NASCAR admits it is shifting its position on guns and the latest proof can be seen via the rejection of an ad that shows a semiautomatic rifle.
The NRA tweeted: Continue reading “NASCAR Shifts on Guns, Rejects Ad Showing Semiautomatic Rifle”
From the Trenches World Report
Enforce our Bill of Rights
NASCAR admits it is shifting its position on guns and the latest proof can be seen via the rejection of an ad that shows a semiautomatic rifle.
The NRA tweeted: Continue reading “NASCAR Shifts on Guns, Rejects Ad Showing Semiautomatic Rifle”
In the first application of a controversial new law passed in the wake of the March terror attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand, Australian authorities have ordered five websites to remove extremist content or face prosecution, according to the Financial Times.
The material includes video taken by the Christchurch attacker, as well as videos showing the beheading of a Scandinavian tourist in Morocco. All five sites are based outside Australia, according to the country’s eSafety Commission, which was granted the power to investigate and order the removal of extremist content back in April. Continue reading “Australia Deploys World’s First Law To Fight Online Extremism”
“I think it’s clear to everyone now” exclaimed Russian President Vladimir Putin, (and French President Macron recently said so publicly), “that the leading role of the West is ending. I cannot imagine an effective international organization without [Russia], India and China.”
And while most politicians are all talk, in the case of both Russia and China, their actions speak louder than their words. Continue reading “Russia, China Continue “Massive Substitution” Of Dollar Assets By Gold”
A California sheriff is calling for immigration reform in his state after he says sanctuary city policies freed a violent illegal immigrant who went on to shoot a police officer and lead cops on a wild, high-speed chase.
Guadalupe Lopez-Herrara, 51, was taken into custody Thursday, a day after the Merced County’s Sheriff’s Office says Lopez-Herrara shot a deputy attempting to arrest him for allegedly violating a restraining order, FOX26 reported. Continue reading “California sheriff blasts ‘folks in Sacramento’ after illegal immigrant allegedly shoots deputy, sparks chase”
Roughly one month after he was found dead of an alleged suicide by hanging at his jail cell in Manhattan, the location of the body of pedophile and disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein has finally been confirmed.
Epstein’s body was buried at the IJ Morris Star of David cemetery in West Palm Beach, the Mirror reports. He was buried next to his parents, Seymour and Paula. Continue reading ““Nobody’s F**king Business” – Epstein Buried In Unmarked Grave”
Decades ago research determined that exposure to cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation is harmful (see 1, 2). Since then more research has confirmed the same thing. This is being taken seriously outside of the U.S. already. Continue reading “New Oregon Law Orders Review of Research on Health Effects from Cell Phone and WiFi Radiation Exposure”
Strategic Alert – by Philip Giraldi
There have been several interesting developments in the United States government’s war on free speech and privacy. First of all, the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP), which is responsible for actual entry of travelers into the country, has now declared that it can legally access phones and computers at ports of entry to determine if there is any subversive content which might impact on national security. “Subversive content” is, of course, subjective, but those seeking entry can be turned back based on how a border control agent perceives what he is perusing on electronic media. Continue reading “Now It’s Official: US Visa Can Be Denied If You (Or Even Your Friends) Are Critical of American Policies”
Either Bill de Blasio is looking to take the focus off of his poll numbers, which are far below the Federal Funds Rate and may stay that way even if we implement NIRP, or he is now just purposefully trying to come up with ways to annoy his constituents in New York as of some type of sick sociopathic novelty.
Regardless of intent, it’s being reported that de Blasio, having solved all other issues in New York and across the country, is now considering the idea of making bicycle riders get licenses and registrations, similar to automobiles, according to the New York Daily News and the Washington Times. Continue reading “Bill de Blasio Is Considering Requiring NYC Cyclists To Have Licenses And Registrations”
Intel News – by Joseph Fitsanakis
An Iranian engineer who was recruited by Dutch intelligence helped the United States and Israel infect computers used in Iran’s nuclear program with the Stuxnet cyber weapon, according to a new report. Discovered by researchers in 2010, Stuxnet is believed to have been designed with the aim of sabotaging the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The virus targeted the industrial computers —known as programmable logic controllers— that regulated mechanical and electronic hardware in Iranian nuclear installations. By compromising the software installed on these computers, Stuxnet manipulated the rotor speed of nuclear centrifuges at Iran’s Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant. By increasing the centrifuges’ rotor speed to unmanageable levels, Stuxnet rendered many of these machines permanently inoperable. Continue reading “Iranian engineer recruited by Holland helped CIA and Mossad deliver Stuxnet virus”
The United States offered millions of dollars to the captain of an Iranian oil tanker currently at the center of a diplomatic spat, according to the Financial Times and confirmed to the AFP by the US state department.
US special representative to Iran, Brian Hook, emailed the captain of the Adrian Darya 1 about sailing the vessel to a country willing to impound it on behalf of the Trump administration. Continue reading “US Offers Iranian Tanker Captain Millions To Hand Over Ship”
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
California — In the state of California—up until this week—citizens who were “able-bodied persons 18 years of age or older,” would be charged with a crime if a police officer asked them for help and they refused. All that has since changed, however, after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill that no longer required or forced citizens to help police officers. Continue reading “New Law Allows Citizens to Refuse to Help Police Officers Who Ask for Assistance”
As if the US embassy’s move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in recognition of the US designating the ancient city Israel’s capital wasn’t contentious enough, a local controversy has exploded after the soon to be completed embassy compound’s perimeter wall began to be constructed.
Both Arab and Jewish residents in the area are outraged at the mammoth 5.8 meter high ‘defense wall’ going up (or nearly 20 feet) in the south Jerusalem neighborhood of Arnona. Continue reading “New US Embassy’s Massive 20-foot ‘Defense Wall’ Has Enraged Jerusalem Residents”
Australian special police forces seized a total of 475 guns across the country in a week-long crackdown on illegal firearms, according to AAP (via Yahoo).
Dubbed Operation Athena, the crackdown targeting firearms trafficking involved all police jurisdictions – including the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Border Force and the Department of Home Affairs. Continue reading “Australian Feds Seize Hundreds Of Illegal Firearms From Citizens”
HONG KONG (Reuters) – Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam on Wednesday withdrew an extradition bill that triggered months of often violent protests so the Chinese-ruled city can move forward from a “highly vulnerable and dangerous” place and find solutions.
Her televised announcement came after Reuters reports on Friday and Monday revealing that Beijing had thwarted an earlier proposal from Lam to withdraw the bill and that she had said privately that she would resign if she could, according to an audio recording obtained by Reuters. Continue reading “Hong Kong leader pulls extradition bill, but too little too late, say some”
Middle-class wages in progressive California have risen by 1 percent in the last 40 years, says a study by the establishment California Budget and Policy Center.
“Earnings for California’s workers at the low end and middle of the wage scale have generally declined or stagnated for decades,” says the report, titled “California’s Workers Are Increasingly Locked Out of the State’s Prosperity.” The report continued: Continue reading “Report: California’s Middle-Class Wages Rise by 1 Percent in 40 Years”
The gunman who went on a rampage in West Texas Saturday was deemed mentally unfit and had been banned from buying firearms in the criminal background check system, according to the Wall Street Journal.
36-year-old Seth Ator, who a neighbor described as a “violent, aggressive person,” killed seven people when he opened fire in an Odessa movie theater after being fired from his oil services job earlier that morning. Continue reading “Texas Shooter Was Banned From Buying Firearms Due To Mental Issues; Prior Purchase Attempt Denied”
Summit News – by Paul Joseph Watson
The Pentagon has declared war on memes as DARPA launches a new program to fight “polarizing viral content” before it spreads.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is seeking to create software with the capability to “automatically detect, attribute, and characterize falsified multi-modal media to defend against large-scale, automated disinformation attacks.” Continue reading “Pentagon Launches New Program to Fight “Viral” Internet Content”
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
Columbia, MS — An animal shelter and police department came under fire recently after a local woman accused them of euthanizing dogs using cops—shooting them. In a single day, this “no kill shelter” admitted to killing 8 dogs—including a puppy—by having police officers shoot them. Continue reading “Mayor: Cops Who Shot 8 Dogs, Including a Puppy, Did So “Legally and Humanely””
Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke said on Labor Day that AR-15 and AK-47 owners will have to give up their firearms if he is elected president.
He posted a video on the topic, addressing “fears” that an O’Rourke administration would take away “assault rifles.” Continue reading “Beto O’Rourke Pledges to Take Away AR-15s and AK-47s”
On Labor Day, Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden called for a ban on magazines holding “multiple bullets,” which is essentially a ban on magazines holding more than one round.
He said magazines that “can hold multiple bullets” should not be allowed, and this is a giant departure from Democrats’ decades old push for a ban on magazines holding more than 10 rounds. Continue reading “Joe Biden Calls for Ban on Magazines Holding ‘Multiple Bullets’”