Oregon Live – by Les Zaitz

The dispatcher at the John Day 911 center hesitated when Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer radioed in for information about a roadblock after state police shot and killed Robert “LaVoy” Finicum.

Palmer was on his way south from John Day on Jan. 26 after hearing reports of the traffic stop and shooting, triggered when authorities moved in to arrest leaders of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge takeover.   Continue reading “Grant County sheriff viewed as ‘security leak’ as state seeks investigation”

Esquire – by David Downs

The Supreme Court of the United States — minus the late Justice Scalia — is set to take up the hot-button issue of marijuana legalization today in a highly watched case. The SCOTUS is hearing a challenge to Colorado legalization from two neighboring states Nebraska and Oklahoma as plaintiffs. The states are arguing that because of legalization, marijuana is unlawfully crossing over their borders. The federal Controlled Substances Act should override state legalization, they argue, under the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution. But SCOTUS is unlikely to take up Nebraska and Oklahoma v. Colorado, watchers say, partially because the plaintiffs’ case is so weak, and partially because one likely supporter of the case, Justice Scalia, is dead.   Continue reading “The U.S. Supreme Court Is Hearing a Huge Marijuana Legalization Case”

Sure they do!

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A majority of Americans believe it should be up to President Barack Obama to nominate the next U.S. Supreme Court justice, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found on Thursday, with opinion divided along ideological party lines.   Continue reading “Most Americans want Obama to nominate Scalia’s replacement”

Investment Watch

While Pope Francis is effectively advocating for a borderless America, many people are amused by the irony of the giant wall surrounding his own Vatican City.   Continue reading “VATICAN SURROUNDED BY WALLS… Has most restrictive immigration, citizenship policies of any nation in world”

The Realist Report

According to a report coming from The Jerusalem Post, the Israeli Foreign Ministry is openly demanding governments around the world regulate social media platforms in an effort to combat and ultimately ban “anti-Semitism” and “incitement of violence.”

Most readers are no doubt aware of the fact that the organized Jewish community regularly hypes, exaggerates, and even outright fabricates “incitement to violence” against Jews and other minorities in order to advance their tyrannical, anti-free speech agenda. (See here and here, for example.)  Continue reading “Israel Demands Governments Regulate Social Media & Ban “Anti-Semitism””

Truthstream Media – by Aaron and Melissa Dykes

Of course, these days the concept of the Illuminati is much less a shadowy secret society bent on world domination than a cruel inside joke MTV has played out with borrowed symbolism.

But back in 1924, people were very worried about the Illuminati’s plans to take over the world by destroying it.   Continue reading “1924 Newspaper Article Outlines Six Goals of the Illuminati”

Breitbart – by Mary Chastain

Heating and air-conditioning company Carrier, which has announced it will move 1,400 Americans’ jobs to Mexico, received $5.1 million from the Obama administration.

Local media reported the “Department of Energy awarded Carrier $5.1 million in clean energy tax credits in December 2013” for its Indianapolis facility. They planned to use the money to “expand production at its Indianapolis facility to meet increasing demand for its eco-friendly condensing gas furnace product line.”   Continue reading “Carrier Received $5.1 Million in Obama-Stimulus Cash Before Move To Mexico”

Breitbart, May 13, 2015

A newly released GAI timeline depicts the sequence of events leading up to then-Sec. of State Hillary Clinton’s approval of the transfer of half of U.S. Uranium output (20% of all U.S. Uranium) to the Russian government in 2010.

Clinton’s State Department was one of eight agencies to review the deal, but Hillary Clinton was the only agency head whose family foundation bagged $145 million in donations, reports the New York Times and Clinton Cash.   Continue reading “Flashback: Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million”

Intellihub – by Alex Thomas

With the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge finally over after the four remaining occupants surrendered to the FBI without bloodshed, the mainstream media has largely turned their focus away from Harney County and the small Oregon town that became the epicenter of revolt against gross federal government overreach.

Despite this, there remains an extremely important story to tell, one that includes all the hallmarks of a literal police state including road blocks, road closures, check points, private mercenaries, papers please demands, and even guns pointed directly at the heads of law-abiding American citizens.   Continue reading “Martial law in Burns, Oregon: Feds terrorize local citizens with check points, random searches, and guns to their head”

Breitbart – by Deborah Danan

TEL AVIV – A new bill introduced in Congress Wednesday supports the rights of U.S. states to cut ties with companies that are engaged in the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.

Lawmakers from both houses of Congress presented the Combating BDS Act of 2016, which is aimed at combating economic warfare against Israel, Tablet magazine, which obtained a preliminary copy of the bill, reported.   Continue reading “New Bipartisan Congressional Bill Supports States Fighting Boycotts of Israel”

Regenesis Radio

Judge Reports Lavoy Shot 9 Times Pleads for Military,   Major General on bringing in U.S Military, reports “French Banking” cartel has employed operatives acting falsely as FBI agents.  The Major General reports he has escalated the matter.   Continue reading “Judge Reports Lavoy Shot 9 Times Pleads For Military”

Natural News – by Sarah Knight

According to a recent report by the U.S. Geological Survey, male bass are experiencing sex changes due to chemicals that are found in most waterways across Northeast National Wildlife Refuges.(1) Studies have found that up to 85% of male smallmouth bass in the region are demonstrating “characteristics of the opposite sex” – including eggs being located where testes should be.(2)

This isn’t a one off – in fact, 27% of largemouth bass in the same region also show undesirable sex change indications. Meanwhile, an earlier report by Natural News states that tiny amounts of estrogen used in birth control pills is making its way into waterways and causing wild fish populations to collapse.(3)
Continue reading “Chemicals in the water are turning male fish into females… is same thing happening in humans?”

The Free Capitalist Project – by Rick Koerber

BURNS, OREGON – January 30, 2016 (Last Updated 1/31/2016 at 3:37 AM) — BREAKING NEWS:  Shawna Cox is one of five occupants who traveled in with LaVoy Finicum in his white pickup truck on January 26, 2016.  Tonight at 10pm Mountain, Rick Koerber and Free Capitalist Radio broadcast ((video below)) her first-hand statements from a telephone interview earlier in the day, recounting the events she experienced, including the tragic shooting death of Mr. Finicum on January 26.  This is the second eyewitness account being reported to the public, both differ dramatically from the official FBI story.   Continue reading “Second Eyewitness: Chronicling the Tragic Ambush and Murder of LaVoy Finicum”

Deseret News

SALT LAKE CITY — Gov. Gary Herbert said Thursday he’s still reviewing whether he supports going forward with a proposed lawsuit against the federal government over its control of public lands, given the high price tag.

“I think the thing that gives us all pause is the cost,” the governor told reporters during his first media availability of the 2016 Legislature. “You kind of have to handicap (it). We’re going to spend $14 million and our chances of success are what?”   Continue reading “$14 million price tag for public lands lawsuit gives governor pause”

Natural News – by Mike Adams

The latest horror from science is being hailed by the science journal Nature as a breakthrough for brain research, but it involves genetically engineering baby monkeys to cripple them and make them cognitively stunted and “autistic.”

“The laboratory monkeys run obsessively in circles, largely ignore their peers and grunt anxiously when stared at,” writes David Cyranoski in this Nature article. It’s all part of an effort to use genetic engineering to create “psychiatric disorders” in primates so that drug companies can reap billions in profits from the very same conditions caused by mercury in vaccines, toxic processed foods and herbicide chemicals used on genetically modified crops.   Continue reading “The latest science horror: Baby monkeys genetically engineered to suffer from autism symptoms… NATURE science journal celebrates ‘breakthrough’”

The New Observer

According to an article in the Times of Israel, Erdan’s plan calls for “developing legislation in conjunction with European countries,” most of which “are very interested in this idea.”

The legislation would have common features, such as defining what constitutes incitement and what the responsibilities of social networks regarding it are, a spokesman for the minister told the Israeli-based newspaper.   Continue reading “Israel Demands World Internet Censorship”

Intellihub – by Shepard Ambellas

PRINCETON, Ore. (INTELLIHUB) — As it turns out there’s a lot more to the story behind the Malheur Wildlife Refuge–a whole lot more–and this article is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

As you may or may not know, Intellihub reported on Jan. 4, that the Hammond’s ranch and other ranch-lands surrounding the refuge sit atop a vast swath of precious metals, minerals, and uranium that’s heavily desired by not only the federal government, but foreign entities as well.   Continue reading “Clinton Foundation took massive payoffs, promised Hammond Ranch and other publicly owned lands to Russian’s along with one-fifth of our uranium ore”