Autoimmune diseases can be cured naturally

healNatural News – by Jonathan Landsman

Type-1 diabetes, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis plus many other autoimmune diseases are on the rise and conventional medicine says there’s ‘no cure’. Once again, and I say this respectfully, it’s simply not true what you’ve been told. To resolve these serious health conditions – one must look at their immediate surroundings for a natural solution.  

Don’t be fooled by modern medicine. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Denise Otten will talk about how to successfully reverse life-threatening diseases like, hepatitis. Denise saved her daughter’s life – after years of failed conventional protocols offered by western medicine. Now, she’s on a mission to help educate the world about natural cures that work!

The real reason why autoimmune diseases are on the rise

The numbers are truly staggering – over 60 million people have allergies, 30 million people are asthmatic, and 24 million people have autoimmune disorders including, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, thyroid disease plus many other ‘hard-to-identify’ health issues. The annual healthcare cost for autoimmune diseases (alone) is $120 billion/year – which is nearly twice the financial burden of cancer care. Unfortunately, too many people are lead to believe that anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids and immune-suppressing agents will solve the problem.

In reality, these drugs cause more harm than good.

If you’re looking to calm down an overactive immune system – that continually attacks healthy body tissue – then you must address the underlying causes for cellular inflammation. Is your doctor able to test for hidden infections like yeast, viruses or Lyme disease? Are you checking for any food allergies? And, of course, don’t overlook the dangers of heavy metal toxicity.

On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, find out how one mother said ‘NO’ to the most prominent New York City medical specialists and helped her daughter to overcome a deadly autoimmune disease.

What causes autoimmune disorders?

Simply put, non-conventional healthcare practitioners view all autoimmune diseases as a byproduct of too many toxins coupled with nutritional deficiencies. In order to boost immunity and heal the body – one must stop eating foods that cause gut inflammation. Genetically engineered foods, highly refined sugars and overexposure to household chemicals can cause serious health problems. Breathing in toxic fumes and drinking polluted municipal water can cause disease.

One of the greatest threats to our immune system is a leaky gut. When our body has been damaged by too many toxins – the intestinal tract gets inflamed and, eventually, allows undigested foreign matter to seep into the body. This stresses our immune system and can cause systemic inflammation and organ damage.

Finally, don’t overlook the health risks associated with EMF pollution, emotional stress and chemical sensitivities. Bottom line – with an allergen-free, anti-inflammatory diet, nutritional supplements like ALA and vitamin C plus healthy lifestyle changes – you can reverse autoimmune diseases without toxic drugs.

This week’s guest: Denise Otten, a warrior mother and natural health advocate

Find out how to safely and effectively eliminate the threat of autoimmune diseases – Sun. Mar. 9

Denise Gabay Otten is the President and Founder of Elite Wealth Strategies. Previously, she was a Financial Advisor for a major Wall Street brokerage firm and a writer for CNBC. In addition to her financial planning work and out of gratitude for her daughter’s recovery, she created a children’s foundation which donates to children’s group homes and hospitals.

A wife and the mother of three, she wants to share her passion for alternative and holistic remedies and the science that validates them. She wrote Curing Courtney in the hope that the book will empower readers to take nutritional control of their health and learn about alternative modalities that go beyond the standard medical treatments.

Reverse autoimmune diseases naturally. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman invites Denise Otten to share her empowering message of natural healing. Find out how to heal the body of ‘incurable’ disease.

Learn more:

6 thoughts on “Autoimmune diseases can be cured naturally

  1. The vaccines are also the big culprit in today’s autoimmune diseases…..before vaccines came along, how do you think they fought yellow fever, scurvy and all the other diseases? They learned about sanitation and proper nutrition…they changed their environments and people started to become healthier….Without a doubt, chemicals are the reason for disease. Sv-40 is implicated in the mesothelioma rise…they said it was from working in the shipyards…it came from sv-40 polio injection. Makes you wonder when they tell you what other diseases are from….it’s their way of hiding the real cause of disease….vaccines and chemicals in our food, air and everything else. It’s a fact that autoimmune disease is chemically induced…that’s why anyone who served at military bases like Lejeune, El Toro, Tustin MCAS, have strange health problems due to chemical exposure from fuel, solavants and pesticides.

  2. they’ll say its family genetics. ya, its normal for grandma, mom, daughter, granddaughter to all have similar health issues. four generations of this is not natural. I no longer buy into the biblical fourth generation sins of the father crap Christians would clobber us natives over the head with because of our indian religion. not to say there isn’t truth to that verse just not in the way there saying it is. its being manipulated by man or the devil if that’s your belief who then uses it to convince and control others. works like a charm. I do however believe those perish for lack of knowledge.
    your spot on about chemical exposure, chemical sensitivity, auto immune diseases, unexplained pain, and misdiagnosis. years pass before a diagnosis is even made and they treat you like your crazy. and because of this it just adds to it.
    natives seem to be especially sensitive whether it be vaccines, alcohol, food so no I don’t believe one size vaccine fits all. we’re all now being treated the same with GMO foods. personally, I feel we were eating this crap years before they got caught.
    the health of ones blood should be tested. that will tell you all you need to know.
    call it night terrors, sleep paralysis, mild form of epilepsy, mild seizure, demonic attack, whatever. soon after my grand daughter was born I noticed symptoms of what seems to be a common thing in our family where there’s never a diagnosis and of course nothing ever happens during the sleep study test. I encouraged her mother to elevate her head instead of lying flat, prayer, and not to vaccinate. she’s two now. smart, strong, happy. and healthy. not to say she doesn’t get sick because she does. her immune system is working overtime. however, one thing I’ve noticed is all my vaccinated kids were sick all the time and needed antibiotics. she doesn’t and neither does her brother who was never vaccinated. that’s all the proof I need.
    notice how when more and more people began to wake up they began putting the screws to everyone who wanted to go a different route. I recently went to a health food store and the place was packed. went there for my daughter and other grand daughter because they’re all I can afford to help right now. I can’t even help myself.
    I want them to survive what’s coming for as long as they can. as for myself, if I survive i’ll be shocked.
    I don’t think people realize the lateness of the hour. i’m still dumbfounded when i hear people going on about politics. republicans this democrats that. we are so way past that.

    1. Well stated, Mel. Generational diseases start with a mechanism. In the case of sv-40, they found the molecular DNA of sv-40 in children…hence, the diseases produced from sv-40 become generational. Occupational studies to chemicals show a powerful link to autoimmune disease. I’m completely convinced at this point that the vaccines, chemicals in the land, air, and sea are the mechanisms of diseases of all kinds. The evidence is looking right at us and people are starting to see it….you maybe right that the “hour is late” in discovering this. I feel that if you have the symptoms, and the disease hasn’t morphed into a more serious condition like cancer, you can stop the progression by natural means; The first rule is to eliminate the toxin and then start treatment.

  3. Typically, the wife and I have always eaten well …
    No, not the high life, but we don’t eat junk.
    I’ve always been big on veggies of all kinds.
    Never big on “fun food” like candy and stuff.
    Also, we have always taken high end supplements.
    I personally, take C everyday. Morning and evening.
    Work out when I can, usually a couple times a week.
    The career choice I’ve made, keeps me very active.
    (When There’s Work Around To Contract)
    Other than typical affects from aging, Cataract,
    moving just a little slower than I used to, there’s not
    too much I am unable to do.
    In other words, a clean life and great eating habits will
    make a difference.
    For those of you wondering my age …..55

  4. As long as it hasn’t reached a certain stage almost anything can be cured naturally. The key is being preventative. But that’s easier said than done. The one ingredient that does the most harm to our body and opens us up to disease is sugar. Now I don’t know that much but I am told a good way to combat sugar is with cinnamon.

    1. Check out a guy named Dr. R.E. Tent on the internet….he has a load of info. on many things that could help people. I know there are many good people out there for preventative info., but this guy is super amazing.

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