EPA Ex-boss Jackson Caught Breaking Law, Scamming U.S. TaxpayersThe New American – by Alex Newman

The Environmental Protection Agency and its disgraced former boss Lisa Jackson are under fire from lawmakers and activists for, among other reasons, having recently been exposed violating federal law by using bogus identities and e-mail accounts to coordinate propaganda and policy with media allies, “green” groups, and policymakers to advance the Obama administration’s radical “environmental” agenda. Other EPA corruption is also still in the headlines, too, with the agency being criticized for ripping off U.S. taxpayers and foisting more unconstitutional regulations on the economy by working with extremist pseudo-environmental groups using a controversial scheme dubbed “sue and settle.” Continue reading “EPA Ex-boss Jackson Caught Breaking Law, Scamming U.S. Taxpayers”

J&T Distributing

Effective Immediately!! Due to the recent changes in 2nd Amendment laws that are pending or currently enforced by states across the country, the J&T Family of Companies which includes J&T Distributing, DoubleStar Corp., Ace Limited, and the DoubleStar Training Academy has been forced to reassess our policies regarding government and law enforcement sales. Effective immediately, the J&T Family of Companies will be joining other manufacturers and distributors by ceasing sales of regulated items in states that have altered the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms. Continue reading “J&T Distributing Takes a Stand on the 2nd Amendment”

Public Intelligence

You may engage the following individuals based on their conduct:

• Persons who are committing hostile acts against Coalition forces (CF).
• Persons who are exhibiting hostile intent towards CF.

These persons may be engaged subject to the following instructions:

Positive identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next higher commander for decision. Continue reading “U.S. Army Traffic Control Point Operations Smart Card”

police stateThe Last Resistance – by Frank Camp

A new bill proposed by the legislature in Olympia, Washington would require lawful gun owners to submit to a yearly home inspection. According to Senate bill 5737, introduced by three Olympia Democrats:

“In order to continue to possess an assault weapon that was legally possessed on the effective date of this section, the person possessing shall … safely and securely store the assault weapon. The sheriff of the county may, no more than once per year, conduct an inspection to ensure compliance with this subsection.” Continue reading “Washington Bill Requires Yearly Inspections Of Gun Owners’ Homes”

The first Revolutionary War was triggered by a government attempt at gun control. It appears the second Revolutionary War may be triggered the same way.Bob Owens

Colorado is poised to be the next domino to fall in the prelude to the Second American Revolution. The Colorado House passed four gun control bills yesterday, and only the Colorado Senate can stop them from reaching Governor Hickenlooper’s desk. As freedom-hating statists have the edge in that chamber, they have the advantage there are well. Three Democrats will have to vote with the Senate Republicans to block these bills, and at the moment that seems unlikely. Continue reading “Chambering the next “shot heard ’round the world.””

Tsdblack7Warrior Talk News – by Gabe Saurez

We received the tragic news that the state of Colorado had gone over to the dark side and embraced the ways of Mordor. For an entire day we have been reading debates and rhetoric. Our good friends at MagPul are fighting and will leave the state if they need to. We congratulate them on their choice and we will continue to support them via the sales and endorsement of their products.

Nonetheless, The Suarez Group wanted to…needed to do, something to show solidarity with those stuck behind the lines in Colorado. Although we do not have the resources of larger companies, we want to do something notable. Continue reading “Behind The Lines In Colorado”

News Max

An increasing number of lawmakers in both parties appear willing to compromise on high-capacity magazines, the one component of gun control legislation that seems palatable to Republicans who view a full ban on assault weapons as politically toxic.

The New York Times reports that there appears to be some willingness on both sides to limit the type of magazines that can hold 15 and 30 rounds that have been used in mass shootings like those in Newtown, Conn.; Tucson, Ariz.; and Aurora, Colo.  Continue reading “GOP, Dems Inch Toward Compromise on Magazine Limits”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

Bob Owens discusses the fact that a growing number of companies are refusing to do business with New York and other states over unconstitutional gun laws.  More specifically, if a citizen cannot have a particular weapon, then law enforcement doesn’t get it either.

Mountain Guerrilla also weighs in with some direct contact e-mail addresses with the gun companies.  I also have some (one for Rock River Arms), and I intend to send notes around on this issue. Continue reading “Gun Companies Holding The States Accountable”

The American Thinker – by Daren Jonescu

If your church’s new pastor had a long and well-known history of atheism, contradicting church doctrine, or fire-bombing churches, would you trust him to serve the church community in good faith, and to do everything in his power to uphold the church’s principles and practices?  More to the point, would you continue to attend that church, and to take your children there?

If people dedicated to the complete destruction of the United States as a constitutional republic became power-players in the public school establishment, would you expect them to build an education system that fostered and preserved the tenets of republican citizenship as understood by America’s founders?  Would you continue to support the public schools, and send your children there? Continue reading “Total Destruction of the U.S.: An Interview with Larry Grathwohl”

sovereign-citizensOccupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

According to the White House Blog website, the Obama administration is working to “counter online radicalization” by “violent extremist groups” such as “al-Qaeda and its affiliates and adherents, violent supremacist groups, and violent ‘sovereign citizens’.”

The White House claims that “these groups use the Internet to disseminate propaganda, identify and groom potential recruits, and supplement their real-world recruitment” with “resources to propagate messages of violence and division.” Through the exploitation of “popular media, music videos and online video games”, allegedly there are “countless opportunities “to draw targets into private exchanges” and provide “violent extremists with access to new audiences and instruments for radicalization.” Continue reading “DHS Use Police Depts to Gather Intel on Citizens & Label Them Extremist Threats”

gun showCaptain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

Saturday was raw, cold and mixed frozen precipitation.  That didn’t matter, as the lines to get into the Metrolina Expo Center were long, approximately a three hour wait.  I saw cars from at least North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Texas and New Jersey.  I’ve been to this gun show for years and I’ve never seen it this crowded.

Feeling were rather raw along with the weather, and there were many angry comments in line about the administration and their enablers in the Congress and Senate. Continue reading “Gun Show Report”

south carolina militiaThe Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

As a warning shot over the bow, South Carolina is poised to take action to protect the rights of its citizens.

Congratulations, you are a member of South Carolina’s “unorganized militia.” Now that you know that, state Sen. Tom Corbin, R-Greenville, wants to make sure you have access to guns in case the governor ever calls on you to defend the state. Continue reading “South Carolina Unorganized Militia And Assault Weapons”

gun banLast Resistance – by Frank Camp

Luke Scott said: “Gun control means control. It means control for the government and the government starts controlling the people.” When I read that, I cannot help but think of the domino effect; one piece falls, and the others have no choice but to fall in sequence. Of course, this theory isn’t accurate 100% of the time, but in the world of gun control, it could not be more applicable. There is solid evidence showing that strict gun control fails miserably.

This week, an anti-gun bill was introduced by Democrats in the Missouri state legislature. A portion of the bill is as follows: Continue reading “Missouri Democrats Plan Gun Ban; Minnesota Follows Suit”

bigtime-suck-pack-versionThe Lizard Farmer

There’s been a lotta talk about load weights lately (pic stolen from CA @ WRSA by the way). Years back there was a soldier loads study done in Afghanistan by the folks at the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL).  For the unaware the CALL guys try and capture tips and info that will benefit the military as a whole.   I dug a copy I had out and pulled the weight list they came up with and cleaned a lot of the stuff that you wouldn’t normally carry (anyone out there got a CLU or MWTS?).  Anyway I’m putting this up for posterity and maybe you’ll find it useful. Continue reading “A Little Weight List”

I'll only grant you peons a CWP if you donate LOTS of money to me.
I’ll only grant you peons a CWP if you donate LOTS of money to me.

Register in the Rockies – by Ironwill

No surprise here. One of the many reasons why I left Commiefornia as soon as I was able.

The L.A. County Sheriff’s Department is known in gun-rights circles for being stingy with concealed-weapons permits. Sheriff Lee Baca has total discretion over who is allowed to get a permit, and he hasn’t given out many.

As of May 2012, only 341 people had been granted them, according to sheriff’s records. Compare that with the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, which had 1,754 permit holders in 2011, despite a population of just 2 million people to L.A.’s 10 million. The Kern County Sheriff granted even more, with 3,564 permit holders in a population of 800,000 people. Continue reading “Sheriff Lee Baca and the Gun-Gift Connection”

AmmunitionThis should be good for a laugh.

Fox News – by Associated Press

Online rumors about a big government munitions purchase are true, sort of.

The Homeland Security Department wants to buy more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition in the next four or five years. It says it needs them — roughly the equivalent of five bullets for every person in the United States — for law enforcement agents in training and on duty.  Continue reading “Why is the Department of Homeland Security buying so many bullets?”

sotuThe Hill – by Daniel Strauss

President Obama’s gun-control push was revealed as a “charade” during Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, according to the leader of the National Rifle Association.

NRA Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre said Obama’s speech exposed the “fraudulent intentions” behind his call for new restrictions on firearms and high-capacity magazines. Continue reading “NRA chief: ‘Charade’ on guns was revealed in State of the Union”

Olympic-Arms-LogoFree North Carolina – via Cousin Bill

Yesterday, we reported that Olympic Arms drew a line in the sand, refusing to do business with any state or law enforcement employees in New York until they reverse their recent gun control measures.

Now, Olympic Arms has drawn another line in the sand, calling out the Fraternal Order of Police when they were solicited to advertise in a FOP publication.

The following was posted to Olympic Arms Facebook page. Continue reading “Your actions are the actions of a rogue organization supporting tyranny”