Top 8 foods and herbs for healing cancer

cancerThe information in this article should be taken in consideration. It would be worthy to investigate further, as to the attributes of these elements, as well as many others. There have been many recorded cases where folks have used natural elements to eradicate that of which is causing their suffering.  Certain things have worked for some, where others experienced relief from different sources.

The thing is this; It’s up to us to research and find what could help ourselves, for the typical sources cannot be wholly trusted, as they once could be.  

For a long time now, the medical industry and big Pharmacy, have sought to get the public off of natural elements, and onto elements which they’ve processed into synthetic materials, keeping folks dependent upon them, for the folks are unable to make their own synthetic drugs. If the folks used natural elements, there would less dependency upon the industry.

The elements which I speak of are nothing more than herbs, and plant sources. Our forefathers, knew what would help them bring relief from many ailments. Granted, many developments since then has helped man to overcome major ailments. But where do you suppose the “sources” for these discoveries came from??? That’s right, natural source elements.

The problem with big medical, and big pharmacy, is found when they process their products. They introduce harmful ingredients to help their products to either bond together, or filler, to complete the process.

All this can be verified with a little research.

Well, what are you waiting for????? Investigate your natural healing sources now.

Ok, I hear you ….Let me get you started. Here are three great sources to, “prime the pump”.

  • Peterson Field Guides – Medicinal Plants and Herbs by Steven Foster and James A. Duke –Fantastic Research and Color Photos of the plants
  • The Complete Guide To Edible Wild Plants by The Dept. of the Army – Great Pictures and information. (Similar to Peterson Field Guide)
  • The Doom and Bloom Survival Handbook by Joseph Alton, M.D. and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P.

And there are many others, as well. Now get started to your better health. Always remember to ASK ADVICE from EXPERIENCED Herbologists and Natural Health advisers.

Natural News – by Derek Henry

With 44% of men and 39% of women now being diagnosed with cancer, it has become more important than ever to understand the foods that will not only nourish your body, but also detoxify it of any cancer causing agents. Here are some of the most potent cancer destroying foods and herbs.

Sea Vegetables

Kelp, kombu, and nori are three of the more common sea vegetables with remarkable effects on cancer. They are one of the richest and most bioavailable sources of iodine, a substance lacking in the average diet that is implicated in many patients with breast and ovarian cancer.

They are also rich in calcium and potassium, as well as all minerals, which assist in promoting a very alkaline environment, which makes it very difficult for existing cancer to survive.


Chlorella and spirulina are two of the most potent algae and are proven cancer fighters.

Due to their incredible detoxification action (including binding to and eliminating heavy metals) and immune boosting properties (by promoting production of healthy gut flora and fighting candida overgrowth), they are a must have when healing cancer.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage have been linked to lower cancer risks and have the ability to halt growth of cancer cells for tumors in the breast, uterine lining, lung, colon, liver, and cervix.

It appears that a phytochemical called sulforaphane can stimulate enzymes that detoxify carcinogens before they damage cells, as well as indole 3-carbinol and crambene, which are also suspected of activating detoxification enzymes.

Medicinal Mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms such as reishi and chaga have had a number of bioactive molecules, including anti-tumor agents, identified in their structure. These bioactive compounds include polysaccharides, alkaloids, tocopherols, phenolics, flavonoids, carotenoids, folates, ascorbic acid enzymes, and organic acids.

Studies show that long-term consumption of reishi prevents tumor proliferation and growth by increasing the level of antioxidants in an individual’s blood plasma while boosting the immunity of those suffering from advanced stage cancer.

Aloe Vera

Research shows strong immunomodulatory and anti-tumor properties for polysaccharides in aloe vera, which means it boosts immune system function and destroys cancer tumors.

A study in International Immunopharmacology showed that aloe vera polysaccharides exhibited potent macrophage activating activities including producing increased volumes of nitric oxide, which has anti-tumor potential.


The hemp plant contains some of the most balanced and richest sources of oils on the planet, with an ideal ratio of 3:1 for omega 6 to omega 3. Hemp seed oil also contains 80% essential fatty acids, the highest of any plant.

Essential fatty acids are fundamental to immune function due to their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory fatty acids, which helps oxidize the cells and restores health at a cellular level. Since cancer cannot survive in a highly oxygenated environment, the superb EFA content in hemp makes it a great option for healing cancer.


A double blind, randomized study with over 3000 human subjects for seven clinical years showed that cancer risk was cut by 60% for those with the highest intake of allium containing vegetables, including aged garlic.

The miracle nutrient appears to be the enzyme alliinase (a nutrient in the Allium genus) which produces the anti-cancer compounds. The key is to crush it and let it sit for 15 minutes in order to release these anti-cancer compounds.


The Life Extension Foundation has conducted extensive research into the anti-cancer properties of turmeric and found that it targets 10 causative factors involved in cancer development, including DNA damage, chronic inflammation, and disruption of cell signaling pathways.

Hundreds of studies have also shown that curcumin is a potent anti-cancer food that blocks cancer development in a number of unique ways.

I hope this inspires you to trust nature, so we can start to reverse these scary statistics.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Motivated by his own story of being sick and crippled at age 30 to healthy and pain free 5 years later, Derek is an expert in helping people get on track in a fraction of the time it took him on his own journey. Actively engaged in the research of natural healing for over 6 years, Derek has spent over 3000 hours studying and collaborating with top minds in nutrition and utilizes that extensive knowledge to deliver protocols that help people overcome their own health challenges.

Derek is the owner and Master Health Coach at Healing the Body, and writer of over 200 natural health articles, many of which are featured at his Healing the Body Facebook Fan Page.

Derek specializes in specific nutritional and wellness programs, from simple lifestyle transitions to complete healing protocols. Check out his popular free health consult.

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