AmericaNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

In case you haven’t noticed, a grand delusion has bewitched the United States, where constant pro-USA rhetoric and gooey sentiments about being fortunate enough to live in “the greatest country on Earth” have blinded many Americans from recognizing and acknowledging the reality staring them in the face: that society is crumbling at an unprecedented rate and that the country has been taken over by crooks and lunatics who are robbing the people blind and stealing their livelihoods with little resistance.   Continue reading “America: Land of the drugged, home of the medically enslaved”

Jihad in AmericaMilitia News – by Frosty Wooldridge

This quote provides the most ominous statement for America and other Western countries in the 21st century as they continue mass immigration from cultures and religions all over the Third World.

“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands? Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system. Balkanization of the United States has begun.”   Continue reading “Muslims Demanding Their Own Sharia Patrols In Michigan”

What's next--requiring a federal license for cigarette rolling machines and homebrew recipes?Examiner – by Kurt Hofmann

Last Monday, we looked at the previous Friday’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives raid on EP Armory, in Bakersfield, California. EP Armory is best known for the “80%” AR-15 lower receivers it sells, especially (and most directly related to the current situation) their Kevlar-reinforced polymer models, that by virtue of using differently colored material to distinguish what needs to be removed by drilling and/or milling from that which is to be left behind, makes the operation pretty straightforward, even without using jigs to guide the process.   Continue reading “ATF requiring license for renting out tooling, offering instruction?”

mathNatural News – by Mike Adams

If you look around America today, mathematical mental illness is found everywhere. It’s found in the federal budget, where numbers only mean what we are told they mean, not what they really mean. Mental illness is also found in medicine, where mentally ill victims of mercury in vaccines viciously attack parents who seek to protect their children from those very same vaccines. It’s also found in the new “Common Core” curriculum, spearheaded by the federal government, which seems intentionally designed to make children mentally ill and as confused as possible.   Continue reading “Common Core math education intentionally designed to make America’s children mentally ill”

Confederate_congressConstitution Center

On March 11, 1861, delegates from the newly formed Confederate States of America agreed on their own constitution. Here is a look at this little-known third constitution that controlled the lives of about 9 million people for a short period of time.

Much of the Confederate Constitution mirrored the Constitution of the United States as it existed at the time, with bigger differences in the matters of slavery and states’ rights.   Continue reading “Looking back at the Confederate Constitution”

Here’s the latest ….

Says they’re going after the polymer units for they have no serial numbers, but neither do some of the aluminums that I‘ve seen.

Town Hall – by Katie Pavlich 

Last week Ares Armor, a company that sells firearms parts in San Diego, obtained a restraining order against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The restraining order was approved by Federal Judge Janis L. Sammartino and a federal raid of the business was prevented. ATF planned on raiding the company in order to gain access to a list containing more than 5,000 customer names. The customers on the list had purchased a plastic or polymer lower receiver from EP Armory, a part that is used to build rifles legally at home. The metal version of the receiver is legal due to being stamped with a serial number.   Continue reading “Despite Restraining Order, ATF Raids Ares Armor Over Plastic Parts”

ABC News

A Somali police officer says a suicide car bomber accidentally detonated his explosives near a popular hotel in the Somali capital.

Capt. Mohamed Hussein said the bomber appeared to have prematurely detonated his explosives-laden car Saturday as he tried to park near a hotel. No others were hurt or killed in the blast.   Continue reading “Somali Suicide Bomber Kills Self”

AR-15 aresGuns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

UPDATE 3/16: Apparently the temporary restraining order obtained by Ares Armor was revised to include a clause to “not restrain lawful criminal proceedings”. So, I guess the ATF considers breaking into a business and stealing its computers and records is a “lawful criminal proceeding”. I guess the people who bought the lowers in question can expect some kind of contact from the ATF. Fun times.

We’ve always said that a restraining order is just a piece of paper. Usually we’re referring to defensive gun uses when we say that. However, in this case we have the government violating a restraining order issued by… the government.   Continue reading “ATF Raids Ares Armor In Direct Violation of Court Issued Restraining Order”

Bug Out Bag BOB Survival KitUS Crow

As of February 2014, this will be the third edition of our Bug Out Bag recommended items. Our BOB Survival Kits are refined by writers and active/retired service members who have tested the gear we recommend in an effort to keep our users informed with the best information. Your gear is important, and what you decide to invest your money in should be able to take a beating over time. Ideally a BOB is intended for 72 hour use, long enough to get you from point A to point B. Even if point B is available, you’ll still use the items in your kit throughout the duration. These items are recommended based on durability, combat readiness, battle testing, pricing, and overall usefulness. As always, comment below if you have a suggestion.   Continue reading “Bug Out Bag BOB Survival Kits Version III”

Ammunition Ballistics GuideUS Crow

A firm knowledge in modern ammunition should be standard among survival groups and militias. Such knowledge includes; production of new ammunition, reloaded ammunition, SOP for tactical combat operations and etc. To download any one of these guides you can right click ‘download’ and select save as, or simply select the file you’d like to view without saving…   Continue reading “Ammunition Ballistics Guides”

Keep your cool and survive being mentally prepared for disasterUS Crow

You will never face an environment like that of a battlefield, and when the shit hits the fan you better be mentally prepared to survive any disaster.  Whether your group is under heavy enemy fire or just trying to survive in a barren wasteland – lives are at risk.  Any survival situation will seriously test your will to live.

Post incident survival situations involving combat will subject you to intense physical, mental and spiritual stress.  Those unwilling to fight will not survive.  You must be mentally prepared to take a life to protect you and yours. We all hope for the best out of humanity.  When you take into account over 3 million crimes were committed during 2012 in the presence of a militarized police force – it might be time to start planning for the worse.   Continue reading “Keep your cool and survive disaster with mental preparedness”

Disable MRAP Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Light-Armored VehiclesUS Crow

As of 2013, constitutional Americans have witnessed an increase in hostile posturing by the federal government. These hostile actions were clearly outlined by the CMF Website Administrator in the article ‘The American Government continues to target Preppers’. One of the most notable actions outlined in this article was the purchase of 2,700 MRAP Light Armored Vehicles by the Department of Homeland Security. A purchase warranted as unnecessary and irrational by seasoned military and police personnel. This single purchase of MRAPs is understandably unnerving for those in the survival community.   Continue reading “How to disable MRAP Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Light Armored Vehicles”

Freedom Outpost – by Joshua Cook

In a bizarre turn of events at the South Carolina state capital today, U.S. Senate candidate Dave Feliciano of Spartanburg, showed up at a press conference, (in blue jeans) and called Senator Lindsey Graham “ambiguously gay.”

The purpose of the press conference was to show unity between the candidates challenging Graham by signing a pledge.   Continue reading “U.S. Senate Candidate Dave Feliciano: “We’re Tired of the Ambiguously Gay Senator from South Carolina””