Bloomberg – by Nacha Cattan

Financial leaders in Mexico anticipating the prospect of volatility in their markets or a deleterious effect on trade following the result of the U.S. presidential election are weighing the idea of a wall of their own — call it a firewall.

Central Bank Governor Agustin Carstens, who has expressed concern about the fallout from a victory by Republican nominee Donald Trump — in the past calling him a “hurricane” for Mexico’s economy — said the nation could see a period of volatility no matter who wins the vote on Nov. 8, Milenio TV reported. The central bank is working on a contingency plan with Finance Minister Jose Antonio Meade, who said in an interview Wednesday with Televisa that he doesn’t see much point in intervening in the peso to bolster the currency, at least at this time.   Continue reading “Mexico’s Government Is Working on a Trump Contingency Plan”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft


Jennifer Palmieri, the Director of Communications with the Hillary Clinton campaign, and top Clinton advisors conspired to withhold emails from FBI investigators.

Palmieri and top Clinton advisors committed conspiracy with campaign consultants to only turn over 55,000 emails to the State Department knowing there were more emails they were withholding.   Continue reading “Jennifer Palmieri and Clinton Camp Commit Conspiracy – Caught Hiding 55k Emails”

The Jerusalem Post

If American citizens in Israel were to choose the next president of the United States, Republican nominee Donald Trump would win the election, according to the results of an exit poll taken among absentee voters in Israel obtained exclusively by The Jerusalem Post.

Trump received 49% of the Israeli-American vote, while Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton got 44%, according to the poll conducted by get-out-the-vote organization iVoteIsrael and KEEVOON Global Research.   Continue reading “Trump beats Clinton in Israeli absentee-voter exit poll”

McClatchy – by Theresa Welsh

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has refused to say he’d accept the outcome of next week’s election if he loses. He has claimed, despite lack of evidence, that the ballots will be “rigged” against him.

If that does happen, a crowdsourcing tool invented in Kenya is prepared to document it.   Continue reading “A Kenyan crowdsourcing tool will monitor the U.S. election for fraud”

Washington Post – by Sari Horwitz and Ellen Nakashima

Senior FBI officials were informed about the discovery of new emails potentially relevant to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server at least two weeks before Director James B. Comey notified Congress, according to federal officials familiar with the investigation.

The officials said that Comey was told that there were new emails before he received a formal briefing last Thursday, although the precise timing is unclear.   Continue reading “Senior FBI officials were told of new emails in early October but wanted more information before renewing Clinton probe”

Daily Mail

U.S. Scientists are working on next-generation combat wear for soldiers inspired by the nano suit worn in the Iron Man films – and say it could be just two years away.

The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (Talos) would effectively give its wearer superpowers, such as the ability to see in the dark, super-human strength and a way of deflecting bullets.   Continue reading “US Army to test radical ‘Iron Man’ bullet-proof liquid armour that gives soldiers super-human strength”


Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte chided the United States on Wednesday for halting the planned sale of 26,000 rifles to his country, calling those behind the decision “fools” and “monkeys” and indicating he might turn to Russia and China instead.

Duterte’s tirades against the former colonial power are routine during his speeches and he said on Wednesday he once believed in Washington, but had since lost respect for the Philippines’ biggest ally.   Continue reading “Philippines’ Duterte rails at U.S. ‘monkeys’ for halting gun sale”

Paul Craig Roberts

Putin expressed hopes that a new US president will work with him to rectify the dangerous deterioration in relations between the US and Russia. Obviously, this cannot happen if the new president is Hillary.

Here is President Putin’s speech at Valdai:   Continue reading “President Putin Asks US To Stop Provoking Russia”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

This election remains more heated than any other in modern history – and for many, it has become a call to arms, even if only metaphorically.

Despite the fact that DNC operatives have been exposed as the ones inciting violence at rallies – Robert Creamer and Scott Foval for example – and working overtime to bus in illegal voters and rig the vote – the media is going out of its way to paint Trump supporters and grassroots Americans as the ones plotting violence.   Continue reading ““If Trump Loses, I’m Grabbing My Musket”: Former Congressman Ready to Go Full Revolution”

Natural News – by Mike Adams

The entire leftist media is not merely dishonest and corrupt, their science writers are unbelievably stupid and ill-informed about nearly everything in the natural world. Today, after months of printing fear-inducing “Zika terrorism” stories that scared America half to death while convincing the government to funnel billions of dollars into Zika vaccine research for Big Pharma, the Washington Post now admits it had no idea what it was talking about.   Continue reading “After terrorizing America with Zika scaremongering, Washington Post now admits Zika virus doesn’t cause brain deformities after all”

The Washington Standard – by Tony Elliot

It appears Bill and Hillary Clinton are making plans to flee the country in the event Donald Trump wins this election. Reports are circulating that the Clintons have transferred 1.8 Billion dollars from the Clinton Foundation to the Qatar Central Bank, via a facilitation/abatement of JP Morgan Chase & Company for reasons not revealed.

This move of such a large sum of money to the country of Qatar says in itself, Hillary Clinton knows she is going to lose the election, and she doesn’t plan to allow herself to be prosecuted for various high crimes and treason under a Trump Administration.   Continue reading “Are the Obamas, the Clintons and the Bushes going to seek refuge in Countries that don’t Extradite to the US if Trump Wins?”

Press TV

American documentary filmmaker Michael Moore has described anyone planning to vote for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump as a “legal terrorist” alleging that Trump intends to “blow up the old way.”

Moore’s remarks came in an interview published Friday by the US-basedRolling Stone magazine in which he called on those considering voting for Trump to “think about the damage they could do by being a legal terrorist on November 8th.”   Continue reading “Michael Moore: Anyone voting for Trump is ‘legal terrorist’”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

This tip came through the back channels; its implications are astounding.

If there is any truth to it, the 2016 election could be a kick-off for total tyranny.

According to an unnamed source – who has provided accurate intel in the past – an unannounced military drill is scheduled to take place during a period leading up to the election and throughout the month after.   Continue reading “Unrest and Martial Law? Leaked Military Drill Anticipates “No Rule of Law” After Election Results”