Breitbart – by Michael Patrick Leahy

Six diseases that were recently near eradication are making a comeback in the United States, as the taxpayer funded refugee resettlement industry launches a propaganda blitz about the so-called World Refugee Day this Monday.

The returning diseases are;  Continue reading “Six Diseases Return To US as Migration Advocates Celebrate ‘World Refugee Day’”

Gov’t Slaves

(AMY GOODRICH)  Homeschooling is on the rise in Clinton County, Kentucky. Over the recent years, it has seen a 10 to 15 percent increase in homeschool families, and it is believed that this trend will continue in the coming years.

According to the Clinton County News, the increase is due to improved access to homeschool programs, personal or religious beliefs, and the increase in the public school age from 16 to 18 years old.   Continue reading “Kentucky to start randomly auditing homeschooling families as public school attendance plummets”

SuperStation 95

The Google news search engine picked-up a Chicago Sun-Times Network article about the attack at an Orlando nightclub 6 hours BEFORE the attack took place!  The attack occurred around 2:00 AM eastern US time on Sunday, June 12.   Continue reading “Google Search Engine Picked-Up ORLANDO ATTACK NEWS STORY 6 Hours BEFORE attack took place!”

The Daily Sheeple

Daily Sheeple received this email tip from a guy named John who received a message warning that FEMA just quietly activated it’s “hush hush” Civilian Corps last week.

John forwarded that email to us on Friday afternoon, saying “That was the very odd message about FEMA that came into my spam box at work.”   Continue reading “Is Something Big Coming? Report: FEMA Just Quietly Activated Civilian Corps”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

In the wake of the Orlando shooting, the gun control agenda coming out of the government and media is reaching a fever pitch. You’ve heard of how flawed the “no-fly” list is… There are babies and eight-year-olds on that thing. How did they get there? No one is too sure, but it’s all done in a secret process that the people on the list themselves are not privvy to.

Now consider the government extrajudicially canceling people’s 2nd Amendment with a “no-buy” list, as advocated in a recent NYT editorial.   Continue reading “NYTimes Declares The Gov’t Should Secretly Suspend Our Second Amendment Rights”

Investment Watch

Naval Exercise Malabar kicked off 12 hours ago (US, India, Japan), amidst much speculation that all these “exercises” involving the world’s major navies are a steaming crock of coverup for what is the closest thing to a war in the Pacific that we’ve seen since WWII.

I don’t believe in coincidences. “Worst mass shooting ever” just before major naval adversaries flood into the South China Seas?   Continue reading “Orlando: Distraction from WWIII with China and Russia? Sh*t hitting the fan in the Pacific.”

Gov’t Slaves

(RT)  The mass murder of 49 people in Orlando again shows that the United States must consider heightened gun-control measures to protect its most vulnerable citizens, the United Nations human rights commissioner has said.

Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al Hussein, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, implored American leaders to finally address easy access to firearms and the resulting high volume of gun violence that is now pervasive in the US.   Continue reading “UN rights chief calls for more US gun control in wake of Orlando massacre”

Investment Watchblog

Three hours is UNACCEPTABLE.

The guy in the bathroom texted his mom for almost 40 min. They were outside just waiting. They could have saved a lot of them.

Did a delay in response give the gunman more time? Cops face questions over why it took three hours for SWAT teams to storm Orlando nightclub as police chief admits officers may have shot some of the VICTIMS Continue reading “Orlando police chief admits officers may have shot some of the victims”

Intellihub – by Shepard Ambellas

ORLANDO, Flor. (INTELLIHUB) According to heavily censored eyewitness reports, totally suppressed from the mainstream, there were likely several other radicalized perpetrators involved with Saturday night’s terror attack, which led deaths of 49 club-goers at Pulse and over 50 others being injured.

One eyewitness to the attack, who was inside the nightclub when it happened, was giving his testimony to the attack, after being trapped inside the club, live on-air, to a mainstream news source when he was abruptly cut off after providing a crucial detail. The eyewitness said that during the attack “there was a guy there that was trying to […] hold the door closed so that we couldn’t exit,” as pointed out by an investigative reporter on YouTube.
Continue reading “Multiple suspects on the loose in Orlando; total media blackout of eyewitness accounts”

The Daily Sheeple

It has only been a day, and already suspicious details are emerging from the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

First, you have this report a live TV caller gave on a mainstream media channel claiming to have been inside the club when the shooting occurred. He said that when people tried to escape, someone was holding the door closed. As soon as he says this, the reporter “loses him” and they change the subject.   Continue reading “Suspicious Details From Orlando Shooting: Man Cut Off While Reporting ‘Someone Held The Door Shut’, Police Scanner Audio Missing, More”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

We all know they’ve tried to play this game with Obama, using the presidential seal as a halo…   Continue reading “CNN Makes Us Want To Gag By Editing Hillary’s Nominee Speech To Make Her Look Like A “Glowing Golden God””

Breitbart – by Warner Todd Huston

Target’s CEO Brian Cornell refused to change course when confronted this week by shareholders who are alarmed by his expensive push for a transgender, mixed-sex changing-room policy that has helped wipe out almost 20 percent of the company’s value.

Cornell told the annual meeting of investors that the company intend to stick with the April 19 transgender policy — which requires its customers to use mixed-sex changing rooms and bathrooms — and he even insisted there has been no financial repercussions, despite a $10 billion Wall Street loss in the months since the policy was announced.   Continue reading “Target CEO Clings To Transgender Mixed-Sex Changing Room Plan, Despite $10 billion Loss”

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

Federal taxpayers are on the hook for nearly $20,000 just to settle each refugee and asylum seeker, who are then immediately eligible for cash welfare, food stamps, housing and medical aid, according to a new report on the “refugee industry.”

The report provided federal budget figures showing that the government spends $19,884 on each refugee the U.S. takes in.

And that number is set to jump if President Obama gets his way and brings in an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees in this year.   Continue reading “Feds spend nearly $20,000 to settle every refugee”

Gov’t Slaves

(OKLAHOMA CITY)  You may have heard of civil asset forfeiture.

That’s where police can seize your property and cash without first proving you committed a crime; without a warrant and without arresting you, as long as they suspect that your property is somehow tied to a crime.

Now, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol has a device that also allows them to seize money in your bank account or on prepaid cards.   Continue reading “Civil Forfeiture in Oklahoma now allows bank seizure using your credit cards”

Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

This is exactly what we have been expecting to happen.  On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the U.S. economy only added 38,000 jobs in May.  This was way below the 158,000 jobs that analysts were projecting, and it is also way below what is needed just to keep up with population growth.  In addition, the number of jobs created in April was revised down by 37,000 and the number of jobs created in March was revised down by 22,000.  This was the worst jobs report in almost six years, and the consensus on Wall Street is that it was an unmitigated disaster.   Continue reading “Worst Jobs Report In Nearly 6 Years – 102 Million Working Age Americans Do Not Have Jobs”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

While the country is broke and Americans whose forefathers founded this nation and paid into the system for generations are being saddled with massive student debt, illegal immigrants are getting $282,220 scholarships and bragging about it on twitter.

These pictures were highlighted earlier today by Jared Wyand on Twitter.   Continue reading “llegals Openly Brag About $300k Scholarships on Twitter”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

At a commencement address at City College of New York on Friday, First Lady Michelle Obama once again brought race to the forefront, proclaiming that she wakes up every day in a house built by slaves.   Continue reading “Race Baiting Michelle Obama: “I Wake Up Each Day In A House Built By Slaves””