liar_stampThe Tenth Amendment Center – by Michael Boldin

Here’s a surprise for you; some Governors have absolutely zero understanding of the Constitution.  None, whatsoever.  Montana Governor Steve Bullock seems to fit that description quite nicely.

Yesterday, he vetoed Montana House Bill 302 (HB302).  The bill would require the state to refuse to enforce or assist the enforcement of any federal bans on semiautomatic weapons or large capacity magazines.  The bill states, in part:   Continue reading “Montana Governor Lies About the Constitution, Vetoes 2nd Amendment Protection Bill”

Homeland Security Demands “Obedience” in Message to AgentsThe New American – by Alex Newman

The Obama administration and its controversial Department of Homeland Security are under fire for sending what is being described as a “chilling” message to U.S. Border Patrol agents demanding “obedience,”Liberty News Network (LNN) national correspondent and law-enforcement advocate Andy Ramirez revealed in anexclusive video report (see below) calling for Congress to investigate. The word “obedience” was defined on the official TV screens as: “quickly and cheerfully carrying out the direction of those who are responsible for me.”   Continue reading “Homeland Security Demands “Obedience” in Message to Agents”

734283_625889230761410_1020933317_nOccupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

Retired US Army Captain Terry Michael Hestilow wrote an open letter and posted it to Facebook concerning the recent purchases by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Hestilow directed the letter to Senator John Cornyn. In the letter Hestilow said: “It is with gravest concern that I write to you today concerning the recent appropriation of weapons by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that can only be understood as a bold threat of war by that agency, and the Obama administration, against the citizens of the United States of America. . . . The Obama administration is deliberately defunding, overextending, and hollowing the Department of Defense; the only legitimate agency of the U.S. government with a war mission.”   Continue reading “Are DHS Arming Obama’s Civilian Army With Recent Ammo Purchases?”

American Thinker – by Jack Curtis

Pan et Circenses (Bread and Circuses) famously described the relationship between the Roman Emperor and his people in the decadent years of the Empire, and they seem fairly applied to America today. We have, in line with our technological advancement, upgraded (if that is the term) to food stamps (47.5 million and counting) and sports, but the broad scenario hasn’t changed.   Continue reading “Bread and Circuses: The Last Days of the American Empire”

221624_407593456003579_1163320758_nFreedom Outpost- by Tim Brown

Since Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) massive gun control bill is going down in flames due to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) decision to stop it in its tracks, that didn’t mean that the gun grab was over. In fact, that seems to have been all political theater. The real threat comes in Harry Reid’s own S 649 bill, or as its innocuous title is referred to as Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013. It’s anything but safe for communities, schools or freedom and has sweeping legislation that has the potential to destroy gun ownership in America. Because of its introduction last Thursday, it will probably be brought up immediately following the Easter recess.   Continue reading “Harry Reid’s New Gun Control Bill Is Designed To Destroy Gun Ownership”

Bob Owens

Everyone knew Magpul was going to take its jobs and nearly $90 million in taxeselsewhere  as a result of the state’s recent gun control laws. That was just the beginning of the rebellion. The blowback that has begun against Michael Bloomberg’s Colorado gun control bills is so massive that even the Washington Post is noticing it.

Hunters across the country are boycotting Colorado because of recent legislation meant to curtail gun violence.   Continue reading “What Bloomberg hath wrought: Colorado gun control blowback accelerates”

The Global Elite Are Very Clearly Telling Us That They Plan To Raid All Of Our Bank AccountsThe Economic Collapse – by Michael

Don’t be surprised when the global elite confiscate money from your bank account one day.  They are already very clearly telling you that they are going to do it.  Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem is the president of the Eurogroup – an organization of eurozone finance ministers that was instrumental in putting together the Cyprus “deal” – and he has said publicly that what has just happened in Cyprus will serve as a blueprint for future bank bailouts.    Continue reading “The Global Elite Are Very Clearly Telling Us That They Plan To Raid Our Bank Accounts”

Final Version of Arms Trade Treaty Released; Civilian Disarmament on TrackThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

NEW YORK — Just before noon on Wednesday, Australian ambassador and president of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty conference, Peter Woolcott, released his final version of the global gun control agreement.

Upon publication of the document, Woolcott informed delegates that they have 24 hours to confer with their respective governments and then report tomorrow for a final vote.    Continue reading “Final Version of Arms Trade Treaty Released; Civilian Disarmament on Track”

State Ban on UN Agenda 21 Clears Arizona SenateThe New American – by Alex Newman

Under immense pressure from grassroots activists across the political spectrum, lawmakers in the Arizona Senate approved legislation last week that would ban the controversial United Nations “sustainable development” scheme known as UN Agenda 21 within the state. The measure in Arizona follows similar efforts in other states and comes amid increasing nationwide outrage about the international so-called “sustainability” plot, which according to UN documents aims to radically restructure human civilization under the guise of environmentalism and fighting poverty.   Continue reading “State Ban on UN Agenda 21 Clears Arizona Senate”

The Daily Caller – by Eric Owens

School officials at Minnesota State University Moorhead have selected left-wing radical and admitted terrorist Bill Ayers as the 2013 College of Education and Human Services “visiting scholar,” according to Campus Reform.

In an announcement last month, MSUM proclaimed that Ayers’s campus-wide address would be called “Teaching from the Heart: Education for Enlightenment and Freedom.”   Continue reading “Bill Ayers is now a feted ‘visiting scholar’ at Minnesota State University Moorhead”

molon-labe-snakeFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

I must admit that it seems silly to me that the law of the land, and I’m specifically referencing the Second Amendment, has to have another law in place to preserve it. However, in the days we live I’m glad to see that states are stepping up and taking the Tenth Amendment to heart against an overreaching, tyrannical government. One such state is Kansas. Their Second Amendment Preservation Act, also known as HB2199, has moved one step closer to the desk of Governor Sam Brownback (R-KS).   Continue reading “Kansas Second Amendment Preservation Act Moves Closer To Becoming Law”

Magpul PMag MagazineAmmoLand

( During this period of high demand, and with the reality of Colorado state legislation, we at Magpul are taking steps to ensure that responsible Colorado residents who want to own standard capacity magazines have the opportunity to do so.

To meet this need, we have set up a process for CO residents to purchase limited quantities of magazines from our website.   Continue reading “Magpul Establishes Operation ‘Boulder Airlift’”

Nemo Arms Omen RifleAmmoLand – by Tom Opre

Kalispell, MT –( I had the opportunity to hang with the guys from Nemo Arms and shoot one of the most exciting new rifles available — the Omen.

All I can say is unbelievable. Watch us shoot out to 1000 yards with this AR rifle built for the 300 win mag cartridge.   Continue reading “NEMO ARMS The Incredible OMEN Rifle”

Activist Post – by Wendy McElroy

First it was a secret “kill list” on which Nobel Peace Laureate Barack Obama names those he wishes to be assassinated. The names included American citizens Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan who died in a drone strike in Yemen on September 30th, 2011. Neither was indicted or charged with a crime. They were killed as ‘terrorists’ at the discretion of one man whose signature now constitutes due process.

Then, on March 20th, the Obama administration put a $5 million bounty on each of two American citizens: Abu Mansur Al-Amriki (alias Omar Hammami) and Jehad Serwan Mostafa. They are accused of being fighters for the Islamic militant group al Shabaab which is based in Somalia.    Continue reading “Totalitarianism is the New Normal”