Bloomberg View, March 26, 2014

U.S. President Barack Obama is scheduled to meet with Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah tomorrow, and the president’s critics have been sounding a warning: By parting with the Saudis on Egypt, Syria and Iran, they say, his administration is endangering a vital alliance. The truth is, the relationship with Saudi Arabia is overdue for a recalibration.

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia still have common interests — in fighting terrorism, for example — and Saudi Arabia’s oil wealth means it will hold disproportionate sway in Washington for years to come. But neither Obama nor his critics (nor, for that matter, Saudis themselves) should kid themselves. Saudi Arabia is not a natural ally of the U.S., and probably never has been.   Continue reading “Saudi Arabia Isn’t America’s Friend”

Christian Mercenary – by T.L. Davis

It is painful to watch the last spasms of America playing out as clearly as if reading it from history. America is not just a place, it is a set of ideals so successful that it is easy to let one or two slide in the interest of peace. While the true ideal of liberty might be able to take a body blow now and then, it is always with the understanding that there will be a counter-punch that will set things right.

The clear decline of America is that it has stopped counter-punching and is just lying on the ropes being pummeled by a merciless federal government. The government has been so focused on landing one blow after another that it has become confident of a knockout. It will succeed in stripping every last vestige of liberty from the people once and for all. But, that changes the game.    Continue reading “The Indomitable Spirit of An Armed Citizenry”

Tonight we’ll begin our look at the period of time known as the, “Tribulation”.

* What might the events running up to it look like?

* Are they similar to what we’re seeing in today’s headlines?

Also, we’ll examine what some of the terminology means, where it’s used, and why.   Continue reading “Join us tonight for the Liberty Bible Hour”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

California Senator Dianne Feinstein (D) is at it again. She’s got America’s gun in her sights. After a devastating blow from the pro-Second Amendment population in America against her major gun grab last year, Feinstein has determined to dig a little deeper. In fact, a letter that she has been circulating in Washington that cites a 45 year old law, which basically allows certain guns to be stopped from import, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives interpretation of “sporting purposes.”   Continue reading “Feinstein Touts 45 Year Old Law to Ban Semi-Automatic Rifle Imports”

Stars and Stripes – by Seth Robson, March 21, 2014

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan — The first of almost 1,200 U.S. Marines will arrive in northern Australia within days to start a six month training rotation, the Australian Ministry of Defence has announced.

The Marines are part of a Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) that includes 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment out of Camp Pendleton, Calif., Marine Corps spokeswoman 1st Lt. Savannah Moyer said Saturday.   Continue reading “1st of 1,200 Marines to arrive in Australia within days as part of rotation”

Spaceflight Now

A powerful Atlas 5 rocket is being readied for launch Tuesday afternoon to place a clandestine payload into space, possibly headed for geosynchronous orbit 22,300 miles above the Earth.

The United Launch Alliance-operated vehicle is capable of delivering 7,800 pounds directly into this type of orbit used by eavesdropping signals intelligence spacecraft.   Continue reading “Hush-hush payload to ride Atlas 5 rocket into orbit”

cancerThe information in this article should be taken in consideration. It would be worthy to investigate further, as to the attributes of these elements, as well as many others. There have been many recorded cases where folks have used natural elements to eradicate that of which is causing their suffering.  Certain things have worked for some, where others experienced relief from different sources.

The thing is this; It’s up to us to research and find what could help ourselves, for the typical sources cannot be wholly trusted, as they once could be.   Continue reading “Top 8 foods and herbs for healing cancer”

Russian BoyAn interesting article comparing the youths of Russia and America…..

Although the Russian’s values are extreme, the American values of self sufficiency appears to be long gone, with the destruction of core values at the children’s level.

Examples: Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts, Civil Defense, 4 H, Hamm Radio, Science Clubs, Vacation Bible School, and others are long gone by the wayside, activities that meant something, once upon a time.   Continue reading “In Russia, Boys Learn To Use Military Equipment – In America, Boys Learn To Play Video Games And Ogle Women”

This article goes into greater detail.

Near Death Experiments – by Pipe Rain

Packing a ruck can, at first glance seem a daunting affair.  If you look on the net, you’ll find all kinds of information on how to pack your ruck to go hike the Adirondacks or the Pacific Coast Trail.  You can find info from the Boy Scouts that will tell you how to properly pack a Coleman stove and a few days worth of canned foods.  In other words, there’s not a lot of info out there that suits “Our Purposes”.  So, in a search to figure out how to do this, and with the help of tire iron, and select tidbits from the web, here’s what I have.   Continue reading “How I pack my ruck”

How FarThe Defensive Training Group

As you experiment setting up your pack and then go into the field, you will find that many times your “what if” tendencies (see above graphic) will guide you to over-pack your ruck with many items you don’t really need, with the final result being the pack isn’t properly balanced once it’s loaded.  It will end up being an anchor instead of your ticket to continued ability to operate or survive.

The following information is provided for your benefit.   Continue reading “Ruck Sack Packing – A Primer”

photo1 (4)The Free Patriot – by Eric Reed

It wasn’t that long ago when Dick’s Sporting Goods pulled all black semi-automatic rifles from their shelves. They felt that in light of the Sandy Hook tragedy, these guns possibly should not be sold. This of course caused massive complaints against Dick’s, by law-abiding gun owners protesting their lunacy.

Dick’s has now returned for round two! A member of Gun Rights Across America we’ll call “John” went shopping for .308 cartridges at the Dick’s in Niles, IL. When he went to checkout, he was bombarded with a list of questions after presenting his current Illinois FOID Card (Firearms Owners Identification Card – Required to purchase guns and/or ammunition under IL State Law).   Continue reading “Dick’s Sporting Goods Now Discriminating Against Law-Abiding Gun Owners”

The Patriot Post – by Burt Prelutsky

As you have probably heard, John Kerry, who is nearly as screwy as Al Gore, has announced that climate change “is the most dangerous, most fearsome, weapon of mass destruction.”

Inasmuch as Obama and his underlings have once again dragged out this bugaboo in hopes of currying favor with their base and redirecting attention away from the stench of the Affordable Care Act, it would be better described as a weapon of mass distraction.   Continue reading “Proud to be a Flat Earther”

ARMs Are Costing People Their HomesThe New American – by Bob Adelmann

Back in September, the Associated Press took a close look at U.S. census data and learned that the supposed economic recovery was leaving an awful lot of people behind. One segment is homeowners who bought the dream of owning a home using ARMs — adjustable rate mortgages — and who are now finding out how these sub-prime mortgages really work. ARMs are forcing homeowners to walk away from their mortgages, resulting in declining home ownership rates for the fifth straight year.   Continue reading “ARMs Are Costing People Their Homes”

SecessionWide Awake News – by Antonius Aquinas

Despite the rise of global totalitarianism and the financial clouds of collapse continuing to darken, there are, believe it or not, a few bright spots that if trends continue, could provide “the solution” to mounting state tyranny while providing an escape for the coming economic cataclysm.

From the ancient waterways of Venice, Italy, to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, there are a number of secessionist/independence movements which seek to disengage themselves from their current nation-state overlords. Some of these groups are relatively new while others are older movements reinvigorated due to the growing oppression and bankruptcy of their national governments.   Continue reading “Secession: the Key to Peace and Prosperity”

Survival Manuals for PreppersUS Crow

The survival manuals and prepper guides available on usCrow are for self-defense, and by no means do we believe in utilizing most of this information as things currently stand. The information available here is strictly available to the American public for self-defense when SHTF. You can view each survival manual by simply clicking on it, or you can save these documents to your hard drive by right clicking on the document and selecting ‘Save As’.   Continue reading “Survival Manuals and Prepper Guides”

barn-vette-660.jpgFox News

This 47 year-old car didn’t just run when it was parked a quarter century ago, it practically still had that new car smell.

A 1967 Chevrolet Corvette with just 2,996 miles on the odometer and one of the most interesting tales to tell is going on sale at the Mecum Auctions Houston event in April.  Continue reading “Pristine 1967 Chevrolet Corvette found in garage to be auctioned”

Judicial Watch

As Judicial Watch demonstrated in our recent survey, conducted in partnership with, the American people are very concerned about a federal government that is completely out of control. I’m afraid a review of Washington’s worst offenders won’t allay these concerns.

However, this list, which is widely distributed by the press, serves an important purpose – to educate Americans about the bipartisan problem of corruption in Washington and about Judicial Watch’s critical work in holding corrupt politicians accountable to the rule of law.   Continue reading “Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2013”