ArsTechnica – by David Kravets

We’re all familiar with the Breathalyzer, the brand name for a roadside device that measures a suspected drunken driver’s blood-alcohol level. It has been in use for decades. Now there’s a so-called “textalyzer” device to help the authorities determine whether someone involved in a motor vehicle accident was unlawfully driving while distracted.

The roadside technology is being developed by Cellebrite, the Israeli firm that many believe assistedthe Federal Bureau of Investigation in cracking the iPhone at the center of a heated decryption battle with Apple.   Continue reading “First came the Breathalyzer, now meet the roadside police “textalyzer””

Mediaite – by Sam Reisman

Laura Bush suggested that if the general election came down to a contest betweenHillary Clinton and Donald Trump, she would likely vote for her fellow former first lady.

“I understand that Americans are angry and frustrated but we do not need someone in the Oval Office who mirrors and inflames our anger and frustration,” she said.   Continue reading “Laura Bush Suggests She’d Vote for Clinton Over Trump”

Jon Rappoport


The film Vaxxed (trailer), exposing criminal fraud at the CDC and the CDC’s concealment of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, was shut down in Houston. Locked out 2 days ago.

It was supposed to open at the Worldfest Houston International Film Festival (twitter), but Hunter Todd, the head of the Festival, admitted in writing that “high government officials” in Houston had threatened the Festival—so Vaxxed was axed.   Continue reading “Mayor’s office in Houston shut down Vaxxed”

Yahoo News

The bullet he’d been dodging for many years finally caught up with the great Oregon wolf, OR4, on March 31. In the early afternoon, officials from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife shot to death the patriarch of the Imnaha Pack from a helicopter over Wallowa County, an area where gray wolves dispersing from Idaho first began returning to Oregon, where they’d been killed off in the mid-20th century. Shot along with OR4 was his likely pregnant partner, OR 39, known as Limpy for an injured and badly healed leg, and their two pups.   Continue reading “Oregon Just Killed a Family of Wolves”


It is widely accepted that American public schools are controlled by liberals. It seems like every day, we see new examples of American schoolchildren being indoctrinated with left-wing ideas.

This latest example was brought to our attention by a concerned parent.   Continue reading “Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To ‘Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag’”


“U.S. military and intelligence officials, some who’ve said they will not engage in such activity, are “not going to refuse me”.

“You have millions of Republican voters voting for Donald Trump and that’s just the way it is”, Rep. Hunter said on Fox News on Friday. Trump defended each of his responses, and launched into explanations of why he said what he did.   Continue reading “Donald Trump reverses position on demanding US military commits war crimes”

Anti-Media – by Clair Bernish

Connecticut — Police are now voicing their concerns about domestic drone use — specifically, they want the option to be able to employ weaponized drones in the future, should the need arise.

As if police brutality and aggression weren’t already an epidemic in the United States, police departments in Connecticut oppose a bill to outlaw the weaponization of drones. The bill also address unmanned aerial vehicles fitted with cameras, and their potential to violate the privacy rights of individuals. But law enforcement departments in the state appear far more concerned with being deprived of the possibility of arming them with weapons, rather than cameras.   Continue reading “So It Begins: American Police Start Pushing to Weaponize Domestic Drones”

AlterNet – by Sarah Lazare

Recent disclosures show media mogul and controversial Israel supporter Haim Saban is pouring millions of dollars into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid.

Haim Saban and his wife Cheryl together contributed $5 million to the Hillary Clinton Super PAC—Priorities USA Action—between 2015 and 2016 alone, according to disclosures available on, affiliated with the Center for Responsive Politics.   Continue reading “Controversial Israel Supporter Funneling Millions Into Clinton Campaign”

Fox 5 New York

New York mayor Bill de Blasio is trying to put a positive spin on a recent rash of stabbings and slashings across the city.  He credits the NYPD taking guns off of the street.

“I’m not a criminologist but I can safely say that guns are being taken off the street in an unprecedented way.  Some people, unfortunately, are turning to a different weapon,” de Blasio says.   Continue reading “De Blasio credits less guns for more stabbings”

Yahoo News

SEOUL (Reuters) – North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ordered his country to be ready to use its nuclear weapons at any time and to turn its military posture to “pre-emptive attack” mode in the face of growing threats from its enemies, official media said on Friday.

The comments carried by official KCNA news agency marked a further escalation of tension on the Korean peninsula after the U.N. Security Council imposed harsh new sanctions against the isolated state for its nuclear program.   Continue reading “North Korea leader orders military to be ready to use nuclear weapons at any time”

Press TV

Syria has plunged into dark as the country’s electricity network is down for unknown reasons, state media reports say.

“The electricity network has been cut in all governorates,” official news agency SANA said on Thursday, quoting a source in the Ministry for Electricity.   Continue reading “Syria plunges into dark as nationwide blackout strikes”

Natural News – by LJ Devon

The overreaching hands of Big Government extend out from all sides like octopuses surrounding us in a cesspool of murky water. Flailing our arms, we swim to get out of their controlling gaze, but their tentacles reach out to block our path. It’s eight to two; for every hand we try to move freely, there are four more tentacles to hold it back. This is the scenario that America is creating today, using government legislation to control one another’s movements, behaviors and lifestyles.   Continue reading “Food Police on Patrol: Seattle to start inspecting residents’ trash and fining them for food waste”

Daily Caller – by Luke Rosiak

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) officials are outsourcing healthcare paperwork for American veterans to low-paid workers in the Philippines, a nation where the minimum wage is a dollar a day.

Long ago, VA opened a facility in Manila to care for Filipino World War II veterans who fought alongside the U.S. military against the Japanese — the Philippines was a U.S. territory until 1946. But most of those veterans are now dead, and the Philippines has its own government agency to care for those who are still alive.   Continue reading “Feds Outsource Vet Benefit Processing To Philippines”

The Daily Caller – by Mike Sweeney

“Just as we fired the first shot to start the revolution, this might be the first shot – no pun intended – to start a movement against assault weapons that would capture the state and therefore maybe explode to reach the country.” -Robert Rotberg author and catalyst of Lexington’s gun ban proposal.

Lexington, Massachusetts.  Does the name of that quaint New England town ring a bell for anyone?  It should, Lexington, MA, is where American independence was kicked into high gear.  On April 19, 1775, the British “red coats” marched out of Boston, heading for Concord, intending to seize caches of arms stored by local militias.  They were first met on the Lexington town green and the skirmish was on, the rest as they say is history.   Continue reading “The Gun Grabbers Are Coming! Lexington Massachusetts Now Faces Semi-Automatic Gun Confiscation”

Yahoo News

DALLAS (AP) — A sheriff’s report offers a detailed account of the hours after Antonin Scalia’s body was found in Texas, describing how the owner of the luxury resort where the Supreme Court justice died told the sheriff he had no authority in the matter. The report also includes a reference to a pillow that spawned conspiracy theories. A look at the sheriff’s account:   Continue reading “Report: Sheriff was told he had no authority in Scalia death”

Seattle Times – by Ariana Eunjung Cha, The Washington Post

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was known for the exacting style of his opinions, the way he labored over each and every word. His hotel room the night of his death on Feb. 13 in Texas reflected this obsession with detail. According to a sheriff’s report obtained by The Washington Post this week, he was lying in bed with his arms at his side and his bed covers smooth. Nearby was his suitcase, which was open and full of neatly folded clothes.   Continue reading “Questions raised by Justice Scalia’s unplugged breathing machine”

Mass Resistance

The danger to women and young girls is worse than most people imagine.

The LGBT movement is aggressively pushing transgender “non-discrimination” bills across the country. In Massachusetts, Bill #1577 could be voted in the State House on any day now!  Across the country, pro-family groups refer to them as “bathroom bills” – claiming that men would go into women’s restrooms and locker rooms for crude or obscene purposes.   Continue reading “Yes, the “bathroom bill” danger to women and girls is REAL. Here are some chilling examples of what’s already happened.”