As predicted right here on From the Trenches, the peoples of the Middle East and Northern Africa are uniting under a common flag and that would be the flag of Jihad and of course the mainstream propagandists are acting surprised.

For forty years the international elite, using the power of the United States, did implant puppet governments in these foreign states, and of course the illusion we were sold here at home, via the idiot box, was that westernization was being welcomed in these countries and that they were embracing democracy.  It is indeed fascinating that we call so many of these places democracies when they have actually all along been monarchies.
Continue reading “So Much for “Democracy” in the Middle East”

Well we have a new boogie man.  The mainstream propagandists from the false right are reporting that Sufyan Bin Qumu, a Libyan, was released from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 2007 and transferred into Libyan custody on the condition he be kept in jail. It is now being said that Sufyan Bin Qumu led or at least participated in the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi that killed US Ambassador Stevens and three of his staff.  And do you know what?  We shouldn’t believe one word of it.

Don’t forget, the Obama Administration is still insisting that this latest uprising in the Middle East is the result of a 14 minute clip from an anti-Muslim movie that may or may not have ever existed.  This is the false left-right paradigm in all its grandeur.
Continue reading “Americans Await the Shot that will be Heard around the World”

To hear that snake Mitt Romney speak of our founding fathers as he is pushing for the elite, which he is a part of, to put the people of American back to work as slaves for food stamps is truly nauseating.  But then what, if anything, do these creatures say anymore that is not an insult to any free thinking American?

Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat the south side of Chicago back-alley treasonous vermin, who claimed he didn’t want military arrests and indefinite detention for American citizens without due process of law, yesterday got one of his comrades, posing as a federal judge, to put in an injunction on the injunction to stop the implementation of Sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA.
Continue reading “Obama and Romney Spit on our Bill of Rights”

The propagandists are at present attempting to shift our perception of reality in the United States.  Just a couple of weeks ago the picture was pretty clear.  Both the Demorats and Republiscums had stepped forward at their conventions to declare that they, through their private associations, rule the rest of us here in the United States under a system of elitist apartheid.  Pondering the election was a simple matter.  It is a fraud and no matter how the elite decide to end the production, the result is essentially the same.  The status quo, which we the people, being the majority, have already declared we will not accept.

Remember the months of propaganda put forth, just trying to create the illusion of a genuine issue for the election, just any semblance of difference between Romney and Obama other than the pigment of their skin.  And of course there is Benjamin Netanyahu running about like a spoiled child in a toy store who cannot get what he wants RIGHT NOW!
Continue reading “Bill O’Reilly Lectures us on the 2012 Election”

So what is important in the world of the US nationals today?  Well the paparazzi apparently took some pictures of Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, at a chateau in France, owned by relatives of the royal family, where her and Prince William were wallowing in luxuries, apparently she without her clothes on.  These pictures, taken from a half of a mile away with a telescopic lens, are set to be published in a 50 photo spread.  Prince William is demanding that the peasant who took these pictures be arrested and put in a dungeon.

Meanwhile, Prince Harry is stationed at the NATO base, Camp Bastion, in Afghanistan, which fell under attack Friday night by Taliban forces who have vowed to kill the Prince.  Cries could be heard throughout the compound at the onslaught of the attack, “Protect the Prince. Protect the Prince.” and two US Marines died doing so.
Continue reading “The Duchess Kate Bares All”

Beginning with the false flag shooting in Aurora, Colorado on July 20, 2012 and lasting through the summer, we the American people have been facing a full court press of propaganda productions designed to manipulate us into compliance on several fronts, including gun control, internet control, and even war.  And all have failed due to the united resistance that we have accomplished via the internet.

The false flag shootings were met with increased gun sales. The attempt to scare us from purchasing defense items on the net again failed, with many increasing purchases just to send a message.
Continue reading “International Socialist Insurgency False Flags Failing on Every Front”

The communist Obama Administration’s Press Secretary, Jay Carney, said the upheaval in the Middle East is a response not to the United States’ policy, not to the Administration, and certainly not to the American people.  It is in response to a video, a film, of course referring to the 14 minute trailer for the movie, Innocence of Muslims.  Said movie we now find out does not even exist beyond the trailer, which represents an open insult to the Muslims in the Middle East,

This assertion is like every other thing we are being told by the international socialist insurgent government in our country.  It is an out and out lie.
Continue reading “The True Video that is Causing the Middle East Uprisings”

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced another round of quantitative easing yesterday.  Under QE3, 40 billion new dollars will be printed per month, he says, until it has an effect.  Well when these $40 billion per month are handed over to the central banks in exchange for more of those toxic derivatives, it is going to have an effect.

The fiat dollar and the US economy are on their way out.  This latest move by the Zionist bankers is designed to allow maximum theft of our natural resources, right up to the point that our economy completely crashes.
Continue reading “Bend Over, Here Comes QE3”

US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others were killed in Benghazi, Libya on Tuesday, September 11, 2012.  This was an orchestrated event as evidenced in the propaganda accompanying it.  The international corporate mafia has fallen behind schedule in its agenda to capture the Middle East for Zion.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is appearing as a cornered rat, desperate to fulfill his mission before the October elections in Israel.   He knows the majority of the people there want to be rid of him as he is about to get them all killed.
Continue reading “False Flag in Libya through Sleight of Hand”

Protesters stormed the US Embassy in Cairo yesterday, tore down the US flag and burned it in the street, replacing it with a black jihadist’s flag.  Later it was reported that riot police fired on the protesters.

Well let’s see.  The US corporate controlled government backed the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, saying that the goal was to instill democracy so that the people of Egypt could decide their own affairs and thus their own destiny.  It would seem they have decided that they do not want the US in their country and that they do not want to be westernized.
Continue reading “Henry Declares Peace with the Peoples of the World”

Well it is the eleventh anniversary of 9/11.  Whether there will be another huge false flag today or not is yet to be seen, that is if you are even reading this.  Yesterday, at approximately 10:30 am Pacific time, From the Trenches World Report went down because our domain holder Go Daddy went down, causing millions of sites and email accounts around the world to go down with it.  The outage was blamed on an anonymous hack, but the very term anonymous leads one to wonder who the anonymous party was.

For weeks prior to 9/11 eleven years ago, someone anonymously was attacking the servers of Muslim sites in the US and then when the false flag occurred, these sites were down.  Thus, there were no contradictions being put forth by Middle Easterners to challenge the US government’s version of what had occurred.
Continue reading “Happy 9/11 Day!!”

The international socialist insurgency continues to throw out their propaganda smokescreen in the face of a resistance that is growing exponentially.  I was very happy to see a video I found of two men facing down the Gestapo in Rhode Island.  The two refused to identify themselves and demanded to know why they were being detained.  The Rhode Island Gestapo, being Gestapo, put forth their authority which amounted to “We are the police and we can demand from any citizen anything we want.”

When one of the men being detained asked one of the moronic pigs to define the 4th Amendment the response was, “It is the right for search and seizure.”  This is the reason an IQ of below 100 is a prerequisite for joining the force.  This video clearly showed the absence of any knowledge of the law by those purportedly enforcing it.
Continue reading “American Nationals Confront Police State with Total Resistance”

The American people of the American race seem to be in a state of shock and awe as the two elitist private clubs, the Democratic and Republican Parties, continue their fictional production of the 2012 Presidential Election, and the hypocrisy knows no bounds.

The neo-con national socialists have latched onto the DNC Convention debacle involving the vote to remove God from their platform and assert Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, pretending that the very same bogus teleprompter incident did not occur in the RNC Convention vote to unseat the Ron Paul delegates.
Continue reading “Status Quo Campaign of Shock and Awe”

New jobs created for the month of August came in at 96,000.  The experts estimated that number would be 140,000.  So much for the experts.  June’s Job Report was revised down from 80,000 to 64,000 jobs created.  July’s likewise was revised down from 163,000 to 141,000.  So in two months we have a miscalculation amounting to 38,000 jobs.  If we question these revisions they tell us that they keep changing because it is a fluid situation and they just can’t keep up with it.

Approximately 2 billion shares of stock are traded on the New York Exchange daily.  There are about 6000 different companies on the NYSE and trades are being made all around the world, yet these numbers are calculated accurately to the second.  With these jobs numbers we are looking at the simplest of calculations and yet the discrepancies run into the thousands and they are not discovered until a month later.
Continue reading “August Jobs Report – Another Lie”

Well it would seem those still trapped in the false left paradigm have just discovered what those still trapped in the false right paradigm did last week, and that is that these two political parties are actually one and the same.  When it comes down to brass tacks, the Israelis control our government, not the American people.

The fact is, we out here among the great unwashed and disenfranchised have discovered who the Zionists are and that the Christian Zionists in this country are in cahoots with the Zionist cabal in Israel and have been running our government for the past 50 years to the benefit of the Israelis and the detriment of the people of the US.
Continue reading “The One Party Zionist System Revealed at DNC”

I have often wondered as to the thoughts going through the minds of our founding fathers as the inevitable closed in around them.  When I say our founding fathers I do not mean the elitists who would direct others to their deaths, but rather the common folk, whose lives would be changed forever by the upcoming event of our first revolution.

Surely they loved life every bit as much as any one of us does and were wishing they could just live out theirs in peace.  But then, as now, there were greedy power elite who wanted to take the fruits of their labor and make slaves of them.  As I watch this convention nonsense on the stupid box, I wonder about the information the colonists were privy to and the conversations they were having.
Continue reading “Stop the Cycle of Perpetual War”

The communist cotillion kicked off yesterday in Charlotte, North Carolina with DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz taking the lead and flaunting the fact that the dual citizen Israeli-Americans are dominant in our government and the Israeli Zionists will continue to dictate our foreign policy as long as the status quo maintains control.

If Obama is elected, it is war with Iran, and most probably a third world war.  And on the other side of the coin, if Mitt Romney is elected, it is war with Iran, and most probably a third world war.
Continue reading “DNC Communist Cotillion and the La Raza Faction”

Obama is once again standing before crowds of people holding signs that say, “Change”.  What, they didn’t like the first change and now they want another change?  This has to be the stupidest slogan ever conceived.  The fact is before the ink dried on the Constitution the politicians were spouting “Change, change” and with few exceptions, the changes have all been for the worse.

I think what we need to do is un-change.  Get rid of NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, and every other international trade treaty.  Un-change.  Return American industry to America.  Un-change.  Get rid of the Federal Reserve and go back to minting our own money like the Constitution says.  Un-change.  Bring our troops back from all around the world and un-empire build.  Un-change.  Strike down the Patriot Act, Sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA, and HR 347 Trespass Legislation.
Continue reading “American Nationals for Un-Change”

There is a lot of speculation as to what is about to unfold in light of the international elites’ declaration for their seizure of total power in the US.  Will it be bio attacks, dirty bombs, World War III, or just a plain old complete collapse of the economy?  For anyone to claim they have the slightest idea as to what is about to transpire, is beyond a stretch.  The fact is all of the elements above and more are distinct possibilities as the international corporate mafia, new world order, illuminati has never faced a foe, such as the 21st century American national represents.

In days of yore, it was a simpler matter.  Those the elite wished to destroy were simply divided into two camps.  Then with the proper propaganda inserted through agitators, the people would simply kill one another while the elite kicked back in comfort to admire their handiwork.  I’m sure the elitist think tanks are finding themselves in a state of confusion in trying to devise a plan that procures our destruction without harming the elite.
Continue reading “The Fluid Strategy”