New York Times – by Thomas Fuller

BERKELEY, Calif. — Chanting “Not my president,” several hundred protesters streamed through the streets of Berkeley and Oakland in the predawn hours of Wednesday venting their anger at the election of Donald J. Trump as president. Demonstrations were also reported in Pittsburgh, Seattle and Portland, Ore.

The California Highway Patrol said that one protester, who was not identified, sustained major injuries after being hit by a car when protesters attempted to move onto a freeway.   Continue reading “Anti-Trump Demonstrators Take to the Streets in Several U.S. Cities”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Something serious appears to be happening in Russia, as well as at the Russian Consulate in New York.

Speculation abounds as multiple events taking place in the last few hours indicate that either a very coincidental set of circumstances just happened, or an attack has been initiated against Putin’s government.

Here’s what we know right now.   Continue reading “What The Hell Just Happened In Russia: Powerstation Explosion In Naval Base Region – Helicopters Landing On Moscow Streets – Dead Man Found At Russian Consulate in New York”

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

Amnesty for illegal immigrants like a program proposed by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton would require an immediate tax hike of $1.2 trillion, a $15,000 hit on every household in America, according to a new analysis of immigration reform.

The authoritative National Academy of Sciences said the cost to give some 11 million illegals citizenship rights would be staggering, though it suggested long-term benefits.   Continue reading “Amnesty tax: $15,000 per household, $1.2 trillion”

Politico – by Burgess Everett

FBI Director James Comey “may have broken the law” by showing favoritism to Republicans in announcing new investigative steps regarding Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid alleged on Sunday evening.

In a sharply worded letter that suggested Reid has lost confidence in Comey, the Nevada senator charged that Comey is withholding sensitive information about Russian meddling in the United States election and had “rushed to publicize” what Reid deems “thin innuendo” about emails that may be relevant to the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s email practices. Reid said his staff’s investigation into Comey’s work indicates the FBI director may have violated the Hatch Act, a law that prohibits political activity by most executive branch officials.   Continue reading “Reid: FBI director ‘may have broken the law’”

The Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

Just when it looked like Hillary Clinton was poised to win the 2016 election, the FBI has thrown a gamechanger into the mix. On Friday, FBI Director James Comey announced that his agency has discovered new emails related to Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information that they had not previously seen. According to the Associated Press, the newly discovered emails “did not come from her private server”, but instead were found when the FBI started going through electronic devices that belonged to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Weiner.  The FBI has been looking into messages of a sexual nature that Weiner had exchanged with a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina, and that is why they originally seized those electronic devices.  According to the Washington Post, the “emails were found on a computer used jointly by both Weiner and his wife, top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, according to a person with knowledge of the inquiry”, and according to some reports there may be “potentially thousands” of emails on the computer that the FBI did not have access to previously.  Even though there are less than two weeks to go until election day, this scandal has the potential to possibly force Clinton out of the race, and if that happens could Barack Obama delay or suspend the election until a replacement candidate can be found?   Continue reading “Will Barack Obama Delay Or Suspend The Election If Hillary Is Forced Out By The New FBI Email Investigation?”

USA Today

WASHINGTON  — The Army acknowledged Friday that Maj. Gen. John Rossi committed suicide on July 31, making him the highest-ranking soldier ever to have taken his own life.

Rossi, who was 55, was just two days from pinning on his third star and taking command of Army Space and Missile Command when he killed himself at his home at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. ‘   Continue reading “General is most senior Army officer to kill self”

Legal Insurrection – by Leslie Eastman

About one-year ago, Gov. Jerry Brown signed the state’s assisted-suicide bill into law. It fully went into effect this June, with the opening of the first clinic. While there is no data on the number of California assisted-suicides, Oregon recorded over 130 last year as part of their legalized physician-assisted death program.

Now, one young mother says her insurance company denied her coverage for chemotherapy treatment after originally agreeing to provide the fiscal support for it, but indicated it would be willing to pay for assisted suicide instead.   Continue reading “Insurers use California’s assisted-suicide law to deny treatment for terminal patients”

KTVU 2 News

– A federal investigation is underway after a Berkeley man found nearly 100 voter pamphlets dumped in a recycling bin.

Scott Wheeler says he was walking along where he lives on Walnut Street when he found the pamphlets inside a recycling bin.

“They were just sitting there on top. I stopped what I was doing with the eggs,” says Wheeler. He says he had been collecting egg cartons.   Continue reading “Feds investigating nearly 100 voter guides found in Berkeley recycling bin”

Investment Watch – by Pamela Williams

Sanctuary cities continue to be a problem for ICE, as they refuse to follow the law that ICE tries to enforce.  Considering the number of immigrants coming into the United States without proper vetting, this is a dire situation for all American citizens.

Until I read this article, and I viewed the map below I had no idea how many sanctuary cities there are in the US.  This map gives you a chance to see if you are close to one, or if, in fact, you live in one.   Continue reading “Sanctuary Cities Continue To Obstruct Enforcement, Threaten Public Safety. How Close Are You To A Sanctuary City?”

Express – by Rebecca Perring

Until now, infertility – the failure to achieve pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sex – was considered a disability.

But now in dramatic move the World Health Organisation will change the standard to suggest that a person who is unable to find a suitable sexual partner or is lacking a sexual relationship to have children – will now be equally classified as disabled.    Continue reading “Failure to find a sexual partner is now a DISABILITY says World Health Organisation”

True Pundit

Hillary Clinton divulged Top Secret nuclear security intelligence to tens of millions of worldwide television audience viewers Wednesday night during the third presidential debate, according to high-ranking Department of Defense personnel.

Clinton, responding to opponent Donald Trump and a question posed by debate moderator Chris Wallace, boasted specific and “damaging” details about the United States’ nuclear response time to retaliate during a nuclear attack. Clinton said:   Continue reading “Pentagon: Hillary Clinton Should Be Arrested For Leaking Top Secret Nuclear Intelligence on National TV”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Just moments ago we reported that in the latest escalation involving Syria, the Russian aircraft carrier Kuznetsov was now sailing past Norway on its way to Syria, where it is expected to arrive in just under 2 weeks.  As part of the carrier naval group, Russia also deployed an escort of seven other Russian ships, which we dubbed the “most powerful Russian naval task force to sail in northern Europe since 2014” according to Russia’s Nezavisimaya Gazeta daily reports.     Continue reading “Russia Is Deploying The Largest Naval Force Since The Cold War For Syria: NATO Diplomat”

Washington Post – by Travis M. Andrews and Fred Barbash

As the judge in the Stanford rape case learned, along with the judge in the “affluenza” drunken driving case, the whole world is watching them. A crowd, an angry crowd, can form in a matter of days of people outraged by what they consider a lenient sentence for a heinous crime.

In the case of Judge John McKeon, as of early morning Wednesday, almost 20,000 people had signed a petition calling for his impeachment for the 60-day sentence he gave a Glasgow, Mont., man who pleaded guilty to repeatedly raping his prepubescent daughter.   Continue reading “Father who ‘repeatedly raped his 12-year old daughter’ gets 60-day sentence. Fury erupts.”

Conservative Daily Post – by Martin Walsh

The Clintons operate like a mob. They run a shady business (the Clinton Foundation) where the front appears to be a well-organized business that does good work, but if you go to the back, you will see all of the corruption and dirty business being done.

Over the course of 30 years, the Clintons have created thousands of enemies. In doing so, we are all well aware of the “Clinton kill list.”   Continue reading “Clinton Doctor Who Confirmed Hillary’s Brain Tumor Found Dead”

The Federalist – by Nicole Russell

History repeats itself, first as tragedy, the second as farce. — Karl Marx

If anyone needed new evidence that millennials have been deprived of a basic education, a new survey provides it with findings about their high acceptance rates of mass-murder-enabling ideologies such as socialism and communism.
Continue reading “Survey Finds High Support For Communism Among Millennials”


The UK bank servicing RT has given notice that it will close the broadcaster’s accounts, without explanation. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova has reacted by saying it seems that in leaving the EU, London also left behind any freedom of speech obligations.

“They closed our accounts in Britain. All of them. ‘Decision not to be discussed’. Long live freedom of speech!” RT’s editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan said on her Twitter account.   Continue reading “UK bank to close RT accounts, ‘long live freedom of speech!’ – editor-in-chief”