HORGOS, Serbia (AP) — Baton-wielding Hungarian riot police unleashed tear gas and water cannons against hundreds of migrants Wednesday after they broke through a razor-wire fence and tried to surge into the country from Serbia. Crying children fled the acrid smoke and dozens of people were injured in the chaos.

With their path blocked, hundreds of other asylum-seekers turned to a longer, more arduous path to Western Europe through Croatia, where officials said 1,300 had arrived in a single day — a number that was sure to grow.   Continue reading “Hungarian police clash with migrants at Serbian border”

Breitbart – by ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

SIERRA VISTA, Arizona — The sheriffs in Arizona have been forced to spend millions of dollars to prosecute cartel smugglers, jail them and pay for their legal fees since the federal government refuses to press charges.

“It has grown to the point of I have upwards of 130 backpackers (slang for cartel drug smuggler) because the U.S. Attorney would not charge them for smuggling, said Yuma County Sheriff Leon Wilmot during an interview with Breitbart Texas. The sheriff voiced his frustration at the government’s lack of cooperation.   Continue reading “Feds Not Prosecuting Mexican Cartel Drug Smugglers, Says Border Sheriff”

ABC News – by Jesse J Holland

The wallets of America’s middle class and poorest aren’t seeing any extra money, the U.S. Census reported Wednesday, a financial stagnation experts say may be fueling political dissent this campaign season.

The Census Bureau, in its annual look at poverty and income in the United States, said both the country’s median income and poverty rate were statistically unchanged in 2014 from the previous year.   Continue reading “Census: Income, poverty numbers stay just about the same”

Red Right Republic

As Saudi Arabia faces mounting criticism for refusing to take in any of the millions of Syrians fleeing conflict in their homeland, it was revealed this weekend that the country has over 100,000 empty, air-conditioned tents that could house up to 3 million refugees.    Continue reading “Saudi Arabia has 100,000 air-conditioned tents sitting empty, still won’t take Syrian refugees”

Breitbart – by Bob Price

HOUSTON, Texas – A thin blue line of police supporters stretched for over a mile along a Texas highway on Saturday as over 8,000 Texans took to the streets. The marchers gathered in the #PoliceLivesMatter parade in memory of murdered Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth and in support of all police.

“Enough is enough,” said David Sherrod, a Houston businessman and one of the event’s organizers. “You aren’t going to execute cops in Houston. We won’t stand for it.”   Continue reading “Blue Army of Thousands March in Texas — #PoliceLivesMatter”


Germany’s open-door policy to refugees appeared to be unravelling tonight following the country’s reinstatement of border controls to curb the overwhelming influx of migrants.

Europe’s top economy halted all trains from Austria and, in an historic move, temporarily suspended the open borders Schengen agreement in response to the arrival of tens of thousands of Syrian refugees in recent days.    Continue reading “Germany stops ALL trains from Austria as they reintroduce border controls and temporarily suspend Schengen Agreement”


BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hundreds of migrants chanted defiant slogans outside Budapest’s main international railway station Wednesday as Hungarian police blocked them for a second day from seeking asylum in Germany and other European Union countries to the west.

“What we want? Peace! What we need? Peace!” a few hundred migrants chanted outside Keleti station, the new focal point for continent-wide tensions over the unrelenting flow of migrants from the Middle East, Asia and Africa fleeing war, persecution and poverty.   Continue reading “Migrants Defiant as Hungary Blocks Train Links for 2nd Day”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On September 1, California Assembly members voted 42 to 23 to repeal to repeal an exemption that currently allows concealed carry permit holders to carry their guns on college and university campuses for self-defense.

State senator Lois Wolk (D-Davis) pushed the repeal without once citing a single instance where a concealed carry permit holder committed a crime while carrying on campus.   Continue reading “CA Assembly Passes Bill To Repeal Campus Carry”

Breitbart – by William Bigelow

Firefighters across the Western United States will receive help from the U.S. Army to fight wildfires.

According to the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) in Boise, Idaho, for the first time since 2006, soldiers will aid the 30,000 firefighters and support crews battling 1.1 million acres ravaged by wildfires. About 200 soldiers from the 17th Field Artillery Brigade, 7th Infantry Division, Army at the Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) in Washington, split into 10 crews, will attack one of the fires. NPR reports that National Guard troops and four military C-130 cargo planes from McClellan Air Tanker Base in California have already been deployed to fight the blazes.   Continue reading “Army Mobilized to Fight Wildfires”

Breitbart – by Michelle Moons

LOS ANGELES — Chanell Temple, a black woman originally from Huntington Park, delivered a strident, politically incorrect speech against illegal immigration on Monday evening at the local city council meeting.

Temple, who now lives in the Hawthorne area of Los Angeles, was protesting the council’s recent decision to appoint two illegal aliens to city commissions. She told Breitbart News she had not intended to speak at the meeting, but was offended when someone compared illegal aliens to slaves. She added that she supports Donald Trump “a hundred percent.”    Continue reading “Woman Rips Council over Illegal Aliens”

Breitbart – by Ildefonso Ortiz and Brandon Darby

Breitbart Texas has exhausted every possible source in both U.S. and Mexican law enforcement to compile the names and images of the current Mexican Gulf cartel leadership and core members. Some of these individuals and their images have never been exposed in the public square. Exposure in media has traditionally led to increased law enforcement pressure on Mexican cartel leaders and members and resulted in the beginning of their downfalls. They are forced into hiding and can no longer enjoy their money or properly lead their organized criminal enterprises.   Continue reading “Secret Leaders of the Mexican Gulf Cartel Exposed”

Breitbart – by Ildefonso Ortiz

McALLEN, Texas—U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested at the Texas border a Chinese illegal alien previously convicted in the U.S. for kidnapping and deported from the United States.

U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested the previously deported Chinese illegal alien felon, 48-year-old Li Song Zhao, who also goes by the name Huaqui Hua Zhao, this past weekend near the Rio Grande River. The arrest occurred in the border city of Hidalgo, court records obtained by Breitbart Texas revealed.   Continue reading “Previously Deported Illegal Alien, Convicted Kidnapper from China Arrested at Texas Border”

Yet they still do nothing about it even though they have all of the power and ability to do so. Typical. More dog and pony show.

Breitbart – by Lana Shadwick

AUSTIN, Texas – Texas Sheriffs, the Lieutenant Governor, and experts in immigration related issues met at the State Capitol on Wednesday to discuss the federal government’s creation of a sanctuary state for criminal aliens through its Priority Enforcement Program (PEP).

Jackson County Sheriff Aj (Andy) Louderback, immediate past president of the Sheriff’s Association of Texas, told Breitbart Texas that the federal government’s PEP program “has created a sanctuary state for criminal aliens because it has gutted the immigration system.”   Continue reading “Texas Sheriffs Decry Federal Policies: Criminal Aliens Have Free Rein”

Bloomberg – by Michael Riley, Jordan Robertson

The hackers who stole data on tens of millions of U.S. insurance holders and government employees in recent months breached another big target at around the same time — United Airlines.

United, the world’s second-largest airline, detected an incursion into its computer systems in May or early June, said several people familiar with the probe. According to three of these people, investigators working with the carrier have linked the attack to a group of China-backed hackers they say are behind several other large heists — including the theft of security-clearance records from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and medical data from health insurer Anthem Inc.   Continue reading “China-Tied Hackers That Hit U.S. Said to Breach United Airlines”

Infowars – by Kit Daniels

MS-13 and other violent street gangs are aggressively recruiting illegal alien youth who recently arrived in America.

The gangs, which also include the Latin Kings and the Sureños, are targeting immigrant communities in New York and elsewhere across the country for recruits under the age of 18.   Continue reading “MS-13, Violent Street Gangs Recruiting Newly Arrived Illegal Youth”

Fox News

Syria’s bloody civil war has brought the country’s largest number of refugees and asylum-seekers to the United States in a decade, and thousands more are expected in 2016.

But with the influx comes mounting concerns over whether the Obama administration can properly vet them, and keep out those with terror ties seeking to exploit the system. Lawmakers are worried that not only is Syria the headquarters of the Islamic State, but that the country’s state of chaos makes screening refugees that much harder.    Continue reading “Surge of Syrian refugees into US stirs security concerns”

CBS New York

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Coming to a theater near you: metal detectors — maybe.

State Sen. Tony Avella (D-Queens) has announced he’s developing legislation that would require theater, indoor mall and stadium owners to provide enhanced security, WCBS 880’s Alex Silverman reported.

“Either a metal detector and security or security officers with the wand that they can wave,” he said.   Continue reading “NY State Senator Working On Legislation For Metal Detectors At Theaters, Stadiums And Malls”