WACO The Liberal Butchers.Militia News – by Anthony Gregory

Twenty-one years ago we were reminded of the deadly danger of having the left-liberals in charge of the police state. The largest massacre of American civilians by the US government since Wounded Knee climaxed on April 19, 1993. The siege that had begun on February 28 with a botched ATF publicity stunt ended when the and home went up in flames, after an FBI-operated tank on lease from the military was driven through the building, pumping flammable CS gas for six hours into the place where women and children were cowering in fear. Chemistry professor George Uhlig later testified that the high concentration of the gas combined with poor ventilation subjected the women and children to conditions “similar to the gas chambers used by the Nazis in Auschwitz.”   Continue reading “The Liberal Butchers”

Freedom Outpost – Tim Brown

Last year, Gun Owners of America warned that the “ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) is going from dealer to dealer, copying the information on these forms (4473), and feeding it into a database.” We’ve seen, in recent weeks, how this unconstitutional agency is illegally terrorizing small business owners, such as Ares Armor, and raiding their establishments to gather information on their customers, in what many people believe is part of the plan to create a national gun registry database. Now comes another story out of Maine.   Continue reading “ATF Agent Attempts to Illegally Scan Gun Owner Forms of Pac N Arms Multiple Times – Threatens to Revoke Dealer’s License”

antioxidantNatural News – by Arpana Sagwal Chaudhary, Ph.D.

It is deeply rooted in our psyche that antioxidants help prevent cancer, and the multi-billion-dollar food supplement industry has exploited this belief for years. One reason why antioxidants are touted to be beneficial is because they scavenge upon free radicals. The fact is, these free radicals are indeed harmful, damage cells and DNA, and cause early aging and cancer. The larger question here is what type of antioxidants are proven to be bad?   Continue reading “Taking artificial vitamin supplements? Think again. Their antioxidant component scientifically proven to cause cancer”

earthquakeNatural News – by Mike Adams

A 5.1 magnitude earthquake rocked Southern California early this morning, shattering windows and damaging homes. The city of Fullerton suffered seven water main breaks, cutting off tap water to thousands of homes. Minor injuries were reported and there was considerable property damage, but fortunately no deaths were reported.

“At least 20 aftershocks had been recorded by late Friday” reported the LA Times(1) which went on to report:   Continue reading “5.1 earthquake rocks Southern California: Here are 10 urgent preparedness tips for surviving a damaged city”

governmentNatural News – by Mike Adams

As the conventional news coverage of Flight 370 becomes increasingly delusional and detached from reality, for the sake of all those families and loved ones still suffering I thought it important to publish a reality check that can help bring the discussion back to some common sense.

Let’s cover five indisputable facts about governments, radar and aircraft:   Continue reading “Flight 370 reality check: A Boeing 777 doesn’t disappear unless governments want it to disappear”

will you fire on americansThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

As important as the crisis in Ukraine may be, I am growing concerned that we are allowing ourselves to be distracted away from a very grave and growing domestic threat to our citizens.

President Obama has continued to add to his martial law package and he is getting a lot closer to naming the enemies of the people and groups that he intends to target once martial law is declared.   Continue reading “Will You Fire On American Citizens?”

As all American Nationals know the intentions of the despots which masquerade as “Leaders”,  “Politicians”, and “Lawmakers”, we look at each of you with steely resolve and Righteous indignation.

KNOW FULL WELL what will transpire “should” you make  ANY ATTEMPT of the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty….in ANY FORM.

Should the “Illegal Decree” be ratified by Congress and the attempt made to “Grab” America’s LIBERTY TEETH be enacted, the streets will run Red with Communists’ Blood!    Continue reading “Open Letter in Response to the U.S. – EU Calls for Enforcement of UN Arms Treaty”

U.S.-EU Statement Calls for Enforcement of UN Arms TreatyThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

At the conclusion of the U.S.-EU Summit held this week in Brussels, President Obama and his European colleagues released a joint statement reaffirming their common commitment to civilian disarmament as mandated in the United Nation’s Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).

While globalist and establishment media reports focus on the summit’s attention to the events in Crimea, there is a provision at the end of the statement that is of much greater concern to Americans aware of the crescendo of calls for restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms.   Continue reading “U.S.-EU Statement Calls for Enforcement of UN Arms Treaty”

These blatant and unwarranted attacks upon our freedoms , our industries, and our patience, must be addressed! The alphabet mafia must be SHUT down! Until then, they’ll keep poking their fingers into our eyes, till finally, they get a rise out of us.

Friends, I say enough is enough! When they come to your door, dispatch them to the waste lands of eternal doom. When they come to your neighbors, be prepared to help him do the same.   Continue reading “EPA agents raid ammunition company on alleged ‘environmental violations’”

Canada Free Press – by Sher Zieve

Ever since Obama’s “open-mic moment” when he told then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that “Vlad” needed to be patient with:  “On all these issues, particularly on missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space” which was followed by his continuing with “this is my last election.   Continue reading “Putin & Obama Working Together to Split up the Spoils after the War?”

Freedom Outpost – by Bradlee Dean

Interestingly enough, back in 1945, during the Nuremberg Trials, when the war criminals were rounded up by a world tribunal to bring forth justice concerning those who were responsible for the murder of 12 million people (mainly Hitler’s regime), when it was time to answer for their crimes, the accused stated that they were “just doing what they were ordered to do,” regardless if it was legal or illegal, not only in the sight of man, but also before a Just and Holy God (Proverbs 21:3).   Continue reading “Tyranny on Trial: How Will the American People Judge?”

Source: Elizabeth HarringtonFree Beacon – by Elizabeth Harrington

Lt. Col. (Ret.) Dar Place was two feet away when his friend and fellow soldier took his own life during the Gulf War. Two decades later, like so many other veterans, Place is still haunted by the plague of suicide in the military.

“I personally saw my driver after Desert Storm in his tank put a gun underneath his mouth and pull the trigger, while I was no further away from him than I am from you right now,” Place told the Washington Free Beacon at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on Thursday. He was one of the dozens of activists with Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) who planted thousands of flags to honor veterans who had killed themselves.   Continue reading “Healing the ‘Invisible Wound’”

barbara boxer 2Last Resistance – by Frank Camp

A straw man is a fallacious argument which is built on a truth. A straw man takes an opposing argument, and reconstructs it so that it can be more easily defeated. The resulting argument appears to be the same, but it has been implanted with fatal flaws, which are then exploited.

The Hobby Lobby case has attracted a lot of media attention, mainly because it involves issues of religious liberty. Conservatives see it as yet another example of a matriarchal government stomping on our freedom of religion, and liberals see it as Christian conservatives hating women. Just as a refresher, here are the details of the case, which is now being seen by the Supreme Court.   Continue reading “Liberal Senator Barbara Boxer Deceives In Hobby Lobby Case”

anniepapercliplrNortheast Intelligence Network – by Douglas J. Hagmann

A very sobering look at Operation Paperclip by best selling author Annie Jacobsen.  In the chaos following World War II, the U.S. government faced many difficult decisions, including what to do with the Third Reich’s scientific minds. These were the brains behind the Nazis’ once-indomitable war machine. So began Operation Paperclip, a decades-long, covert project to bring Hitler’s scientists and their families to the United States.   Continue reading “Operation Paperclip”