Mitt Romney is saying that he, not Obama, is for the middle class, while Barack Obama is saying, “No, no, I’m for the middle class, not Mitt Romney.” Since the time Obama took office until June of 2012, the middle class has shrunk by 4.8%.  So if Obama is for the middle class, I’d hate to see what it would look like if he was against it.  Romney, on the other hand, as CEO of Bain Capital, shipped thousands of middle class jobs out of our country for profit.  Again, if this is what he considers being for the middle class, the middle class is in big trouble.

The middle class now makes up only 30% of our working population.  So what of the other 40%, the working poor and impoverished?  Well, screw ‘em.  I mean it is not like we have a vote.  In fact, not even the middle class has a vote as shown proof positive at the fraudulent Republican Convention.
Continue reading “What is the Real Choice for 2012?”

Gas here where I live in southern Oregon is now up to $4.20 per gallon.  The explanation being given from the propagandists is of course the hurricane Isaac and the burning down of a refinery.  All the petroleum produced here in the United States is being exported and what we are seeing with these gas prices is nothing more than a further assertion of the power of the corporate aristocracy.

If you look at the mainstream propaganda machine you can plainly see that the elite are no longer attempting to fool us, now that they have declared themselves the aristocracy.  When you hear the messages coming from the so called media, they are nothing more than the elite speaking to their own.
Continue reading “QE3 for You and Me”

Finally, MSNBC is launching the Democratic attack on their right wing nemesis, the Republican Party.  You see there has been very little discussion of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars in Tampa, and god damn it, the Israeli people have a right to know that the issue of their Middle East conquest is being addressed by those who would propose to rule over their commonwealth.  Likewise the industrial war complex has a right to be secure in knowing that the wealth of the United States will continue to be funneled to them and the international contractors will continue to grow fat on the blood of the American people and our resources.

We are paying $1 million per soldier per year in Iraq and Afghanistan as our middle class continues to shrink and our streets are filled with homeless and hungry people.  We must be on the right track as we are being told that we want to keep the status quo, whether it be through Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat the south side of Chicago back alley pimp or Mitt the “I sold America out and have the money stashed in bank accounts around the world that I don’t want to talk about” Romney.
Continue reading “Political Rhetoric While the US Burns”

September 17th will mark the one year anniversary for the Occupy Movement and of course the commies are coming out of the woodwork for another attempt at hijacking the movement.  We haven’t heard a lot about Occupy for quite a while now and there is a reason.

When the commie unions and commie organizers and contributors found out on May 1st that the power behind the movement, the long term unemployed American nationals, absolutely would not be a part of any socialist movement in the United States, all support was withdrawn and bank accounts shut down.
Continue reading “Communist Rally Set for September 17th”

The corporate elite yesterday affirmed their declaration of a new form of government in the United States.  On the Republican Convention floor it was declared that the United States is no longer a constitutional Republic of, for, and by the people.  Via insurgency, the United States is now a corporate monarchy wherein the elite have become elite through the theft of the wealth of the entire people.  They have now, through self proclamation, declared themselves the rulers and we, the mass majority their bonded servants.  Now all that is left is to get 250 million of us heavily armed to bow to their dictate.

Our petitions have been ignored and the elitist international criminals have eaten out our substance and left us in a state of despotism, subject to arbitrary persecution under an admiralty system of courts wherein justice does not preside.
Continue reading “The Treasonous Elite Have Laid Down the Gauntlet”

The elite in this country have at this point completely separated themselves from the rest of us.  In times gone by, this was not the case as the elite needed to keep alive the illusion of one people as they built their walls to keep us out.  I saw the head of the Republican Party speaking on FOX Business yesterday.  He was saying that this economy is in the ditch.  IT IS NOT, at least not for the corporate elite.

Since they have imploded our economy, the elite have thrived.  Record profits in every quarter for corporations, which means record dividends for those wealthy enough to own stock in the big corporations.
Continue reading “The Elite Fiddle as the US Crumbles”

The so called shenanigans/treachery at the GOP Convention in Tampa, Florida has already begun.  First the election of the GOP Presidential Candidate was moved up to Monday when Hurricane Isaac was estimated to be in full swing.  It was announced yesterday that the hurricane is to be delayed on its course for one day, so immediately thereafter, it was announced that the convention would be delayed for one day.

Of course the convention will convene today, Monday, one day before they say it will officially convene, but will this be at the convention hall or at a private setting wherein Ron Paul delegates and supporters will be excluded?  Look what these sleazy rats are doing.  They are actually running about trying to slip away and avoid the masses that see them for the foreign Bilderberger lapdogs they are, sneaking and hiding at every turn.  This is truly pathetic and we cannot let them get away with it.
Continue reading “What to do with a Fraudulent Ballot for a Fraudulent Election? Burn It!”

The reality behind what was originally reported as a mass shooting near the Empire State Building in New York City on Friday morning is being manipulated in an effort by the international soviet socialist, Michael Bloomberg, to blame the existence of Jeffrey Johnson’s .45 semi-automatic pistol as the cause of the deaths and woundings.

In a case like this if you watch the propaganda being put forth from every angle, the little bits of truth, mixed with the half truths and the lies, reveal the probable cause for the incident.  I heard it mentioned that Jeffrey Johnson asserted that Steve Encrolino stole designs from him and the revenues there from.
Continue reading “The Empire State Building Mass Shooting – Truth in Opposition of Propaganda”

Well it looks like Tropical Storm Isaac will be morphing into a hurricane and arriving in Tampa right on time for the Republican Convention.  Florida Governor Scott has announced that the National Guard is ready to step in if the police forces that are being brought in from other areas cannot make it because of the hurricane.  Talk about your perfect storm.

If I was a conspiracy theorist I might say that that hurricane was created and being driven by HARRP to be used as a weapon by the international soviet insurgency against the US nationals who are converging on Tampa, intent upon asserting their will and refusing the election fraud that will be denying Ron Paul his rightful place as the GOP Candidate.
Continue reading “Is Everyone Ready for the GOP Convention?”

From the Trenches World Report was blocked yesterday morning as a result of an unlawful attack upon our server.  All indications are that this is an unlawful government action.

We have managed to get our home page back up but our articles are still being blocked.  We will be working this problem until it is solved.  We will never back down and will be outlining the attack on our broadcast on Republic Broadcasting Network at 8:00 am Pacific today and on Militia Town Hall Meeting at 4:00 pm Pacific on Liberty Tree Radio.

This is an attack on our 1st Amendment and thus far, the “proper authorities” have failed to intervene, indicating that the “proper authorities” are behind the attack.  For more details, tune into the broadcasts.

Well the Mississippi River is running dry.  As the drought destroys more crops, the price of corn, wheat, and other grains is heading up at an alarming rate.  Cattle ranchers are slaughtering their herds earlier to keep from having to purchase more feed at higher prices.  And even at that the price of beef is slated to go up 6% according to the mainstream propaganda, and we all know how these government agencies are when reporting numbers.  6% is more than likely to be 20% when you add in the additional cost of shipping due to rising diesel prices, which will be blamed on the lack of corn to make ethanol, which of course is an unnecessary fuel additive.

It is the plan of the corporate elite to begin the final crash of our economy right after the 2012 presidential election.  An invasion into Iran and QE3 should be enough to procure the theft of the $16 trillion Americans still have in personal savings and the $3 trillion in the Social Security account.
Continue reading “The American Savage Resurrected”

Well it would seem that the false flag shootings have literally been crammed right back into the international insurgency’s face, as not only were we the people not frightened into cutting back on our guns and ammunition purchases, but each false flag resulted in an increase.

Our enemies are desperate and are now implementing a new tactic, which is selective attack on selected individuals via the soviet psychiatric scam.  You see it works like this.
Continue reading “The Enemies of our 1st Amendment Resort to Threats and Intimidation”

The pathetic little parasite Paul Ryan says he wants to make it clear.  He and Mitt Romney are not backing down from Medicare, saying this is a debate he and Romney want and a debate they are going to win.  And what is his big selling point for allowing the complete destruction of Medicare?  Well, Obama has already begun the process via transferring $716 billion from Medicare to his Obamacare.

This is kind of like when Paul Ryan talks about taking food from the poor that is being paid for via tax revenues from the middle class.  If Paul Ryan had his way and ended Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, and food stamps, is there anyone out there naïve enough to believe those revenues would be returned to the middle class and working poor taxpayers?  Or even that the taxes would cease being deducted from their paychecks?
Continue reading “Paul Ryan, Not Such a Slick Operator”

The propagandists are moving at a hundred miles an hour in their effort to divert our attention away from the ever deteriorating state of our union.  Paul Ryan says Obamacare will take $716 billion from Medicare.  Biden says he is lying.  Obama says Romney wants to continue giving $250,000 per year tax breaks to those making $3+ million per year.  Ryan says Obama wants to expand the welfare state.  Harry Reid says Romney has paid no taxes in the past ten years.

It would seem this dirty corrupt election is being reduced to nothing more than the international corporate mafia airing its dirty laundry in public, after which we the people are expected to continue accepting the status quo, right up until the day we die of hunger in our land of plenty.
Continue reading “Campaign Promises 2012”

The propaganda production, “Paul Ryan Goes to Florida”, pulled out all the stops in the effort to divide we the people via our age.  Florida is noted for its population of retirees, so the propagandists figure that in concentrating on the retired in Florida, they can set the minds of the retired across our nation.

Ryan said in a speech, “Medicare should be the promise that is kept to our ‘current’ seniors, period, end of story.”  Ryan has made it clear that everyone age 55 and younger is to sacrifice all and those over 55 are to be untouched, in spite of the fact that many age 55 and younger have paid into their Social Security and Medicare accounts for 20, 30, and 40 years.
Continue reading “Neo-Con Treasonous Seniors Supporting Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney”

CNN ran a piece yesterday featuring an American, Matthew Vandyke, who went to Libya to fight on the side of the rebels against the Gaddafi regime.  Vandyke will now be going to Syria where he intends to join the rebels there.  This is all part of a propaganda push to get the United States involved in the Syrian Civil War, which in reality we already are as our CIA, working in coalition with Israeli Mossad, are smuggling arms to the rebels through Turkey.

What part of “NO” does our government not understand?  No, we do not want to be involved in any more foreign wars.  And no, we do not want to finance any more foreign insurgencies against other sovereign governments.
Continue reading “US to Intervene in Syria”

First time jobless claims came in at 366,000 for the week, not that anyone is really looking at this number anymore and it was hardly discussed in the mainstream media.  However it is being said that the “recovery” has stalled.  How many “recoveries” is this now?

It will be interesting to see the jobs report for August.  Last year it was originally reported that zero jobs were created in August.  This number was of course revised up three months later to 50,000 and anyone that doesn’t know that this year is worse than last year has been living in a cave.
Continue reading “Unemployment and the Road to Famine”

Young insurgents all around our country took to the streets yesterday to line up for amnesty.  Apparently you go in the front door a foreign felon and come out the back door with more rights than any American national in our generation has known.  And still this is not enough.

Now we are supposed to start shedding tears for their parents who brought them here illegally and are here right now illegally, working our jobs illegally, sucking off our safety net, taking up our children’s seats in our colleges.  But this is really no surprise.  Treason out in the open for all to see is the order of the day.
Continue reading “Foreign Insurgents Declare Victory”