human beings, what we can do about the relentless transfer of wealth to a small group of well-positioned Americans.

1. $2.13 per hour vs. $3,000,000.00 per hour   Continue reading “America Split in Two: Five Ugly Extremes of Inequality”

Voting American

Good Morning my Fellow American Patriots and Friends. I would like to Honor this Wonderful Veteran in every way I can and hope that everyone will re-post his letter in emails and anywhere else you think this man would get the recognition he deserves. Please Tweet this Post as often as you like because the message is clear and present to all that is important to America.   Continue reading “Barack and Michelle Obama get Owned by a 95 Year Old Pearl Harbor Survivor”

Deseret News – by Tami Abdollah, Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — Hundreds of law enforcement officers on Friday raided Southern California auto parts shops and other businesses suspected of illegally selling nitrous oxide for use as a recreational drug, in what federal authorities said was the nation’s largest such raid ever.  Continue reading “Feds raid 17 California businesses for nitrous oxide”

Common Dreams – by Jacob Chamberlain

Arguing that the Environmental Protection Agency has failed in its obligation to protect the nation’s bee population—one of the Earth’s most vital pollinators—from dangerous pesticides, a group of beekeepers and environmental groups have filed a lawsuit in federal court saying the EPA’s inaction is causing great harm to biodiversity and the future of food in the U.S.   Continue reading “EPA Favors ‘Bee-Toxic Pesticides’ Over Future of Food, Groups Charge”

2009-04-30-AFOSKVoting American

How can anyone ever forget that Air Force One Photo Op Ordered by President Obama early in his first term?  Air Force One buzzed New York City complete with fighter escort.  New Yorkers watched in horror as they thought 9/11 was happening all over again.

Some say Air Force One is capable of ‘Time Travel’ but I don’t believe that…   Continue reading “The History of President Obama’s Vehicle Debacles in the News”

Information Clearinghouse – by Judge Andrew Napolitano

In 1798, when John Adams was president of the United States, the feds enacted four pieces of legislation called the Alien and Sedition Acts. One of these laws made it a federal crime to publish any false, scandalous or malicious writing — even if true — about the president or the federal government, notwithstanding the guarantee of free speech in the First Amendment.   Continue reading “The Tyranny Of The Majority The Patriot Act’s Mandated Silence”

imageInformation Clearinghouse – by Stuck in Palestine

US President Barack Obama, uncompromising civil rights defender and national change guru, arrived in Palestine today – a move that some of his Republican opponents didn’t even think was geographically possible.   Continue reading “This is Ridiculous Freedom Arrives in Palestine (you’re welcome)”

Appeals Court Finds Obama Recess Appointments UnconstitutionalThe Blaze -by Jonathon M. Seidl

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama violated the Constitution when he bypassed the Senate to fill vacancies on a labor relations panel, a federal appeals court panel ruled Friday.

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit said that Obama did not have the power to make three recess appointments last year to the National Labor Relations Board.   Continue reading “Court Rules Obama Actions Unconstitutional – Which Ones?”

Barack Obama and Eric Holder national securityGuardian – by Ed Pilkington in New York

The FBI has suffered a dramatic setback in its use of hyper-secret gagging orders in the name of national security to obtain the private data of US citizens, after a federal court struck down the practice.

A judge in a California US district court ordered the US government to stop issuing what are called “national security letters”. Susan Illston said the letters, which have mushroomed since 9/11 under the Patriot Act, were unconstitutional as they breached the first amendment rights of the parties being served the orders.   Continue reading “FBI’s demands for private data struck down by federal court”