020213_Conservatives-Guns_Webf_16x9-690x388Occupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

Michael Connelly, executive director of the United States Foundation, says that US veterans are now receiving letters from the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) regarding the disarmament of those former service men and women under the guise that they are in a questionable physical or mental condition because of their exposure to combat situations. Continue reading “VA Writes Letters to US Veterans: 2nd Amendment Rights Revoked Per 2013 NDAA”

gunsCNS News – by Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.

A growing number of firearm and firearm-related companies have stated they will no longer sell items to states, counties, cities and municipalities that restrict their citizens’ rights to own them.

According to The Police Loophole, 34 companies have joined in publicly stating that governments who seek to restrict 2nd Amendment rights will themselves be restricted from purchasing the items they seek to limit or ban. Continue reading “Firearms Companies Restricting Sales to Government Agencies in Areas That Restrict Gun Rights”

Activist Post

The anti-NDAA movement continues to gain traction. There is still much more work to be done as part ofOperation Homeland Liberty, but People’s Blog for The Constitution highlights the latest development we can add to the victory column in Montana’s step toward resisting federal intrusion.

By a vote of 20-0, a bill that bans cooperation with federal agents over the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has just passed the Montana House Judiciary Committee. Known as HB 522, the bill would also require the state’s attorney general to report any attempts by federal officials who try to enforce the NDAA. HB 522 is now one step closer to becoming law.  Continue reading “Montana votes 20-0 in favor of anti-NDAA bill”

AFP PODCAST: New Book on Sandy HookAmerican Free Press – by Dave Gahary

What allegedly happened on December 14, 2012, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 elementary school children were massacred along with several adults, left the nation in a state of shock.

However, from the second the alleged event happened, the mainstream media began a barrage of reporting, 95% of which was absolutely wrong. This pathetic—or purposefully confused—reporting left truth-seekers, already distrustful of any official story coming from the United States federal government or from the controlled press, crying foul. And why not? As of the publication of this 32-page booklet in late January 2013, not a single solid fact has emerged from any official source proving what really happened inside Sandy Hook Elementary. Continue reading “First Book on Sandy Hook”

Jon Rappoport

If you want to track a civilization as it collapses, watch what happens to the concept of the rebel.

On a profound level, mass shootings and assassinations (whether staged or not) are used to define the ever-present “lone assassin” as the REPRESENTATION AND THE SYMBOL OF WHAT THE INDEPENDENT INDIVIDUAL IS.

You’re a separate and distinct individual? An outsider? Watch out. Overnight, you could turn into a raging killer. Continue reading “The era of programming the mind”

The New Boston Tea Party

We know the game all too well, become a politician, be nice to those who funded your campaign and when you retire they will return the favor. And presidents do especially well, speaking engagements, TV appearances, political commentators and signing venues are part and parcel of the cashing in experience.

Not only do the ex-President rake it in in retirement, they have very healthy pension to go with numerous other bennies, but they forget to tell you that the bigger prize awaits when they leave office.  Ample proof of this incestuous relationship abounds. Rather than clamp down on industries that will later hire them, they go easy on them while in office. For instance the defense complex, perhaps the financial industry, maybe the oil cabal, who ever it is, they will feel obligated to write that check sometime in the future.  Continue reading “America being Raped by the Clintons”

veterans-affairsWND – by Bob Unruh

The Obama administration has launched into a campaign that threatens the Second Amendment rights of American military veterans, sending out letters that say their competency to handle their own affairs is being reviewed, and if determined by government bureaucrats to be unable to handle their affairs, they would be barred from having any weapons.

The issue is being raised by officials with the United States Justice Foundation, which takes up cases involving civil and religious rights. Continue reading “Obama Threatening Veterans’ Gun Rights”

texasgunlaw12.jpgFox News – by Associated Press

AUSTIN, Texas –  Under a measure advancing in the Texas Capitol, local police officers could be convicted of a crime for enforcing any new federal gun control laws.

Rep. Steve Toth, a newly elected Republican from the Woodlands, said his proposal would prevent officers from carrying out any future federal orders to confiscate assault rifles and ammunition magazines. Continue reading “Texas bill would block police from enforcing new federal gun laws”

Last Resistance – by Mark Horne

If you were wondering how President Obama and Democrats plan to settle-up with all their foreign campaign contributors look no further than the 2013 State of the Union address. On February 12, in front of the entire world, the “food stamp” President announced that the U.S., the European Union, and our Pacific Trade Partners are negotiating a comprehensive global partnership to combine and implement both the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement (TAP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

If you thought the first four years of Obama were alarming, wait until this global integration of cunning international law becomes a reality in America. Mind you, it is right around the corner, just ask our new Secretary of State John Kerry. Continue reading “Obama Opens Door Wider For A New World Government”

2ndAmendmentThe Tenth Amendment Center

Representative Brian Greene, in an effort to support the individual right to keep and bear arms, has sponsoredHouse Bill 114, titled the “Second Amendment Preservation Act.” This bill upholds both the U.S. and Utah Constitutions, each of which declare that this right “shall not be infringed.” HB114 simply strengthens state code to stipulate exactly how that such an infringement will be dealt with. Continue reading “The 2nd Amendment Preservation Act is Constitutional”

The New American – by Bob Adelmann

On February 18, the Democrat-controlled Colorado House of Representatives passed all four gun control bills over an out-numbered Republican minority’s noisy and occasionally emotional protests.

House Bill 1224 would prohibit the sale, transfer, or possession of large capacity magazines (15 for firearms and 8 for shotguns). It passed 36-29. Continue reading “Reaping the Whirlwind: the Colorado Model and Gun Control”

Pelosi Backs Obama on Secret Execution of Americans Without TrialThe New American – by Alex Newman

House Democrat leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California is under fire from across the political spectrum after admitting in an interview, among a host of other controversial positions, that she was not opposed to President Obama’s secret executions of U.S. citizens without a trial or even charges. She also claimed that, depending on the timing and situation, it was acceptable for the executive branch to simply “disappear” Americans and keep it secret — a wildly unconstitutional notion that even most Third World dictators would never dare support publicly.    Continue reading “Pelosi Backs Obama on Secret Execution of Americans Without Trial”

American Thinker – by Daren Jonescu

See also Part One:  Total Destruction of the U.S.: An Interview with Larry Grathwohl and Part Two: American Education: Rotting the Country from the Inside

In Part 1 of this interview with former FBI operative Larry Grathwohl, we addressed the goals and methods of the Weatherman organization and debunked recent attempts to dismiss their words and activities as “youthful folly” or “typical of those days.”  In Part 2, we discussed the continuity of purpose connecting the murderous radicalism of the Weather Underground leadership with theprogressive education and social justice advocacy of the “mature,” “respectable” Ayers, Dohrn, Machtinger, Boudin, and others. Continue reading “The Endgame for the Destruction of the United States”

When Coleman attacked Starrett, was he simply projecting?The Examiner – David Codrea

With all of the emotion that proposals to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms can generate, what started as a calculated insult against a gun rights proponent speaking at a forum in Oregon turned into an open display of anger and self-humiliation by a former Democrat statehouse candidate.

Lee Coleman fled the hall sputtering insults as he was being questioned by a laughing cameraman. Continue reading “Gun-grabber has meltdown, flees public affairs forum in anger”

gunFreedom Outpost – by Tom Wise

“The government is not coming to take your guns.”

True or false? The governments, both Federal and State, are now putting forth proposal after proposal to take guns. Some states are talking bans, confiscation, house-to-house searches. Is this enough evidence that the government is coming to take your guns? No? Let’s see now… Continue reading “Pro-Gun Advocates Are Just Paranoid!”

second amendmentFreedom Outpost – by Brandlee Dean

After the president, with help from his fraternizers in the deceptive state-run media, somehow won his re-election campaign, I thought it was important to note the first thing Obama and his administration did was turn its attention to the United Nations gun treaty talks.

Hmm, I wonder … If he really had the support of the American people, why is he so busy trying to disarm those who supposedly love him so much? Continue reading “The Second Amendment Is Not Up For Debate”