
In its continued push to make the yuan a global currency, China’s central bank said Sunday it plans to designate clearing banks for its currency in Paris and Luxembourg, as the two financial centers battle with London to become the leading European offshore yuan-trading city.

The People’s Bank of China announced the move in two separate statements Sunday. It didn’t say when it would designate the clearing banks.   Continue reading “China to Set Yuan Clearing Banks in Luxembourg, Paris”

Accelerating - Public DomainThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

A lot of people that I talk to these days want to know “when things are going to start happening”.  Well, there are certainly some perilous times on the horizon, but all you have to do is open up your eyes and look to see the global economic crisis unfolding.  As you will see below, even central bankers are issuing frightening warnings about “dangerous new asset bubbles” and even the World Bank is declaring that “now is the time to prepare” for the next crisis.  Most Americans tend to only care about what is happening in the United States, but the truth is that serious economic trouble is erupting in South America, all across Europe and in Asian powerhouses such as China and Japan.  And the endless conflicts in the Middle East could erupt into a major regional war at just about any time.  We live in a world that is becoming increasingly unstable, and people need to understand that the period of relative stability that we are enjoying right now is extremely vulnerable and will not last long.  The following are 18 signs that the global economic crisis is accelerating as we enter the last half of 2014…   Continue reading “18 Signs That The Global Economic Crisis Is Accelerating As We Enter The Last Half Of 2014”

Activist Post – by Julie Beal

Well, guys, the time is now, cos they’re grabbing us by the short and curlies, and trying to take down us activists; they’re coming at us from all sides now. This is the Quickening. From threats to regulate the press, to Internet censorship, the powers-that-be are finding many ways to control dissent. The Internet is being militarized, laws are being worked over, and political activists are the next target.

One of the biggest activist groups here in the UK, the UK Column, has been targeted by an organisation called ATVOD, an offshoot of Ofcom. ATVOD (Authority for Television on Demand) has singled out the UK Column, and insisted they must submit to being regulated, simply for being ‘television like’. ATVOD’s current directory of regulated groups is mainly made up of porn sites, and big players in the video-on-demand sector, such as CBS, 4OD, and the BBC. Continue reading “Can Activism Be Regulated?”

Here is a link to the flyer website where you can select the state and print out the form that’s shown in the video

Just click on the link and select the state on the right hand side column. Then click and save the image to print it out. (It probably makes no difference, since the cops will do anything they want anyways since there really is no law anymore, but I guess it’s worth a shot.)  

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Police and the Judges will work close together? That is not how warrants are supposed to work. They do not get issued out like candy. Know your rights or you have none. The police have no right to stop you unless you are suspected of a crime. A check point is not a valid way of enforcing the law. Continue reading “Refuse an alcohol breath test July 4? Expect to give blood”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

Ever since 9/11, it has been apparent that the American empire is living on borrowed time. In more recent years, the inevitable collapse of American world hegemony and the unipolar world is one that very few informed observers can continue to ignore. 

Riddled with massive unemployment, an overextended military, entrenched police state, crumbling infrastructure, and the ever-present threat to the US dollar, it is clear that the United States is merely the shell of its former self. Indeed, in 2014, the concept of long-term American primacy is only a fantasy maintained by the mainstream media with its constant repetition of meaningless and absurd notions of recoveries, humanitarian interventions, and national security. Continue reading “Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Decline Of The US And The End Of The American Empire”

Activist Post

The environmental campaigning group Greenpeace, digital rights watchdog Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the Tenth Amendment Center (TAC) joined forces today to fly an airship over the NSA’s data center in Utah to protest the government’s illegal mass surveillance program.

Greenpeace flew its 135-foot-long thermal airship over the Bluffdale, UT, data center early Friday morning, carrying the message: “NSA Illegal Spying Below” along with a link steering people to a new web site,, which the three groups launched with the support of a separate, diverse coalition of over 20 grassroots advocacy groups and Internet companies. The site grades members of Congress on what they have done, or often not done, to rein in the NSA. Continue reading “Activists Use Blimp to Spy on NSA’s Data Center in Utah”

Since the Southern border crisis began, we have been discussing how illegal immigrants from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala are crossing our borders and invading our country in mass waves. We have talked about what is happening on our side of the border and how our border patrol agents are trying to deal with the situation. We have even reported how drug cartels and Mexican soldiers are crossing our borders and shooting at our border patrol agents and how the Mexican border patrol is doing absolutely nothing about it.

But one question that no one is asking in the media is, “Why aren’t we going to war with Mexico and Central America?”   Continue reading “The Question no one in the media is asking: Why aren’t we going to war with Mexico and Central America?”


MOSCOW (AP) — On Russian President Vladimir Putin’s demand, the upper house of the Russian parliament on Wednesday canceled a resolution allowing the use of military in Ukraine, a move intended to show Moscow’s eagerness to de-escalate tensions and avoid a new round of Western sanctions.

Putin had said his request, made a day earlier, was intended to help support the peace process in Ukraine, which began Friday with a weeklong cease-fire. Putin needs to show his support for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s peace plan ahead of Friday’s European Union summit, which is set to discuss new sanctions against Russia.   Continue reading “Russia annuls sanction for use of force in Ukraine”

Yahoo News – by Lucia Mutikani

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. economy contracted at a much steeper pace in the first quarter than previously estimated, turning in one of its worst-ever non-recession performances, but growth already appears to have rebounded strongly.

The Commerce Department said on Wednesday gross domestic product fell at a 2.9 percent annual rate, the sharpest decline in five years, instead of the 1.0 percent pace it had reported last month.   Continue reading “U.S. economy collapses in first quarter, but growing again”

Yahoo News – by Eli Lake

The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham is threatening to take control of Balad Airbase, Iraq’s largest airfield and one of America’s most important military outposts during its occupation of the country.

Today, Balad still has plenty of vehicles and aircraft on the base that any terrorist group would covet, including Russian-made transport helicopters, surveillance planes, and a fleet of pickup trucks fitted with heavy machine guns.     Continue reading “ISIS Tries to Grab Its Own Air Force”


BAGHDAD (AP) — Syrian warplanes bombed Sunni militants’ positions inside Iraq, military officials confirmed Wednesday, deepening the concerns that the extremist insurgency that spans the two neighboring countries could morph into an even wider regional conflict. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned against the threat and said other nations should stay out.   Continue reading “Kerry issues warning after Syria bombs Iraq”

It’s been almost a week and still we have seen very little footage or first-hand evidence of what is going on down at the border in ground zero cities like McAllen and Laredo, TX. During the Bundy Ranch incident, we had Alex Jones, Pete Santilli, Wade, who is a contributor on From the Trenches World Report, Oathkeepers, militia groups and many others with I-phones and live streaming of everything that was going on. That was only when we were fighting against 200 BLM and Federal agents. Now we have over 7,000 illegals and MS-13 gang members crossing our Southern border PER MONTH and there is not one single picture or clip of any of it. This is ridiculous!   Continue reading “A Message to the Alternative Media: We Need to Know What is Going on at the Southern Border!”

ncMany Americans think these illegal immigrants are mere children or people from Mexico but they are dead wrong. The invaders coming in through our Southern border are people from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. They have been mysteriously told that once they get into the U.S., they will be able to stay there and not get deported.

In a recent article by Liberty Beacon, they state that, “U.S. law prohibits the Department of Homeland Security from immediately deporting the children if they are not from Canada or Mexico.”     Continue reading “Know Your Enemy: Maras and Calle 18”

Kansas Boy Forced to Remove Little Free Library From His Yard (ABC News)You can give illegal immigrants new underwear but don’t you dare open up a small library in your yard.

Yahoo News – by Yazhou Sun

Spencer Collins, 9, loves to read. The idea of sharing his love of books with his neighbors thrills him. So with the help of his parents, he set up a Little Free Library in their yard in Leawood, Kansas.

But the town of Leawood decided the birdhouse-sized library was an illegal structure and the family was ordered to remove it.   Continue reading “Kansas Boy Forced to Remove Little Free Library From His Yard”

As the invasion of our country continues down at the Southern border and as our country falls deeper into tyranny with an ever-growing authoritarian government, it is important for all of us to keep focused and to not lose sight on the meaning of who we are and what we are fighting for.

During the Bundy Ranch standoff, We the People got together as a militia and stood up to the tyrannical BLM and 200 Federal agents. With over 1500 militia members, we made them retreat quicker than a cluster of runaway chickens. We knew who our enemy was, who we were and what we were fighting for. We had the moral rule of law on our side and we won the battle. We knew it would definitely not be the last, but it was a wake-up call for all Americans throughout our country, as we have finally put our foot down and made one of the most ruthless authoritarian governments roll away faster than a dustball in the desert wind.    Continue reading “A Message To All Militia Members And Future Militia Members”

Patriot Action – by Gerry Emery

We need your help.
Our mission is clear. Stop the border crossings.

I’m now working with a group of Marines and former service members in stopping the border crossings. At the moment, we are deploying in Texas. We do not yet have enough boots on the ground to run the length of the border. We’re seeing a groundswell of support already, because we are doing the job the Feds won’t.   Continue reading “South Texas Borderwatch Interceptors: Our mission is clear. Stop the border crossings.”