American Mercenary

I don’t know if my perception is skewed by what I read, but it seems to me that a lot of people in the Liberty movement believe that conducting light infantry style operations will be something that comes naturally. I think that this is a dangerous and foolish notion on both a tactical and strategic level.  Scotland would be free if Scots could work together beyond the clan level.   Continue reading “Recon, Raid, and Ambush”


The surge of bullet-buying confirmed by the federal government – purchase estimates run into the billions of bullets – even as the U.S. military scrimps to find training ammo is raising lots of questions about the government’s so-far unexplained actions.

But a video that has been around since last year is being forwarded across the Internet as an explanation.   Continue reading “Special Forces Commander: ‘Constabulary Force’ Coming”

Bob Owens

Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy and his liberal allies in the state House and Senate are plotting to ram through a restrictive and unconstitutional gun control bill next week using procedural tricks that circumvents the rights of the state’s citizens:

Next week, Governor Dannel Malloy (D) and anti-gun legislators are aggressively trying to push through an Emergency Certification Bill (E-Cert), a procedure by which the House Speaker and Senate President Pro Tempore jointly propose legislation and send it directly to the House or Senate floor for a vote.  An E-Cert would bypass the committee process and public hearings, eliminating your opportunity for input.   Continue reading “Connecticut’s Malloy plotting to ram through “emergency” gun control bill” North Carolina

The United States Constitution defines treason as waging war against a State or adhering to its enemies, and protects each State from invasion. Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence frames the American republic as one that can change its constituent member States, should the will of the people of any State desire it.  All this was turned upside down by a political party which had seized unlimited power through Lincoln. After the war, Radical Republican strategy for political hegemony was to register all Southern black males using the infamous Union and Loyal Leagues as whips, and disenfranchise white voters who defended their country, the Confederate States.    Continue reading ““…the difference (was) between martyrdom and suicide.””

dhsFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Just a couple of days ago, I reported on two congressmen who were demanding that the Department of Homeland Security explain their solicitations of 1.6 billion bullets for purchase. Congressman Leonard Lance (R-NJ) and Representative Timothy Huelscamp (R-KS) both want answers to why DHS needs to be purchasing that much ammunition, seeing that they are a domestic agency. Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) along with 14 other House representatives have written a letter to DHS wanting to know what the Federal agency is buying so many rounds of ammunition and whether or not they are doing it deliberately to restrict the supply to the American people.   Continue reading “DHS Ammunition Stockpile: Over A Dozen Congressmen Demanding Investigation”

Charleston Voice

The US Fed Has Stolen the German Bundesbank’s [World’s???] Central Bank Gold Reserves

 | 22.03.13

The global debt crisis world could follow the Cyprus model. Spain, New Zealand and Britain have quietly begun to create the legal framework for compulsory levies.   Continue reading “Compulsory levy: Secret Preparations have begun worldwide”

Bob Owens

Why is it that the gun control laws being proposed around this nation by Democrats have such well-defined targets? The truth of the matter is that gun control has always been politically-motivated, is driven by the oppression of one or more minority groups, and is often directed by racial hatred.

It is no accident that the cities and states with the greatest amount of gun control in the United States are those where rich white Democrats wanted to assure their dominance over minorities they secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) viewed as little more than vermin.   Continue reading “Gun control is the politics of oppression”

New America Now – by Brandon Smith

Preparation for disaster, whether natural or man-made, should be as vital as any ideal found in the various practices of religion and spiritualism. Preparedness should be treated with reverence, discipline and duty. The drive for preparation should be seated in the very heart of humanity. As individuals and as a society, we should hold preparedness dear, for it is an expression of the desire for survival and the key to maintaining our inherent freedoms. Without self-sufficiency, we set ourselves up for endless failure and enslavement.   Continue reading “Time To Plan For The Worst Rather Than Hope For The Best”

republic empireFreedom Outpost – by Dr. Robert Owens

Over the years in this column I have written about the American Empire. I have advocated jettisoning the Empire to save the Republic. This topic has sparked debate and controversy even among the most dedicated readers. Usually the argument runs like this, “America is not an Empire, never has been and never will be,” or “America’s far-flung military deployments are not the garrisoning of an empire it is instead a forward defense of the homeland.”   Continue reading “Is America a Republic or an Empire?”

coltfactory.JPGFox News – by Joshua Rhett Miller

Colt’s Manufacturing, the company that has made the iconic gun dubbed “The Peacemaker” for more than a century, could pull up its Connecticut stakes after coming under fire in the national debate over the Second Amendment.

President and CEO Dennis Veilleux said the pro-gun control climate that has taken hold in the wake of the Sandy Hook school massacre and other firearm attacks has left him feeling unwelcome in the state his company has called home for 175 years. Proposed laws being debated by the Legislature and pushed by Gov. Dannel Malloy include a new gun offender registry, an expanded assault weapons ban, ammunition restrictions and a ban on bulk purchases of handguns. Veilleux said those measures have put Colt and its nearly 700 employees in the crosshairs.   Continue reading “Colt to bolt? Gun maker’s boss says company feels unwelcome in Connecticut”

Biden gun task forceAmerican Vision News – by Joel McDurmon

In a recent interview with NPR on gun control proposals, vice president Joe Biden assiduously avoided the real reason for the Second Amendment: it’s not about hunting Joe! It’s about defense against a tyrannical government.

But in his carefully rehearsed remarks, Mr. Biden let slip the real reason he and other statist politicians want to continue to infringe on our right to bear arms, including an admittedly unpopular ban on “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines: government entities don’t want to be “outgunned”!   Continue reading “Biden: government “tired of being outgunned””

Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith


New York state lawmakers are considering amendments to the state’s sweeping new gun control law, including repealing a ban on magazines that hold more than seven bullets, Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Wednesday, describing most of the changes as technical.

The law, passed January 15, a month after the massacre at a Connecticut elementary school, also requires gun owners to register most guns with the state and requires universal background checks.   Continue reading “The Most Stupid Gun Law Ever Made”

AUSTRALIA-BANKING-COMPANY-ANZOccupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

Government officials in New Zealand are taking a tip from Cyprus and pushing for a similar solution to be implemented in the Kiwi nation, according the Green Party. Dr. Russel Norman, co-leader of the Green Party stated: “Bill English is proposing a Cyprus-style solution for managing bank failure here in New Zealand – a solution that will see small depositors lose some of their savings to fund big bank bailouts.”   Continue reading “Technocrats Turn Their Attention to New Zealand For Cyprus-Style Deposit Tax”

New America Now – by John Kaminski

It used to be that foreign threats were advertised as the main reason to send our young men off to war to defend our country. Amazing though it seems, we used to believe those stories. Many of our fathers and grandfathers died defending that principle.

Now, all that has changed. The threat is no longer some faraway enemy. The main enemy to peace in the world and security at home has become our own government.   Continue reading “Who Will Protect Us From Our Own Government?”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Gregory Mannarino explains the devastating impact of America’s debt based economic model – and what the final outcome of trillion dollar deficits will be.

If you want to understand the economic and monetary policies that brought us to this breaking point, watch every minute of the following video.   Continue reading “It’s Coming: “A Pan-Global Collapse Is Inevitable” *Must Watch Video*”

Charleston Voice – by by Phoenix Capital Research

The markets are staging a bounce today based on:

  1. The ECB surfacing to say it will provide liquidity to help with the Cyprus situation.
  2. Bernanke’s speech today and the Fed’s FOMC (stocks tend to rally going into FOMC meetings).   Continue reading “Why You Should Be Terrified Of What Just Happened in Cyprus”