LifeSiteNews – by Steve Weatherbe
KANSAS CITY, Missouri, August 17, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Catholic father and media professional Steve Sanborn faced down health system apparatchiks who insisted they had a legal right to talk privately with his son and daughter about sex. He has gone on YouTube with a warning to other parents not as suspicious as he is about bureaucratic overreach into parental and family rights.
When Sanborn took his 13-year daughter and 11-year-old son to Children’s Mercy Hospital last month for their annual checkup, he was told they would be seen “privately” by a staff doctor for a few minutes each. “That won’t be happening,” he twice insisted. “Missouri has a new law” that required it, a doctor responded. But when Sanborn held his ground, the doctor backed down. Continue reading “Catholic father says no way to doctor’s private sex talk with his kids”